[ABSTRAK Pada masa kini kecenderungan menunjukkan sendi-sendi dasar kebangsaan Indonesia perlu penguatan seiring dengan fragmentasi ancaman internal berbagai kepentingan kelompok yang terjadi dan kuatnya arus modernisasi akibat pengaruh eksternal. Oleh karenanya, dalam konteks ini, salah satu tantangan terberat bangsa Indonesia ke depan adalah upaya untuk menguatkan kembali pemahaman akan Wawasan Kebangsaan. Untuk menguatkan kembali pemahaman tersebut, memerlukan tempat untuk mengaktualisasikannya, salah satunya adalah melalui peranan museum. Dalam tesis ini, fokus penelitian tentang peranan museum ditinjau dari fungi komunikasinya. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa efektf peranan museum dalam meningkatkan pemahaman wawasan kebangsaan pengunjung. Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut, maka penelitian dilakukan terhadap persepsi pengunjung, khususnya pengunjung yang berasal dari masyarakat umum, dengan membagi mereka dalam kategori usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan dan profesi.Dalam tesis ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data, meliputi observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui sampling dan satuan kajian (unit of analysis).Satuan kajian yang digunakan adalah para pengunjung museum. Jumlah sampel unit of analysis sebanyak 20 orang informan. Format deskriptif kualitatif dilakukan dengan studi kasus di Museum Keprajuritan Indonesia. Penelitian terhadap informan ini diperkuat bahan dokumentasi berupa data pengunjung yang didapatkan sejak tahun 2010-Mei 2014.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, museum telah berperan cukup efektif sebagai media komunikasi dalam meningkatkan pemahaman pengunjung terhadap wawasan kebangsaan.Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan jumlah pengunjung yang berkategori masyarakat umum berkecenderungan meningkat, meskipun juga kadangkala fluktuatif. Pemahaman pengunjung yang meningkat terhadap wawasan kebangsaan yang didapat melalui keberadaan Museum Keprajuritan Indonesia akan memperkuat ketahanan nasional. ABSTRACT The recently trend indicates the bases of Indonesian nationality which need to strengthen along with the fragmentation of internal threat from the interest of various groups and the strength of modernization effect due to external influences. Therefore, in this context, one of the hardest challenges for the future of Indonesia is reinforcing the insights of nationality comprehension. In order to strengthen this comprehension, we need a place to actualize it and one of them is the role of museum. In this thesis, the research?s focus is referenced from its communication function. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of museum in increasing the insights of nationality comprehension of the visitors. According to them, this research is referred on visitor?s perception especially from general visitors by dividing them into sub-categories of age, gender, education and profession.This thesis used a qualitative research approaches, with the technique of data collection include observation, interviews and documentation. The technique of data collection has done through sampling and unit of analysis. The unit of analysis used is the visitors of museum. The sample units of analysis are 20 informants. The descriptive qualitative format is done by the study case on the Indonesian Military Heoes Museum. The research which based on informant is strengthened by documentation of visitor data since 2010 to May 2014.The results show that museum has contributed quite effectively as communication media in improving the visitor?s insights of nationality comprehension. It showed by the increasing of visitors number which is general public visitors. Eventhough sometimes fluctuating. The increased visitor comprehension of the insights of nationality through the existence of Indonesian Military Heroes Museum will strengthen national resilience.;The recently trend indicates the bases of Indonesian nationality which need to strengthen along with the fragmentation of internal threat from the interest of various groups and the strength of modernization effect due to external influences. Therefore, in this context, one of the hardest challenges for the future of Indonesia is reinforcing the insights of nationality comprehension. In order to strengthen this comprehension, we need a place to actualize it and one of them is the role of museum. In this thesis, the research’s focus is referenced from its communication function. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of museum in increasing the insights of nationality comprehension of the visitors. According to them, this research is referred on visitor’s perception especially from general visitors by dividing them into sub-categories of age, gender, education and profession.This thesis used a qualitative research approaches, with the technique of data collection include observation, interviews and documentation. The technique of data collection has done through sampling and unit of analysis. The unit of analysis used is the visitors of museum. The sample units of analysis are 20 informants. The descriptive qualitative format is done by the study case on the Indonesian Military Heoes Museum. The research which based on informant is strengthened by documentation of visitor data since 2010 to May 2014.The results show that museum has contributed quite effectively as communication media in improving the visitor’s insights of nationality comprehension. It showed by the increasing of visitors number which is general public visitors. Eventhough sometimes fluctuating. The increased visitor comprehension of the insights of nationality through the existence of Indonesian Military Heroes Museum will strengthen national resilience., The recently trend indicates the bases of Indonesian nationality which need to strengthen along with the fragmentation of internal threat from the interest of various groups and the strength of modernization effect due to external influences. Therefore, in this context, one of the hardest challenges for the future of Indonesia is reinforcing the insights of nationality comprehension. In order to strengthen this comprehension, we need a place to actualize it and one of them is the role of museum. In this thesis, the research’s focus is referenced from its communication function. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of museum in increasing the insights of nationality comprehension of the visitors. According to them, this research is referred on visitor’s perception especially from general visitors by dividing them into sub-categories of age, gender, education and profession.This thesis used a qualitative research approaches, with the technique of data collection include observation, interviews and documentation. The technique of data collection has done through sampling and unit of analysis. The unit of analysis used is the visitors of museum. The sample units of analysis are 20 informants. The descriptive qualitative format is done by the study case on the Indonesian Military Heoes Museum. The research which based on informant is strengthened by documentation of visitor data since 2010 to May 2014.The results show that museum has contributed quite effectively as communication media in improving the visitor’s insights of nationality comprehension. It showed by the increasing of visitors number which is general public visitors. Eventhough sometimes fluctuating. The increased visitor comprehension of the insights of nationality through the existence of Indonesian Military Heroes Museum will strengthen national resilience.] |