[ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Kemampuan berbahasa merupakan salah satu indikatorperkembangan anak karena melibatkan kemampuan kognitif, sensori motor,psikologis, emosi dan lingkungan disekitar anak. Penilaian kemampuan bahasaanak sangat penting pada periode 2-4 tahun karena terjadi peningkatan jumlah dankompleksitas dalam perkembangan bicara dan bahasa. Penilaian dapat dilakukanoleh tenaga kesehatan maupun oleh orang tua. Keterbatasan tenaga kesehatan didaerah rural menyebabkan penilaian berbasis orang tua sangat penting sehinggadibutuhkan instrumen yang sesuai dengan budaya, bahasa dan lingkungan anak.Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui akurasi instrumen penilaian kemampuanbahasa berbasis orang tua pada anak usia 18-36 bulan didaerah rural.Metode : Subjek penelitian diambil dari anak usia 18 ? 36 bulan dan orangtua/pelaku rawat peserta posyandu di desa Sukarapih, Kecamatan Tambelang,Kabupaten Bekasi. Orang tua/pelaku rawat harus mampu membaca dan mengertibahasa Indonesia. Perkembangan bahasa anak dinilai dengan skala REEL(Receptive Expressive Emergent Language) modifikasi oleh orang tua dan skalaELM (Early Language Milestone) oleh peneliti. Hasil penilaian skala REELdibandingkan dengan skala ELM melalui uji diagnostik untuk mendapatkan nilaisensitivitas dan spesifitas, nilai prediksi positif dan negatif serta likelihood ratio(LR).Hasil : Jumlah subjek terdiri dari 100 anak dan 100 orang tua/pelaku rawat yangdiambil dari empat posyandu. Skala REEL mempunyai nilai sensitivitas 72,73 %,spesifisitas 98,87 %, nilai prediksi positif 88,89%, nilai prediksi negatif 96,70%,LR positif 64,73 dan LR negatif 0,28.Kesimpulan : Skala REEL dapat dipakai dalam menilai gangguan perkembanganbahasa pada anak usia 18-36 bulan di daerah rural dengan menggunakan kalimatyang lebih sederhana dan mudah dipahami. ABSTRACT Background : Language skill is one of the indicator of a child's developmentbecause it involves cognitive ability, sensory motor, the psychological, emotionaland environment around children. Assessment of a child's language skill at the ageof 2-4 years is very important due to an increase in the number and complexity inthe development of speech and language. Assessment can be done by healthprofessionals as well as by parents. Limitations of available health workers inrural areas increases the need for a parental-based assessment tool that isapplicable with the culture, language and environment of the children. Theresearch objective was to determine the accuracy of the parental-based languageassessment instrument on children aged 18-36 months in rural areas.Methods : The subjects were children aged 18-36 months and their parents /caregivers who were participants of Sukarapih neighborhood health center in thevillage, District Tambelang, Bekasi Regency. Parents / caregivers should be ableto read and understand Bahasa Indonesia. The children's language developmentwas assessed using the modified REEL (receptive Expressive EmergentLanguage) scale by their parents and the ELM (Early Language Milestone) scaleby the researcher. The REEL-scale assessment results was compared with ELMscale through a diagnostic test for sensitivity and specificity, positive and negativepredictive values as well as likelihood ratio (LR).Results : The subjects consisted of 100 children and 100 parents / caregiverstaken from four neighborhood health center. The REEL scale has 72.73%sensitivity, 98.87% specificity, 88.89% positive predictive value, 96.70% negativepredictive value, 64.73 positive LR and of 0.28 negative LR.Conclusion : The REEL Scale can be used to assess language developmentdisorders in children aged 18-36 months in rural areas by using simplified andeasy to understand sentences.;Background : Language skill is one of the indicator of a child's developmentbecause it involves cognitive ability, sensory motor, the psychological, emotionaland environment around children. Assessment of a child's language skill at the ageof 2-4 years is very important due to an increase in the number and complexity inthe development of speech and language. Assessment can be done by healthprofessionals as well as by parents. Limitations of available health workers inrural areas increases the need for a parental-based assessment tool that isapplicable with the culture, language and environment of the children. Theresearch objective was to determine the accuracy of the parental-based languageassessment instrument on children aged 18-36 months in rural areas.Methods : The subjects were children aged 18-36 months and their parents /caregivers who were participants of Sukarapih neighborhood health center in thevillage, District Tambelang, Bekasi