[ABSTRAK Hubungan manusia dengan binatang dari waktu ke waktu mengalami perubahan.Pada masa berburu dan meramu, binatang dipandang sebagai sumber makanandan sandang, namun ketika manusia berhasil mendomestikasi binatang, lambatlaun mereka dijadikan sebagai binatang peliharaan. Binatang yang paling umumdijadikan peliharaan adalah anjing, kucing dan burung. Tujuan penelitian inimenggambarkan aspek sosial budaya hubungan manusia dengan binatang dariwaktu ke waktu, menganalisa dinamika perubahan yang melatar belakangipengintegrasian dan peran reptil dalam rumah tangga sertamengkontekstualisasikan makna baru tentang kekerabatan multispesies. Penelitianini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan metode pengamatanterlibat dan wawancara mendalam di keluarga pecinta reptil. Hasil penelitian inimenunjukkan adanya perubahan cara pandang terhadap reptil yang mempunyaiimage menyeramkan dalam masyarakat, ternyata dapat dijadikan sebagai binatangpeliharaan, bahkan dianggap sebagai part of family di keluarga pecinta reptil.Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah dengan adanya interaksi yang intens antaramanusia dengan reptil telah menimbulkan keterikatan emosi yang dalam, sehinggamemunculkan makna baru dalam keluarga pecinta reptil bahwa peran reptil bukansebatas binatang peliharaan saja namun telah dianggap sebagai kerabat manusia. ABSTRACT Relationships between human and animals always change everytime. First time,animals seen as source of food and clothing but when the human succesfully todomesticated animals, they are use as pets. The most common pets are dogs, catsand birds. The purpose of this research was to describe sociocultural aspectsbetween human-animals relationships from time to time, analyze process tointegration of reptiles in the household, and contextualizes new meaning ofkinship multispecies. This research is a qualitative case study, using participantobservation and in depth interview with family reptile lovers. Results of this studyshowed reptiles that have scary animal in society can be used as pets, seems likedog, cat and birds, even they are as part of the family in family reptile lovers.Conclusion of this research is intention of interaction between human and reptileshas give deep emotion, so it brings a new meaning in family reptile lovers thatreptiles not just only pets but they are as a kin.;Relationships between human and animals always change everytime. First time,animals seen as source of food and clothing but when the human succesfully todomesticated animals, they are use as pets. The most common pets are dogs, catsand birds. The purpose of this research was to describe sociocultural aspectsbetween human-animals relationships from time to time, analyze process tointegration of reptiles in the household, and contextualizes new meaning ofkinship multispecies. This research is a qualitative case study, using participantobservation and in depth interview with family reptile lovers. Results of this studyshowed reptiles that have scary animal in society can be used as pets, seems likedog, cat and birds, even they are as part of the family in family reptile lovers.Conclusion of this research is intention of interaction between human and reptileshas give deep emotion, so it brings a new meaning in family reptile lovers thatreptiles not just only pets but they are as a kin.;Relationships between human and animals always change everytime. First time,animals seen as source of food and clothing but when the human succesfully todomesticated animals, they are use as pets. The most common pets are dogs, catsand birds. The purpose of this research was to describe sociocultural aspectsbetween human-animals relationships from time to time, analyze process tointegration of reptiles in the household, and contextualizes new meaning ofkinship multispecies. This research is a qualitative case study, using participantobservation and in depth interview with family reptile lovers. Results of this studyshowed reptiles that have scary animal in society can be used as pets, seems likedog, cat and birds, even they are as part of the family in family reptile lovers.Conclusion of this research is intention of interaction between human and reptileshas give deep emotion, so it brings a new meaning in family reptile lovers thatreptiles not just only pets but they are as a kin., Relationships between human and animals always change everytime. First time,animals seen as source of food and clothing but when the human succesfully todomesticated animals, they are use as pets. The most common pets are dogs, catsand birds. The purpose of this research was to describe sociocultural aspectsbetween human-animals relationships from time to time, analyze process tointegration of reptiles in the household, and contextualizes new meaning ofkinship multispecies. This research is a qualitative case study, using participantobservation and in depth interview with family reptile lovers. Results of this studyshowed reptiles that have scary animal in society can be used as pets, seems likedog, cat and birds, even they are as part of the family in family reptile lovers.Conclusion of this research is intention of interaction between human and reptileshas give deep emotion, so it brings a new meaning in family reptile lovers thatreptiles not just only pets but they are as a kin.] |