[ABSTRAK Kinerja keuangan operator X mengalami penurunan di sisi net profitnya, danmenunjukkan cost atau beban usaha yang meningkat di tiap tahunnya sehinggamengurangi pendapatan revenue perusahaan. Untuk meningkatkan profitperusahaan yang paling mungkin untuk dilakukan pada kondisi industritelekomunikasi saat ini yang merupakan pasar oligopoly, adalah perlunyaefisiensi di sisi cost, yaitu dalam hal ini adalah investasi perusahaan. Trafik databerkembang semakin pesat belakangan ini, mempengaruhi kebutuhan akanjaringan data. Sehingga untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ini diperlukan adanyaekspansi kapasitas, dalam hal ini kapasitas SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node).Perancangan model kontrol untuk investasi dan threshold atau ambang batasdisini akan menjadi kunci dalam pengambilan keputusan berapa besar dan waktuyang tepat untuk melakukan ekspansi. Sehingga menjamin tidak terjadinya overinvestment (investasi berlebihan), serta menghindari terjadinya keterlambatanekspansi yang dapat menyebabkan hilangnya pasar potensial. ABSTRACT The financial performance of operator X, has decreased especially in term of netprofit and shows that costs or operating expenses increased each year andtherefore reducing company?s revenue earnings. To increase company?s earningsin Olygopoly market, efficiency cost need to be maintained, in this casecompany?s investment. Data traffic is growing more rapidly these days, affectingthe need of network capacities for data traffic. Therefore to meet therequirements, it is necessary to expand the capacity, and in this case the capacityof the SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node). Design control model of investmentand threshold are needed in decision making on how much the capacity will beadded and when the proper time to expand the capacity. Therefore, it avoid overinvestment and to be sure the proper time to expand the capacity so the companydoes not losing their potential market.;The financial performance of operator X, has decreased especially in term of netprofit and shows that costs or operating expenses increased each year andtherefore reducing company?s revenue earnings. To increase company?s earningsin Olygopoly market, efficiency cost need to be maintained, in this casecompany?s investment. Data traffic is growing more rapidly these days, affectingthe need of network capacities for data traffic. Therefore to meet therequirements, it is necessary to expand the capacity, and in this case the capacityof the SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node). Design control model of investmentand threshold are needed in decision making on how much the capacity will beadded and when the proper time to expand the capacity. Therefore, it avoid overinvestment and to be sure the proper time to expand the capacity so the companydoes not losing their potential market.;The financial performance of operator X, has decreased especially in term of netprofit and shows that costs or operating expenses increased each year andtherefore reducing company’s revenue earnings. To increase company’s earningsin Olygopoly market, efficiency cost need to be maintained, in this casecompany’s investment. Data traffic is growing more rapidly these days, affectingthe need of network capacities for data traffic. Therefore to meet therequirements, it is necessary to expand the capacity, and in this case the capacityof the SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node). Design control model of investmentand threshold are needed in decision making on how much the capacity will beadded and when the proper time to expand the capacity. Therefore, it avoid overinvestment and to be sure the proper time to expand the capacity so the companydoes not losing their potential market., The financial performance of operator X, has decreased especially in term of netprofit and shows that costs or operating expenses increased each year andtherefore reducing company’s revenue earnings. To increase company’s earningsin Olygopoly market, efficiency cost need to be maintained, in this casecompany’s investment. Data traffic is growing more rapidly these days, affectingthe need of network capacities for data traffic. Therefore to meet therequirements, it is necessary to expand the capacity, and in this case the capacityof the SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node). Design control model of investmentand threshold are needed in decision making on how much the capacity will beadded and when the proper time to expand the capacity. Therefore, it avoid overinvestment and to be sure the proper time to expand the capacity so the companydoes not losing their potential market.] |