[Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara dimensi metakognisi dandimensi creative self-efficacy (CSE) pada guru sekolah dasar (SD). Metakognisididefinisikan sebagai kesadaran individu terhadap proses kognitif dan afektif yangterjadi pada dirinya, serta kemampuan individu dalam meregulasi setiap prosestersebut untuk mencapai sebuah tujuan tertentu (Flavell, 1979). CSE merupakankeyakinan terhadap keadaan individu mengenai kemampuan dirinya untuk melakukantugas spesifik, yang membutuhkan produksi solusi-solusi baru, orisinal, dan sesuai(Abbott, 2010). Penelitian ini memiliki hipotesis bahwa metakognisi memilikikorelasi yang signifikan terhadap CSE. Oleh karena itu, peneliti melakukan penelitianterhadap 93 guru sekolah dasar (SD). Alat ukur metakognisi yang digunakan adalahMetacognitive Awareness Inventory for Teacher (MAIT) (Balcikanli, 2011),sedangkan alat ukur CSE yang adalah Revised Model Creative Thinking Self-Efficacy(CTSE) II & Creative Performance Self-Efficacy (CPSE) II Inventories (Abbott,2010). Melalui teknik statistik Pearson Correlation, ditemukan hubungan yangpositif dan signifikan antara masing-masing dimensi dari metakognisi, yaitumetacognitive knowledge dan metacognitive regulation dengan dimensi dari CSE,yaitu CTSE dan CPSE. Berdasarkan hasil temuan tersebut, peneliti menyarankankepada para guru untuk memerhatikan kemampuan metakognisi yang terjadi saatmengajar di dalam kelas, juga bagi pihak sekolah untuk memberikan pelatihankepada para guru mengenai strategi pembelajaran tertentu guna meningkatkankeyakinan diri dalam mengekspresikan kreativitas di kelas., This research was conducted to find the relationship between dimensionmetacognition and dimension creative self-efficacy (CSE) among elementary teacher.Metacognition is defined as awareness of one’s knowledge, concerning one’s owncognitive processes and affective states, and the ability to consciously deliberatelymonitor and regulates on which they bear, usually in the service of some concretegoals or objectives (Flavell, 1979). Meanwhile, CSE is an individual’s state-likebelief in his or her own ability to perform the specific tasks required to producenovel, original, and appropriate solutions (Abbott, 2010). This study hypothesizedthat metacognition correlates significantly with CSE. There are 103 elementaryteacher participated in this study. Metacognition is measured with MetacognitiveAwareness Inventory for Teacher (MAIT) (Balcikanli, 2011), and CSE is measuredwith Revised Model Creative Thinking Self-Efficacy (CTSE) II & CreativePerformance Self-Efficacy (CPSE) II Inventories (Abbott, 2010). The PearsonCorrelation indicates that each dimension of metacognition, consist of metacognitiveknowledge and metacognitive regulation is correlates positively and significantlywith each dimension of CSE: CTSE and CPSE. Therefore, it is suggested thatelementary teachers should know more about their own metacognition, specificallywhile they’re teaching in a class. In the other side, The Elementary school ought toheld an intervention such a training to improve teachers skill of metacognition.] |