Regency. Parents / caregivers should be ableto read and understand Bahasa Indonesia. The children's language developmentwas assessed using the modified REEL (receptive Expressive EmergentLanguage) scale by their parents and the ELM (Early Language Milestone) scaleby the researcher. The REEL-scale assessment results was compared with ELMscale through a diagnostic test for sensitivity and specificity, positive and negativepredictive values as well as likelihood ratio (LR).Results : The subjects consisted of 100 children and 100 parents / caregiverstaken from four neighborhood health center. The REEL scale has 72.73%sensitivity, 98.87% specificity, 88.89% positive predictive value, 96.70% negativepredictive value, 64.73 positive LR and of 0.28 negative LR.Conclusion : The REEL Scale can be used to assess language developmentdisorders in children aged 18-36 months in rural areas by using simplified andeasy to understand sentences.;Background : Language skill is one of the indicator of a child's developmentbecause it involves cognitive ability, sensory motor, the psychological, emotionaland environment around children. Assessment of a child's language skill at the ageof 2-4 years is very important due to an increase in the number and complexity inthe development of speech and language. Assessment can be done by healthprofessionals as well as by parents. Limitations of available health workers inrural areas increases the need for a parental-based assessment tool that isapplicable with the culture, language and environment of the children. Theresearch objective was to determine the accuracy of the parental-based languageassessment instrument on children aged 18-36 months in rural areas.Methods : The subjects were children aged 18-36 months and their parents /caregivers who were participants of Sukarapih neighborhood health center in thevillage, District Tambelang, Bekasi Regency. Parents / caregivers should be ableto read and understand Bahasa Indonesia. The children's language developmentwas assessed using the modified REEL (receptive Expressive EmergentLanguage) scale by their parents and the ELM (Early Language Milestone) scaleby the researcher. The REEL-scale assessment results was compared with ELMscale through a diagnostic test for sensitivity and specificity, positive and negativepredictive values as well as likelihood ratio (LR).Results : The subjects consisted of 100 children and 100 parents / caregiverstaken from four neighborhood health center. The REEL scale has 72.73%sensitivity, 98.87% specificity, 88.89% positive predictive value, 96.70% negativepredictive value, 64.73 positive LR and of 0.28 negative LR.Conclusion : The REEL Scale can be used to assess language developmentdisorders in children aged 18-36 months in rural areas by using simplified andeasy to understand sentences., Background : Language skill is one of the indicator of a child's developmentbecause it involves cognitive ability, sensory motor, the psychological, emotionaland environment around children. Assessment of a child's language skill at the ageof 2-4 years is very important due to an increase in the number and complexity inthe development of speech and language. Assessment can be done by healthprofessionals as well as by parents. Limitations of available health workers inrural areas increases the need for a parental-based assessment tool that isapplicable with the culture, language and environment of the children. Theresearch objective was to determine the accuracy of the parental-based languageassessment instrument on children aged 18-36 months in rural areas.Methods : The subjects were children aged 18-36 months and their parents /caregivers who were participants of Sukarapih neighborhood health center in thevillage, District Tambelang, Bekasi Regency. Parents / caregivers should be ableto read and understand Bahasa Indonesia. The children's language developmentwas assessed using the modified REEL (receptive Expressive EmergentLanguage) scale by their parents and the ELM (Early Language Milestone) scaleby the researcher. The REEL-scale assessment results was compared with ELMscale through a diagnostic test for sensitivity and specificity, positive and negativepredictive values as well as likelihood ratio (LR).Results : The subjects consisted of 100 children and 100 parents / caregiverstaken from four neighborhood health center. The REEL scale has 72.73%sensitivity, 98.87% specificity, 88.89% positive predictive value, 96.70% negativepredictive value, 64.73 positive LR and of 0.28 negative LR.Conclusion : The REEL Scale can be used to assess language developmentdisorders in children aged 18-36 months in rural areas by using simplified andeasy to understand sentences.] |