[ABSTRAK Perkembangan kognitif manusia mengalami perkembangan yang pesat pada usia 3-5 tahun. Perkembangan kognitif yang terjadi pada rentang usia tersebut antara lain adalah pemahaman mengenai konsep waktu. Dalam kehidupan manusia, perkembangan pemahaman konsep waktu termanifestasi dalam dua bentuk yaitu kemampuan mengingat masa lalu dan memprediksi masa depan, yang disebut dengan Mental Time Travel, dan kemampuan Bahasa khususnya pada pemahaman terhadap temporal term. Kedua kemampuan ini berkembang secara bersamaan sehingga diduga terdapat hubungan antara perkembangan keduanya pada rentang usia 3-5 tahun. Untuk melihat hubungan perkembangan mental time travel dan pemahaman temporal term, dilakukan eksperimen menggunakan box task dan puppet task sebagai alat ukur mental time travel dan empat pertanyaan yang masing-masing memuat 1 jenis temporal term. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa kemampuan mental time travel berhubungan positif dengan pemahaman temporal term ke masa depan, khususnya kata ?nanti? dengan nilai korelasi sebesar 0,232. ABSTRACT Human cognition develops rapidly between the age of 3-5. One of the cognitive ability that develops in that age is the understanding of temporal dimension. In daily life, developmental of temporal dimension understanding manifested in two things, mental time travel ability and language ability especially comprehension of temporal term. Both ability are develop altogether is this developmental period, therefore their development are assumed to be correlated to each other. In order to see how mental time travel ability correlated to comprehension of temporal term, researcher did experiment using box task and puppet task to asses mental time travel ability, and four questions each consists one kind of temporal term. Data analysis shown that mental time travel ability positively correlated to comprehension of temporal term to the future, especially term ?nanti? (later today) with correlation value 0,232.;Human cognition develops rapidly between the age of 3-5. One of the cognitive ability that develops in that age is the understanding of temporal dimension. In daily life, developmental of temporal dimension understanding manifested in two things, mental time travel ability and language ability especially comprehension of temporal term. Both ability are develop altogether is this developmental period, therefore their development are assumed to be correlated to each other. In order to see how mental time travel ability correlated to comprehension of temporal term, researcher did experiment using box task and puppet task to asses mental time travel ability, and four questions each consists one kind of temporal term. Data analysis shown that mental time travel ability positively correlated to comprehension of temporal term to the future, especially term ?nanti? (later today) with correlation value 0,232., Human cognition develops rapidly between the age of 3-5. One of the cognitive ability that develops in that age is the understanding of temporal dimension. In daily life, developmental of temporal dimension understanding manifested in two things, mental time travel ability and language ability especially comprehension of temporal term. Both ability are develop altogether is this developmental period, therefore their development are assumed to be correlated to each other. In order to see how mental time travel ability correlated to comprehension of temporal term, researcher did experiment using box task and puppet task to asses mental time travel ability, and four questions each consists one kind of temporal term. Data analysis shown that mental time travel ability positively correlated to comprehension of temporal term to the future, especially term “nanti” (later today) with correlation value 0,232.] |