[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas kaitan antara perkembangan kapitalisme kontemporer dengankrisis modernitas yang melanda peradaban Barat di Abad ke-20 menurut sudutpandang Erich Fromm. Maksud khusus dari tesis ini adalah memperkenalkansekaligus mengintegrasikan pemikiran Fromm ke dalam diskursus disiplinsosiologi kontemporer. Peneliti sangat yakin bahwa pemikiran Fromm akansangat bermanfaat bagi perkembangan ke depan disiplin sosiologi. Kebaharuanpemikiran Fromm bagi sosiologi adalah untuk memperluas cakupan dankedalaman analisa masalah sosial sampai ke wilayah yang paling fundamental,yakni mental dan kesadaran manusia.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik studipustaka. Teknik studi pustaka mengambil dua bentuk, pertama adalah dengananalisa-deskriptif dan kedua adalah dengan analisa-komparasi. Teknik analisadeskriptifdilakukan dengan membaca pemikiran Fromm di sejumlah bukumaupun jurnal yang berkaitan dengan tema yang telah dipilih. Sumber primerpenelitian ini adalah buku The Sane Society. Sementara, teknik analisa-komparasidilakukan dengan membandingkan pemikiran Fromm dengan pemikir sosial lainyang relevan dalam membahas tema yang sama. Untuk menambah kedalamanpemahaman dan menghindari bias interpretasi, Peneliti juga menambahkan teknikhermeunitika.Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa krisis modernitas yang melanda Dunia Baratdi abad ke-20 berkaitan erat dengan perkembangan kapitalisme kontemporer.Ironis bagi Fromm bahwa ketika peradaban Barat telah berhasil mencapai tingkatkeberlimpahan kehidupan material yang belum pernah terjadi sepanjang sejarah,justru di sana terjadi pemiskinan atau pemelaratan kehidupan batin. Manusiadikonversi layaknya benda. Meningkatnya angka kasus bunuh diri, pembunuhan,narkotika dan alkoholisme menjadi evidensi berkenaan dengan kekosongankehidupan batin yang melanda manusia Barat. Fromm merekomendasikan usulansebagai jalan pemecahan krisis, yang disebutnya sebagai ?sosialismekomunitarian? ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the link between the development of contemporarycapitalism with modernity crisis that hit Western civilization in the 20th centuryfrom the perspectives of Erich Fromm. The special purpose of this thesis isintroduced at the same time integrating the discourse thought of Fromm intocontemporary sociology discipline. The Researcher is very confident that Frommthought would be very helpful for the future development of the discipline ofsociology. The newest Fromm thought for sociology is to broaden the scope anddepth of social issues analysis to the most fundamental areas, the mental andhuman consciousness.This study is a qualitative study using the technique literature. Library researchtechniques take two forms, the first is the descriptive-analysis and the second is bycomparison-analysis. Descriptive analysis techniques performed by readingFromm thinking in a number of books and journals relating to the chosen theme.The primary source is the book The Sane Society. Meanwhile, techniquecomparison-analysis is done by comparing Fromm thoughts with other relevantsocial thinkers in discussing the same theme. To add to the depth of understandingand avoid interpretation bias, Researcher also added hermeunitika techniques.This study concludes that the crisis of modernity that struck the Western World inthe 20th century is closely related to the development of contemporary capitalism.Fromm ironic that when the Western civilization has managed to reach the levelof abundance of material life that has never happened in the history, there actuallyoccurs impoverishment or declineness inner life. Converted humans like objects.The increasing number of suicides, murders, drugs and alcoholism became void ofevidence with respect to the inner life of human beings that hit the West. Frommrecommended proposals as a way of solving the crisis, which he called"communitarian-socialism".;This thesis discusses the link between the development of contemporarycapitalism with modernity crisis that hit Western civilization in the 20th centuryfrom the perspectives of Erich Fromm. The special purpose of this thesis isintroduced at the same time integrating the discourse thought of Fromm intocontemporary sociology discipline. The Researcher is very confident that Frommthought would be very helpful for the future development of the discipline ofsociology. The newest Fromm thought for sociology is to broaden the scope anddepth of social issues analysis to the most fundamental areas, the mental andhuman consciousness.This study is a qualitative study using the technique literature. Library researchtechniques take two forms, the first is the descriptive-analysis and the second is bycomparison-analysis. Descriptive analysis techniques performed by readingFromm thinking in a