[ABSTRAK Haji merupakan ibadah yang dilakukan satu kali dalam setahun oleh umatIslam. Kementerian Agama mengalokasikan kuota haji untuk setiap propinsidengan mempertimbangkan proporsi jumlah penduduk yang beragama Islam padamasing-masing propinsi tersebut1. Pertanyaan yang muncul adalah apakah sistemyang ada saat ini bisa diterima atau tidak, ketika faktor sosial ekonomi ikutdipertimbangkan dalam penentuan kuota haji. Untuk itu, saya menerapkanAnalytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), sebuah metode pengambilan keputusanyang menggunakan banyak kriteria di mana faktor-faktor tersebut disusun dalamsuatu hirarki (Saaty, 1990).Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kriteria yang paling berpengaruhuntuk menentukan bobot kuota haji adalah jumlah pendaftar haji kumulatif. Sayajuga menemukan bahwa waktu tunggu haji bagi masyarakat yang inginmelaksanakan ibadah haji, dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan rata-rata waktutunggu haji yang lebih rendah, nilai waktu tunggu haji maksimum dan variansyang lebih kecil, dan selisih waktu tunggu haji yang lebih pendek. Oleh karenaitu, sebuah pendekatan baru untuk menentukan kuota haji yang diajukan padapenelitian ini dapat membantu dalam penetuan kuota haji yang lebih adil danproporsional. Selain itu, hal ini dapat menghasilkan perbaikan dalam penyusunankebijakan haji, dan karenanya, mencapai hasil yang lebih baik untuk pelaksanaanhaji di masa depan ABSTRACT The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limitedcapability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every provinceby considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question iswhether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economicconsiderations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical HierarchyProcess (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors arearranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990).In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion fordetermining the hajj quota?s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I alsofind that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields alower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waitingtime gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help makethe hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead toan improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results forimplementation of hajj in the future.;The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limitedcapability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every provinceby considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question iswhether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economicconsiderations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical HierarchyProcess (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors arearranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990).In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion fordetermining the hajj quota?s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I alsofind that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields alower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waitingtime gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help makethe hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead toan improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results forimplementation of hajj in the future.;The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limitedcapability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every provinceby considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question iswhether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economicconsiderations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical HierarchyProcess (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors arearranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990).In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion fordetermining the hajj quota’s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I alsofind that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields alower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waitingtime gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help makethe hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead toan improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results forimplementation of hajj in the future.;The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limitedcapability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every provinceby considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question iswhether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economicconsiderations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical HierarchyProcess (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors arearranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990).In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion fordetermining the hajj quota’s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I alsofind that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields alower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waitingtime gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help makethe hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead toan improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results forimplementation of hajj in the future.;The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limitedcapability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every provinceby considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question iswhether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economicconsiderations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical HierarchyProcess (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors arearranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990).In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion fordetermining the hajj quota’s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I alsofind that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields alower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waitingtime gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help makethe hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead toan improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results forimplementation of hajj in the future., The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limitedcapability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every provinceby considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question iswhether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economicconsiderations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical HierarchyProcess (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors arearranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990).In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion fordetermining the hajj quota’s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I alsofind that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields alower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waitingtime gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help makethe hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead toan improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results forimplementation of hajj in the future.] |