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Analisis terhadap pengecualian koperasi yang secara khusus bertujuan melayani anggotanya berdasarkan UU Persaingan Usaha : studi kasus Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 139 K/Pdt.Sus/2011 = analysis of cooperative exemption that specifically aim serving members based on competition law : case study Supreme Court Judgment Number 139 K/Pdt.Sus/2011

Edhi Prasetyo; ([Publisher not identified] , 2015)


Tesis ini membahas tentang pengecualian koperasi yang secara khusus
bertujuan melayani anggotanya berdasarkan UU Persaingan Usaha yaitu:
Pertama, alasan koperasi yang secara khusus bertujuan untuk melayani
anggotanya dikecualikan berdasarkan Pasal 50 Huruf i UU Persaingan
Usaha, Kedua, bagaimana penerapan pengecualian Pasal 50 Huruf i UU
Persaingan Usaha dalam penanganan perkara di KPPU. Pengecualian
terhadap koperasi dalam UU Persaingan Usaha lebih menitikberatkan pada
bentuk usahanya yang khusus dan kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan oleh
koperasi. Selama pelayanan atau kegiatan usahanya hanya dilakukan atau
ditujukan kepada anggotanya maka koperasi dikecualikan dari UU
Persaingan Usaha. Penerapan pengecualian Pasal 50 Huruf i UU
Persaingan Usaha dalam penanganan perkara di KPPU digunakan pada
perkara Nomor 20/KPPU-I/2009, dengan salah satu Terlapornya adalah
Primer Koperasi Angkatan Laut Surabaya. Dalam putusan Komisi
Pengawas Persaingan Usaha, putusan Pengadilan Negeri sampai dengan
putusan Mahkamah Agung, koperasi dalam perkara ini tidak dikecualikan
dalam UU Persaingan Usaha karena dalam kegiatannya koperasi ini
melakukan kegiatan usaha tidak hanya ditujukan kepada anggotanya saja,
namun juga terhadap pihak ketiga. Dengan demikian, pengecualian
koperasi yang diatur dalam Pasal 50 huruf i UU Persaingan Usaha
bukanlah merupakan pengecualian yang bersifat mutlak, namun terdapat
batasan/persyaratan yakni hanya semata-mata untuk melayani anggota dan
untuk kesejahteraan anggotanya saja.

This thesis discusses the exemption of cooperatives that specifically aims
to serve its members by Competition Law, First, the reason of cooperatives
that specifically aims to serve its members are exempt under Article 50
Letter i Competition Law, Second, how the application of the exemption in
Article 50 Letter i Competition Law effort in handling cases in the
Commission for Supervision of Business Competition (KPPU).
Exemptions to cooperatives in the Competition Law is more focused on
the specific form of its business and operations conducted by the
cooperative. During the service or its activities are only carried out or
addressed to the members, the cooperatives are exempt from Competition
Law. The implementation of the exemption of Article 50 Letter i
Competition Law in handling cases in Commission for Supervision of
Business Competition used in case No. 20/KPPU-I/2009, with one of the
Defendant is Primer Koperasi Angkatan Laut Surabaya. In the
Commission for Supervision of Business Competition?s Judgment, the
Judgment of the District Court as well as the Supreme Court Judgment, the
cooperative in this case is not excluded under Competition Law because
the activities of the cooperative business activities not only addressed to
members only, but also to third parties. Thus, cooperative exemption set
out in Article 50 Letter i Competition Law is not an absolute exemption,
but there are restrictions/requirements that merely to serve the members
and for the welfare of their members.;This thesis discusses the exemption of cooperatives that specifically aims
to serve its members by Competition Law, First, the reason of cooperatives
that specifically aims to serve its members are exempt under Article 50
Letter i Competition Law, Second, how the application of the exemption in
Article 50 Letter i Competition Law effort in handling cases in the
Commission for Supervision of Business Competition (KPPU).
Exemptions to cooperatives in the Competition Law is more focused on
the specific form of its business and operations conducted by the
cooperative. During the service or its activities are only carried out or
addressed to the members, the cooperatives are exempt from Competition
Law. The implementation of the exemption of Article 50 Letter i
Competition Law in handling cases in Commission for Supervision of
Business Competition used in case No. 20/KPPU-I/2009, with one of the
Defendant is Primer Koperasi Angkatan Laut Surabaya. In the
Commission for Supervision of Business Competition?s Judgment, the
Judgment of the District Court as well as the Supreme Court Judgment, the
cooperative in this case is not excluded under Competition Law because
the activities of the cooperative business activities not only addressed to
members only, but also to third parties. Thus, cooperative exemption set
out in Article 50 Letter i Competition Law is not an absolute exemption,
but there are restrictions/requirements that merely to serve the members
and for the welfare of their members., This thesis discusses the exemption of cooperatives that specifically aims
to serve its members by Competition Law, First, the reason of cooperatives
that specifically aims to serve its members are exempt under Article 50
Letter i Competition Law, Second, how the application of the exemption in
Article 50 Letter i Competition Law effort in handling cases in the
Commission for Supervision of Business Competition (KPPU).
Exemptions to cooperatives in the Competition Law is more focused on
the specific form of its business and operations conducted by the
cooperative. During the service or its activities are only carried out or
addressed to the members, the cooperatives are exempt from Competition
Law. The implementation of the exemption of Article 50 Letter i
Competition Law in handling cases in Commission for Supervision of
Business Competition used in case No. 20/KPPU-I/2009, with one of the
Defendant is Primer Koperasi Angkatan Laut Surabaya. In the
Commission for Supervision of Business Competition’s Judgment, the
Judgment of the District Court as well as the Supreme Court Judgment, the
cooperative in this case is not excluded under Competition Law because
the activities of the cooperative business activities not only addressed to
members only, but also to third parties. Thus, cooperative exemption set
out in Article 50 Letter i Competition Law is not an absolute exemption,
but there are restrictions/requirements that merely to serve the members
and for the welfare of their members.]

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No. Panggil : T43037
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2015
Program Studi :
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : unmediated ; computer
Tipe Carrier : volume ; online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : x, 114 pages ; 28 cm.
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
  • Ketersediaan
  • Ulasan
No. Panggil No. Barkod Ketersediaan
T43037 15-18-329850610 TERSEDIA
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