[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan faktor penentu terkait strategikebijakan prioritas dalam pengembangan komoditi rumput laut di KabupatenKonawe Selatan, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Metode yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini yakni menggunakan analisis rantai nilai, analisis SWOT dan analisisproses hirarki (AHP). Pakar yang dijadikan narasumber dalam pengisian kuesionerAHP yakni Bappeda Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, Bappeda Kabupaten KonaweSelatan, Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Dinas KUMKMKabupaten Konawe Selatan, BP4K Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, nelayan serta ahlirumput laut (mantan anggota asosiasi rumput laut Indonesia).Hasil analisis rantai nilai (value chain analysis) menunjukkan bahwapenguatan dalam pengembangan komoditas rumput laut dilakukan pada tingkat hulu(petani rumput laut). Sementara hasil analisis SWOT menunjukkan bahwa strategiyang dipakai adalah strategi strength- threat (ST) yakni inovasi melalui riset bibitunggulan rumput laut dan optimasi penggunaan lahan budidaya rumput laut. Hasilanalisis proses hirarki (AHP) menunjukan bahwa untuk mencapai tujuan (goal)peningkatan PDRB sektor pertanian dan perikanan melalui komoditi unggulanKabupaten Konawe Selatan strategi kebijakan prioritas utama yakni melalui risetbibit unggul rumput laut. ABSTRACT This research aimed to analysis the determinants related priority policy indevelopment of commodity seaweed in Konawe Selatan, Southeast SulawesiProvince. This research used value chain analysis, SWOT analysis and analyticalhierarchy process (AHP). The expert to complete questionnaire are BAPPEDASoutheast Sulawesi Province, BAPPEDA Konsel, Department of Marine andFisheries Konsel, Office KUMKM Konsel, BP4K Konsel, fishermen, and seaweedexperts (former member of the Association of Indonesian seaweed).The results of the value chain analysis shows that the reinforcement in thedevelopment of seaweed commodities carried on the upper level (seaweed farmers).The results of SWOT analysis shows that the strategy used is strength- threat (ST):innovation through research seaweed?s seeds and optimization for land use ofseaweed farming. The results of the analysis hierarchy process (AHP) shows that toachieve the goal increase in GDP of agriculture and fisheries sector throughcommodity South Konawe, the main priority of policy strategy is research quality ofthe seaweed's seeds.;This research aimed to analysis the determinants related priority policy indevelopment of commodity seaweed in Konawe Selatan, Southeast SulawesiProvince. This research used value chain analysis, SWOT analysis and analyticalhierarchy process (AHP). The expert to complete questionnaire are BAPPEDASoutheast Sulawesi Province, BAPPEDA Konsel, Department of Marine andFisheries Konsel, Office KUMKM Konsel, BP4K Konsel, fishermen, and seaweedexperts (former member of the Association of Indonesian seaweed).The results of the value chain analysis shows that the reinforcement in thedevelopment of seaweed commodities carried on the upper level (seaweed farmers).The results of SWOT analysis shows that the strategy used is strength- threat (ST):innovation through research seaweed?s seeds and optimization for land use ofseaweed farming. The results of the analysis hierarchy process (AHP) shows that toachieve the goal increase in GDP of agriculture and fisheries sector throughcommodity South Konawe, the main priority of policy strategy is research quality ofthe seaweed's seeds., This research aimed to analysis the determinants related priority policy indevelopment of commodity seaweed in Konawe Selatan, Southeast SulawesiProvince. This research used value chain analysis, SWOT analysis and analyticalhierarchy process (AHP). The expert to complete questionnaire are BAPPEDASoutheast Sulawesi Province, BAPPEDA Konsel, Department of Marine andFisheries Konsel, Office KUMKM Konsel, BP4K Konsel, fishermen, and seaweedexperts (former member of the Association of Indonesian seaweed).The results of the value chain analysis shows that the reinforcement in thedevelopment of seaweed commodities carried on the upper level (seaweed farmers).The results of SWOT analysis shows that the strategy used is strength- threat (ST):innovation through research seaweed’s seeds and optimization for land use ofseaweed farming. The results of the analysis hierarchy process (AHP) shows that toachieve the goal increase in GDP of agriculture and fisheries sector throughcommodity South Konawe, the main priority of policy strategy is research quality ofthe seaweed's seeds.] |