number of books and journals relating to the chosen theme.The primary source is the book The Sane Society. Meanwhile, techniquecomparison-analysis is done by comparing Fromm thoughts with other relevantsocial thinkers in discussing the same theme. To add to the depth of understandingand avoid interpretation bias, Researcher also added hermeunitika techniques.This study concludes that the crisis of modernity that struck the Western World inthe 20th century is closely related to the development of contemporary capitalism.Fromm ironic that when the Western civilization has managed to reach the levelof abundance of material life that has never happened in the history, there actuallyoccurs impoverishment or declineness inner life. Converted humans like objects.The increasing number of suicides, murders, drugs and alcoholism became void ofevidence with respect to the inner life of human beings that hit the West. Frommrecommended proposals as a way of solving the crisis, which he called"communitarian-socialism".;This thesis discusses the link between the development of contemporarycapitalism with modernity crisis that hit Western civilization in the 20th centuryfrom the perspectives of Erich Fromm. The special purpose of this thesis isintroduced at the same time integrating the discourse thought of Fromm intocontemporary sociology discipline. The Researcher is very confident that Frommthought would be very helpful for the future development of the discipline ofsociology. The newest Fromm thought for sociology is to broaden the scope anddepth of social issues analysis to the most fundamental areas, the mental andhuman consciousness.This study is a qualitative study using the technique literature. Library researchtechniques take two forms, the first is the descriptive-analysis and the second is bycomparison-analysis. Descriptive analysis techniques performed by readingFromm thinking in a number of books and journals relating to the chosen theme.The primary source is the book The Sane Society. Meanwhile, techniquecomparison-analysis is done by comparing Fromm thoughts with other relevantsocial thinkers in discussing the same theme. To add to the depth of understandingand avoid interpretation bias, Researcher also added hermeunitika techniques.This study concludes that the crisis of modernity that struck the Western World inthe 20th century is closely related to the development of contemporary capitalism.Fromm ironic that when the Western civilization has managed to reach the levelof abundance of material life that has never happened in the history, there actuallyoccurs impoverishment or declineness inner life. Converted humans like objects.The increasing number of suicides, murders, drugs and alcoholism became void ofevidence with respect to the inner life of human beings that hit the West. Frommrecommended proposals as a way of solving the crisis, which he called"communitarian-socialism"., This thesis discusses the link between the development of contemporarycapitalism with modernity crisis that hit Western civilization in the 20th centuryfrom the perspectives of Erich Fromm. The special purpose of this thesis isintroduced at the same time integrating the discourse thought of Fromm intocontemporary sociology discipline. The Researcher is very confident that Frommthought would be very helpful for the future development of the discipline ofsociology. The newest Fromm thought for sociology is to broaden the scope anddepth of social issues analysis to the most fundamental areas, the mental andhuman consciousness.This study is a qualitative study using the technique literature. Library researchtechniques take two forms, the first is the descriptive-analysis and the second is bycomparison-analysis. Descriptive analysis techniques performed by readingFromm thinking in a number of books and journals relating to the chosen theme.The primary source is the book The Sane Society. Meanwhile, techniquecomparison-analysis is done by comparing Fromm thoughts with other relevantsocial thinkers in discussing the same theme. To add to the depth of understandingand avoid interpretation bias, Researcher also added hermeunitika techniques.This study concludes that the crisis of modernity that struck the Western World inthe 20th century is closely related to the development of contemporary capitalism.Fromm ironic that when the Western civilization has managed to reach the levelof abundance of material life that has never happened in the history, there actuallyoccurs impoverishment or declineness inner life. Converted humans like objects.The increasing number of suicides, murders, drugs and alcoholism became void ofevidence with respect to the inner life of human beings that hit the West. Frommrecommended proposals as a way of solving the crisis, which he called"communitarian-socialism".] |