[ABSTRAK Tesis ini merupakan penelitian mengenai representasi ketokohan Hasan Saleh danketokohan Daud Beureueh di dalam novel Napoleon dari Tanah Rencong dan teksteksnonsastra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan narasi ketokohanHasan Saleh dan ketokohan Daud Beureueh dalam novel maupun teks-teks nonsastra.Landasan pemikiran yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif newhistoricism. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketokohan Hasan Saleh danketokohan Daud Beureueh dalam teks novel direpresentasikan berbeda dengan teksteksnonsastra yang menjadi sumber dalam penelitian ini. Dalam teks novel,ketokohan Hasan Saleh direpresentasikan sebagai seorang yang memiliki peran besardalam berjuang, membela, dan mempertahankan hingga menyatukan kembali Acehdengan Indonesia. Akan tetapi dalam teks-teks non-sastra tersebut, nama Hasan Salehsangat sedikit dimunculkan dan banyak dikenal sebagai Pemberontak. Sebaliknya,tokoh Daud Beureueh yang nama dan riwayat hidupnya banyak dibicarakan di dalamteks-teks nonsatra, dalam novel ini direpresentasikan berbeda dengan teks-teksnonsastra tersebut. Dengan demikian, Novel Napoleon dari Tanah Rencongmerupakan novel historis yang mengungkapkan, menginformasikan, danmempertanyakan kembali kebenaran peristiwa sosial politik yang terjadi di Acehantara tahun 1942 sampai dengan tahun 1962. Sikap mengungkapkan,menginformasikan, dan mempertanyakan kembali kebenaran sejarah sesuai denganperspektif new historicism yang memahami setiap segi realitas tertuang dalam teksdan struktur sosial ditentukan oleh ?praktik diskursif? yang dominan, sehingga harusdipertanyakan lagi kebenarannya. ABSTRACT This thesis is a study on the representation of Hasan saleh and Daud Beureuehin the Napoleon dari Tanah Rencong. This study aims to reveal the figure of HasanSaleh and Daud Beureueh in the novel as literary text and also in the non-literarytexts (history texts). The frame of reference used is new historicism perspective. Theresult showed that the representation of Hasan Saleh and Daud Beureueh is revealeddifferently in both of the text. The name of Hasan Saleh as a fighter that has big partto preserve the Independence of Indonesia, is not more appeared in non-literary work(history texts). The name of Hasan Saleh in most non-literary work onlysynchronized as a rebel. On the other hand, Daud Beureueh, whose name andbiography is mentioned over and over in the most of non-literary texts, in the novel,is represented differently. Thus, this novel is a historical trying to prove, to tellinformation and to question the truth of history regarding to the history of socialpolitical events taking place in Aceh from 1942 up to 1962. The way of trying toprove, to tell information, and to question the truth of history appropriate with newhistoricism perspective that appreciate the fact in texts and social structure is basedon dominant ?discursive practice? that have to be questionable;This thesis is a study on the representation of Hasan saleh and Daud Beureuehin the Napoleon dari Tanah Rencong. This study aims to reveal the figure of HasanSaleh and Daud Beureueh in the novel as literary text and also in the non-literarytexts (history texts). The frame of reference used is new historicism perspective. Theresult showed that the representation of Hasan Saleh and Daud Beureueh is revealeddifferently in both of the text. The name of Hasan Saleh as a fighter that has big partto preserve the Independence of Indonesia, is not more appeared in non-literary work(history texts). The name of Hasan Saleh in most non-literary work onlysynchronized as a rebel. On the other hand, Daud Beureueh, whose name andbiography is mentioned over and over in the most of non-literary texts, in the novel,is represented differently. Thus, this novel is a historical trying to prove, to tellinformation and to question the truth of history regarding to the history of socialpolitical events taking place in Aceh from 1942 up to 1962. The way of trying toprove, to tell information, and to question the truth of history appropriate with newhistoricism perspective that appreciate the fact in texts and social structure is basedon dominant ?discursive practice? that have to be questionable;This thesis is a study on the representation of Hasan saleh and Daud Beureuehin the Napoleon dari Tanah Rencong. This study aims to reveal the figure of HasanSaleh and Daud Beureueh in the novel as literary text and also in the non-literarytexts (history texts). The frame of reference used is new historicism perspective. Theresult showed that the representation of Hasan Saleh and Daud Beureueh is revealeddifferently in both of the text. The name of Hasan Saleh as a fighter that has big partto preserve the Independence of Indonesia, is not more appeared in non-literary work(history texts). The name of Hasan Saleh in most non-literary work onlysynchronized as a rebel. On the other hand, Daud Beureueh, whose name andbiography is mentioned over and over in the most of non-literary texts, in the novel,is represented differently. Thus, this novel is a historical trying to prove, to tellinformation and to question the truth of history regarding to the history of socialpolitical events taking place in Aceh from 1942 up to 1962. The way of trying toprove, to tell information, and to question the truth of history appropriate with newhistoricism perspective that appreciate the fact in texts and social structure is basedon dominant ‘discursive practice’ that have to be questionable;This thesis is a study on the representation of Hasan saleh and Daud Beureuehin the Napoleon dari Tanah Rencong. This study aims to reveal the figure of HasanSaleh and Daud Beureueh in the novel as literary text and also in the non-literarytexts (history texts). The frame of reference used is new historicism perspective. Theresult showed that the representation of Hasan Saleh and Daud Beureueh is revealeddifferently in both of the text. The name of Hasan Saleh as a fighter that has big partto preserve the Independence of Indonesia, is not more appeared in non-literary work(history texts). The name of Hasan Saleh in most non-literary work onlysynchronized as a rebel. On the other hand, Daud Beureueh, whose name andbiography is mentioned over and over in the most of non-literary texts, in the novel,is represented differently. Thus, this novel is a historical trying to prove, to tellinformation and to question the truth of history regarding to the history of socialpolitical events taking place in Aceh from 1942 up to 1962. The way of trying toprove, to tell information, and to question the truth of history appropriate with newhistoricism perspective that appreciate the fact in texts and social structure is basedon dominant ‘discursive practice’ that have to be questionable, This thesis is a study on the representation of Hasan saleh and Daud Beureuehin the Napoleon dari Tanah Rencong. This study aims to reveal the figure of HasanSaleh and Daud Beureueh in the novel as literary text and also in the non-literarytexts (history texts). The frame of reference used is new historicism perspective. Theresult showed that the representation of Hasan Saleh and Daud Beureueh is revealeddifferently in both of the text. The name of Hasan Saleh as a fighter that has big partto preserve the Independence of Indonesia, is not more appeared in non-literary work(history texts). The name of Hasan Saleh in most non-literary work onlysynchronized as a rebel. On the other hand, Daud Beureueh, whose name andbiography is mentioned over and over in the most of non-literary texts, in the novel,is represented differently. Thus, this novel is a historical trying to prove, to tellinformation and to question the truth of history regarding to the history of socialpolitical events taking place in Aceh from 1942 up to 1962. The way of trying toprove, to tell information, and to question the truth of history appropriate with newhistoricism perspective that appreciate the fact in texts and social structure is basedon dominant ‘discursive practice’ that have to be questionable] |