[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ingin melihat implementasi Manajemen BerbasisSekolah/Madrasah (MBS/M) di dua madrasah swasta di Lampung danmendeskripsikan proses partisipasi masyarakat dalam kegiatan madrasah. Denganmenggunakan metode studi kasus, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa implementasiMBS/M di dua madrasah swasta ini berbeda berdasar latar belakang, iklim,otonomisasi, tenaga pengajar, dan gaya kepemimpinan. Partisipasi masyarakatmasih terbatas hanya pada keikutsertaan masyarakat dalam implementasi ataupenerapan berbagai program pendidikan yang diselenggarakan oleh madrasah.Meski demikian, ada peluang untuk peningkatan partisipasi ketika muncul kapitalsosial yang mempunyai fungsi bonding dan bridging diketengahkan sebagaistrategi implementasi kebijakan MBS/M di madrasah. Oleh karena itu, madrasahmasih memerlukan pembinaan yang berkesinambungan terkait aspek pelibatanmasyarakat sehingga dapat meningkatkan mutu madrasah yang berkelanjutan. ABSTRACT This study wants to examine the implementation of School/MadrasahBased Management? (MBS/M) in two private islamic school (madrasah) inLampung and the process of public participation in these two madrasah. Using themethod of case study, this study found that the implementation of MBS/M in twoprivate madrasah is different based on their background, climate, autonomy,teachers, and leadership style. Community participation in these two madrasah islimited to the implementation or application of a variety of educational programsorganized by the madrasah. However, there are opportunities for increased publicparticipation when the social capital appears at the process of participation. It hasthe function of bonding and bridging among community. Therefore, a madrasahstill require continuous guidance related to the involvement of the community inorder to improve the quality of madrasah sustainable.;This study wants to examine the implementation of ?School/MadrasahBased Management? (MBS/M) in two private islamic school (madrasah) inLampung and the process of public participation in these two madrasah. Using themethod of case study, this study found that the implementation of MBS/M in twoprivate madrasah is different based on their background, climate, autonomy,teachers, and leadership style. Community participation in these two madrasah islimited to the implementation or application of a variety of educational programsorganized by the madrasah. However, there are opportunities for increased publicparticipation when the social capital appears at the process of participation. It hasthe function of bonding and bridging among community. Therefore, a madrasahstill require continuous guidance related to the involvement of the community inorder to improve the quality of madrasah sustainable.;This study wants to examine the implementation of ?School/MadrasahBased Management? (MBS/M) in two private islamic school (madrasah) inLampung and the process of public participation in these two madrasah. Using themethod of case study, this study found that the implementation of MBS/M in twoprivate madrasah is different based on their background, climate, autonomy,teachers, and leadership style. Community participation in these two madrasah islimited to the implementation or application of a variety of educational programsorganized by the madrasah. However, there are opportunities for increased publicparticipation when the social capital appears at the process of participation. It hasthe function of bonding and bridging among community. Therefore, a madrasahstill require continuous guidance related to the involvement of the community inorder to improve the quality of madrasah sustainable., This study wants to examine the implementation of ‘School/MadrasahBased Management’ (MBS/M) in two private islamic school (madrasah) inLampung and the process of public participation in these two madrasah. Using themethod of case study, this study found that the implementation of MBS/M in twoprivate madrasah is different based on their background, climate, autonomy,teachers, and leadership style. Community participation in these two madrasah islimited to the implementation or application of a variety of educational programsorganized by the madrasah. However, there are opportunities for increased publicparticipation when the social capital appears at the process of participation. It hasthe function of bonding and bridging among community. Therefore, a madrasahstill require continuous guidance related to the involvement of the community inorder to improve the quality of madrasah sustainable.] |