[ABSTRAK Sistem panas bumi vulkanik, bertemperatur tinggi dan liquid dominatedDieng memiliki potensi sebesar 355 MWe meliputi area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdadadan Pakuwaja. Hingga saat ini telah beroperasi pembangkit listrik berkapasitas1x60 MW disuplai oleh uap dari sumur di area Sileri.Re-evaluasi strategi pengembangan lapangan panas bumi Dieng secaraterpadu dilakukan dengan mengkaji data geologi, data geokimia manifestasi dansumur dan data geofisika. Kajian geokimia meliputi air, gas, isotop untukmengetahui karakteristik kimia reservoir, didukung oleh model 2DMagnetotellurik (MT) yang menggambarkan distribusi resistivitas bawahpermukaan, model 2D gravitasi yang menggambarkan struktur bawahpermukaan, serta didukung oleh struktur geologi, vulkanostratigrafi dan alterasihidrothermal.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua zona upflow utama diSileri dan Sikidang. Zona asam di Sikidang ditunjukkan oleh keberadaan fluidamagmatik, isotop 18O yang enrich dan mendekati zona andesitic water di sekitarsumur DNG-2 dan DNG-8. Zona aman silica scaling di area Sileri berada disekitar sumur HCE-31 dan DNG-10.Pengembangan lapangan Dieng selanjutnya masih mungkin dilakukan diarea bagian timur laut yang ditunjukkan oleh keberadaan claycap dan heat sourcepada zona upflow Sileri. ABSTRACT Volcanic geothermal systems, high temperature and liquid dominated Dieng hasa potential of 355 MWe covers an area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdada and Pakuwaja.Until currently operates power plants with a capacity of 1x60 MW supplied bysteam from wells in Sileri area.Re-evaluation of Dieng development strategy in integrated to seek theextension of field development by assessing the geochemical data ofmanifestations and wells, geophysical data and geological data. Geochemicalstudies include water, gas and isotope to describe reservoir chemicalcharacteristic, supported by a 2D model of Magnetotelluric (MT) which describesthe distribution of subsurface resistivity, 2D model of Gravity depictingsubsurface structures, and supported by geological structure, vulkanostratigrafyand hydrothermal alteration.There are two main upflow zone in Sileri and Sikidang. Acid zone shownat magmatic fluid existence, enrich of 18O and approximate the andesitic waterzone in around DNG-2 and DNG-8. Safe Zone of Silica Scaling be in around ofHCE-31 and DNG-10.Furthermore, Dieng development is possible in north-east area whichshow in clay cap and heat source existence in Sileri Upflow Zone.;Volcanic geothermal systems, high temperature and liquid dominated Dieng hasa potential of 355 MWe covers an area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdada and Pakuwaja.Until currently operates power plants with a capacity of 1x60 MW supplied bysteam from wells in Sileri area.Re-evaluation of Dieng development strategy in integrated to seek theextension of field development by assessing the geochemical data ofmanifestations and wells, geophysical data and geological data. Geochemicalstudies include water, gas and isotope to describe reservoir chemicalcharacteristic, supported by a 2D model of Magnetotelluric (MT) which describesthe distribution of subsurface resistivity, 2D model of Gravity depictingsubsurface structures, and supported by geological structure, vulkanostratigrafyand hydrothermal alteration.There are two main upflow zone in Sileri and Sikidang. Acid zone shownat magmatic fluid existence, enrich of 18O and approximate the andesitic waterzone in around DNG-2 and DNG-8. Safe Zone of Silica Scaling be in around ofHCE-31 and DNG-10.Furthermore, Dieng development is possible in north-east area whichshow in clay cap and heat source existence in Sileri Upflow Zone.;Volcanic geothermal systems, high temperature and liquid dominated Dieng hasa potential of 355 MWe covers an area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdada and Pakuwaja.Until currently operates power plants with a capacity of 1x60 MW supplied bysteam from wells in Sileri area.Re-evaluation of Dieng development strategy in integrated to seek theextension of field development by assessing the geochemical data ofmanifestations and wells, geophysical data and geological data. Geochemicalstudies include water, gas and isotope to describe reservoir chemicalcharacteristic, supported by a 2D model of Magnetotelluric (MT) which describesthe distribution of subsurface resistivity, 2D model of Gravity depictingsubsurface structures, and supported by geological structure, vulkanostratigrafyand hydrothermal alteration.There are two main upflow zone in Sileri and Sikidang. Acid zone shownat magmatic fluid existence, enrich of 18O and approximate the andesitic waterzone in around DNG-2 and DNG-8. Safe Zone of Silica Scaling be in around ofHCE-31 and DNG-10.Furthermore, Dieng development is possible in north-east area whichshow in clay cap and heat source existence in Sileri Upflow Zone., Volcanic geothermal systems, high temperature and liquid dominated Dieng hasa potential of 355 MWe covers an area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdada and Pakuwaja.Until currently operates power plants with a capacity of 1x60 MW supplied bysteam from wells in Sileri area.Re-evaluation of Dieng development strategy in integrated to seek theextension of field development by assessing the geochemical data ofmanifestations and wells, geophysical data and geological data. Geochemicalstudies include water, gas and isotope to describe reservoir chemicalcharacteristic, supported by a 2D model of Magnetotelluric (MT) which describesthe distribution of subsurface resistivity, 2D model of Gravity depictingsubsurface structures, and supported by geological structure, vulkanostratigrafyand hydrothermal alteration.There are two main upflow zone in Sileri and Sikidang. Acid zone shownat magmatic fluid existence, enrich of 18O and approximate the andesitic waterzone in around DNG-2 and DNG-8. Safe Zone of Silica Scaling be in around ofHCE-31 and DNG-10.Furthermore, Dieng development is possible in north-east area whichshow in clay cap and heat source existence in Sileri Upflow Zone.] |