[ABSTRAK Pada proses pembentukan logam metode die casting, nitridisasi memegangperanan penting dalam peningkatan umur pakai dies. Inovasi proses perlakuanpermukaan yang dilakukan sebelum nitridisasi bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi nitridisasi dan kedalaman lapisan nitrida pada baja H13 Modifikasi.Nitridisasi gas dilakukan dalam vacuum furnace, pada suhu 510oC selama 5 jam.Shot peening dilakukan dengan menggunakan bola baja dengan tekanan 461 kPa.Shot blasting dilakukan sebagai metode pembersihan permukaan material menggunakan partikel SiC. Karakterisasi permukaan sampel sebelum dan sesudahvariasi proses difokuskan pada perubahan struktur mikro, distribusi kekerasanmikro, dan komposisi kimia lapisan nitridisasi. Dari proses nitridisasi yangdidahului shot peening, didapatkan kekerasan maksimal 1196 HV dengan kedalaman efektif lapisan difusi 72 !m. Nilai ini lebih besar dari proses nitridisasitanpa didahului perlakuan permukaan, yang menghasilkan kekerasan maksimal 1101,4 HV dengan kedalaman efektif lapisan difusi 54!!m. Variasi proses nitridisasi dengan shot peening menghasilkan ketebalan white layer 4,1!!m; lebih tebal dari proses nitridisasi tanpa shot peening 3,7!!m. Sedangkan pada nitridisasiyang tidak didahului perlakuan permukaan tidak ditemukan adanya white layer.ABSTRAK In the die casting practice, nitriding represents an important factor in enhancingthe service life of dies. Surface treatment innovation prior to nitriding in thisresearch aim to increased the nitriding efficiency and the depth of nitrided layer ofH13 Modification steel. The gas nitriding process was performed at temperature510oC for 5 hours in a vacuum furnace. Shot peening was performed prior tonitriding using a cast steel ball with 461 kPa nozzle pressure. Shot blasting withSiC particle was also performed as a surface cleaning method. Characterizationson the surface of steel were done before and after the variation of nitriding processwith focused on the microstructure, microhardness profile, and the chemicalcomposition of the nitrided layer formed. It was found that shot peening prior tonitriding significantly increased the nitriding kinetics, that results in 1196 HVmaximum surface hardness with 72 !m effective case depth. This results werehigher than the nitriding process without prior surface preparation, which haveonly 1101,4 HV maximum surface hardness with 54!!m effective case depth.While the nitrided only process did not formed a white layer, the shot peenedsample was found to have a white layer with 3,7!!m thick., In the die casting practice, nitriding represents an important factor in enhancingthe service life of dies. Surface treatment innovation prior to nitriding in thisresearch aim to increased the nitriding efficiency and the depth of nitrided layer ofH13 Modification steel. The gas nitriding process was performed at temperature510oC for 5 hours in a vacuum furnace. Shot peening was performed prior tonitriding using a cast steel ball with 461 kPa nozzle pressure. Shot blasting withSiC particle was also performed as a surface cleaning method. Characterizationson the surface of steel were done before and after the variation of nitriding processwith focused on the microstructure, microhardness profile, and the chemicalcomposition of the nitrided layer formed. It was found that shot peening prior tonitriding significantly increased the nitriding kinetics, that results in 1196 HVmaximum surface hardness with 72 !m effective case depth. This results werehigher than the nitriding process without prior surface preparation, which haveonly 1101,4 HV maximum surface hardness with 54!!m effective case depth.While the nitrided only process did not formed a white layer, the shot peenedsample was found to have a white layer with 3,7!!m thick.] |