[ABSTRAK Korosi memiliki dampak yang sangat besar terhadap ekonomi dan lingkunganpada berbagai infrastruktur, terkait dengan kegagalan operasi dan aset. Masalahyang umum terjadi pada jaringan pipa minyak dan gas saat ini adalah korosiinternal yang disebabkan oleh media korosif yang umumnya mengandung karbondioksida (CO2) dalam larutan aqueous. Karenanya, diperlukan cara untukmengevaluasi korosi CO2 pada baja karbon terkait laju korosi agar dapatmemenuhi umur operasi.Dalam penelitian ini, model Norsok yang telah dimodifikasi digunakan untukmemprediksi laju korosi pada lingkungan CO2, dan mempertimbangkan dataparameter seperti suhu, tekanan parsial CO2, dan laju aliran untuk menghitungshear stress dan laju korosi. Software ini dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasapemrograman visual basic (Microsoft Visual Studio ? VB), kemudian denganmenggabungkan basis pengetahuan mekanisme korosi CO2 dan aturan tertentumaka akan dihasilkan suatu sistem pakar.Berdasarkan perhitungan shear stress dan laju koros, kemudian rekomendasi dapatdiajukan untuk mempertimbangkan, apakah baja karbon masih dapat digunakanatau penggunaan baja karbon dengan memberikan inhibitor atau penggantian bajakarbon dengan Corrosion Resistance Alloys.Hasil perhitungan modifikasi model Norsok menunjukkan bahwa hasilperhitungan laju korosi tampak lebih realistis dibandingkan dengan model Norsokasli, dan dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi baja karbon yang mengalami korosiCO2 dengan tingkat kepercayaan lebih tinggi. ABSTRACT Corrosion has a great detrimental effect to economy and environment in almost allinfrastructures, in regards of operations shutdown and asset facilities failure. Acommon problem in oil and gas process piping and transport pipeline nowadays isinternal corrosion caused by corrosive media containing mainly carbon dioxide(CO2) in aqueous solutions. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate CO2 corrosionof carbon steel in terms of corrosion rate in order to meet its life expectancy insuch environment.In this paper, a modified Norsok model was used to predict corrosion rate in CO2environment, and consider typical data parameter used such as temperature, CO2partial pressure, and flow rate or fluid velocity to calculate shear stress andcorrosion rate. By combining knowledge base related to CO2 corrosionmechanism and its logic algorithm with certain rules resulted in such expertsystem which utilize visual basic (Microsoft Visual Studio-VB) programminglanguage to develope a software.Based on calculated shear stress and corrosion rate, then recommendations can beproposed whether carbon steel still can be used or carbon steel with inhibitorinjection or carbon steel replaced by Corrosion Resistance Alloys.The modified Norsok calculation model results show that the calculated corrosionrates are likely more realistic compared to the original Norsok model, and can beused to evaluate carbon steel which suffered CO2 corrosion with highly confident.;Corrosion has a great detrimental effect to economy and environment in almost allinfrastructures, in regards of operations shutdown and asset facilities failure. Acommon problem in oil and gas process piping and transport pipeline nowadays isinternal corrosion caused by corrosive media containing mainly carbon dioxide(CO2) in aqueous solutions. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate CO2 corrosionof carbon steel in terms of corrosion rate in order to meet its life expectancy insuch environment.In this paper, a modified Norsok model was used to predict corrosion rate in CO2environment, and consider typical data parameter used such as temperature, CO2partial pressure, and flow rate or fluid velocity to calculate shear stress andcorrosion rate. By combining knowledge base related to CO2 corrosionmechanism and its logic algorithm with certain rules resulted in such expertsystem which utilize visual basic (Microsoft Visual Studio-VB) programminglanguage to develope a software.Based on calculated shear stress and corrosion rate, then recommendations can beproposed whether carbon steel still can be used or carbon steel with inhibitorinjection or carbon steel replaced by Corrosion Resistance Alloys.The modified Norsok calculation model results show that the calculated corrosionrates are likely more realistic compared to the original Norsok model, and can beused to evaluate carbon steel which suffered CO2 corrosion with highly confident., Corrosion has a great detrimental effect to economy and environment in almost allinfrastructures, in regards of operations shutdown and asset facilities failure. Acommon problem in oil and gas process piping and transport pipeline nowadays isinternal corrosion caused by corrosive media containing mainly carbon dioxide(CO2) in aqueous solutions. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate CO2 corrosionof carbon steel in terms of corrosion rate in order to meet its life expectancy insuch environment.In this paper, a modified Norsok model was used to predict corrosion rate in CO2environment, and consider typical data parameter used such as temperature, CO2partial pressure, and flow rate or fluid velocity to calculate shear stress andcorrosion rate. By combining knowledge base related to CO2 corrosionmechanism and its logic algorithm with certain rules resulted in such expertsystem which utilize visual basic (Microsoft Visual Studio-VB) programminglanguage to develope a software.Based on calculated shear stress and corrosion rate, then recommendations can beproposed whether carbon steel still can be used or carbon steel with inhibitorinjection or carbon steel replaced by Corrosion Resistance Alloys.The modified Norsok calculation model results show that the calculated corrosionrates are likely more realistic compared to the original Norsok model, and can beused to evaluate carbon steel which suffered CO2 corrosion with highly confident.] |