[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas tentang keekonomian pengembangan sumur-sumur tuaminyak bumi dan manfaat pengusahaan sumur tua terhadap perekonomianmasyarakat sekitar sumur tua di Cepu. Sesuai Peraturan Menteri Energi danSumber Daya Mineral Nomor 001 Tahun 2008 tentang Pedoman PengusahaanPertambangan Minyak Bumi Pada Sumur Tua, yang diberikan izin untukmelakukan pengusahaan sumur-sumur tua minyak tersebut adalah Koperasi UnitDesa (KUD) dan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD). Untuk mengusahakansumur tua KUD dan BUMD membutuhkan investasi untuk pembersihan sumurtua dan pemroduksiannya. Penelitian ini menghitung keekonomian pengusahaansumur tua dengan menggunakan skenario asumsi harga jual minyak Rp 4.160,-/Ldan Rp 3.698,-/L dan variasi jumlah sumur tua yang diproduksikan. Penghitungandilakukan pada keekonomian produksi sumur tua di setiap KUD dan BUMD sertakeekonomian pengusahaan sumur tua secara umum. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa tidak semua KUD dan BUMD menghasilkan keuntunganyang cukup untuk mengembalikan investasi yang telah dikeluarkan. Denganasumsi harga jual minyak Rp 4.160,-/L maka produksi minimal per sumur tuayang dapat memberikan keuntungan adalah sebesar ± 2 bbl/hari, sedangkanmenggunakan asumsi harga jual minyak Rp 3.698,-/L maka produksi minimal persumur tua yang dapat memberikan keuntungan adalah sebesar ± 3,5 bbl/hari.Manfaat pengusahaan sumur tua bagi masyarakat adalah terbukanya lapangankerja dan usaha serta peningkatan pendapatan. Dalam pemroduksian sumur tuadirekomendasikan untuk menggunakan metode timba, dikarenakan metodetersebut dapat membuka lapangan kerja dan usaha yang cukup banyak dimanasesuai dengan semangat pengelolaan sumur tua yaitu memberdayakan masyarakatsekitar. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the economic development of old oil wells and benefitconcessions old oil wells on the economy of the community around the in Cepu.According to the Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No.001 of 2008 on Guidelines for Oil Mining Concessions In Old Oil Wells, who wasgiven permission to do the exploitation of old oil wells is the Village UnitCooperatives (cooperatives) and the Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises). Tocommercialize old wells, cooperatives and enterprises requires investment forcleaning old oil wells and producing oil. This study calculates the economicexploitation of old oil wells using a scenario assuming oil prices of Rp 4,160,-/Land Rp 3,698,-/L and the variation of the number of old oil wells that produced.Calculations performed on the economics of production of old oil wells in eachcooperatives and enterprises as well as the economic exploitation of the old wellin general. The results showed that not all cooperatives and enterprises generateenough profit to return the investments made. Assuming oil selling price of Rp4,160,-/L, the minimum oil production per well who can provide benefits is equalto ± 2 bbl/day, while using the assumption of oil selling price of Rp 3.698,-/ L, theminimum oil production per well who can provide benefits is equal to ± 3.5bbl/day . Benefits for the community concession old well is work opportunitiesand businesses as well as increased revenue. In producing old oil wells isrecommended to use the bucket method, because the method can create jobs andbusiness in accordance with the spirit in which the management of old oil wellsthat empower local communities.;This thesis discusses the economic development of old oil wells and benefitconcessions old oil wells on the economy of the community around the in Cepu.According to the Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No.001 of 2008 on Guidelines for Oil Mining Concessions In Old Oil Wells, who wasgiven permission to do the exploitation of old oil wells is the Village UnitCooperatives (cooperatives) and the Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises). Tocommercialize old wells, cooperatives and enterprises requires investment forcleaning old oil wells and producing oil. This study calculates the economicexploitation of old oil wells using a scenario assuming oil prices of Rp 4,160,-/Land Rp 3,698,-/L and the variation of the number of old oil wells that produced.Calculations performed on the economics of production of old oil wells in eachcooperatives and enterprises as well as the economic exploitation of the old wellin general. The results showed that not all cooperatives and enterprises generateenough profit to return the investments made. Assuming oil selling price of Rp4,160,-/L, the minimum oil production per well who can provide benefits is equalto ± 2 bbl/day, while using the assumption of oil selling price of Rp 3.698,-/ L, theminimum oil production per well who can provide benefits is equal to ± 3.5bbl/day . Benefits for the community concession old well is work opportunitiesand businesses as well as increased revenue. In producing old oil wells isrecommended to use the bucket method, because the method can create jobs andbusiness in accordance with the spirit in which the management of old oil wellsthat empower local communities.;This thesis discusses the economic development of old oil wells and benefitconcessions old oil wells on the economy of the community around the in Cepu.According to the Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No.001 of 2008 on Guidelines for Oil Mining Concessions In Old Oil Wells, who wasgiven permission to do the exploitation of old oil wells is the Village UnitCooperatives (cooperatives) and the Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises). Tocommercialize old wells, cooperatives and enterprises requires investment forcleaning old oil wells and producing oil. This study calculates the economicexploitation of old oil wells using a scenario assuming oil prices of Rp 4,160,-/Land Rp 3,698,-/L and the variation of the number of old oil wells that produced.Calculations performed on the economics of production of old oil wells in eachcooperatives and enterprises as well as the economic exploitation of the old wellin general. The results showed that not all cooperatives and enterprises generateenough profit to return the investments made. Assuming oil selling price of Rp4,160,-/L, the minimum oil production per well who can provide benefits is equalto ± 2 bbl/day, while using the assumption of oil selling price of Rp 3.698,-/ L, theminimum oil production per well who can provide benefits is equal to ± 3.5bbl/day . Benefits for the community concession old well is work opportunitiesand businesses as well as increased revenue. In producing old oil wells isrecommended to use the bucket method, because the method can create jobs andbusiness in accordance with the spirit in which the management of old oil wellsthat empower local communities., This thesis discusses the economic development of old oil wells and benefitconcessions old oil wells on the economy of the community around the in Cepu.According to the Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No.001 of 2008 on Guidelines for Oil Mining Concessions In Old Oil Wells, who wasgiven permission to do the exploitation of old oil wells is the Village UnitCooperatives (cooperatives) and the Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises). Tocommercialize old wells, cooperatives and enterprises requires investment forcleaning old oil wells and producing oil. This study calculates the economicexploitation of old oil wells using a scenario assuming oil prices of Rp 4,160,-/Land Rp 3,698,-/L and the variation of the number of old oil wells that produced.Calculations performed on the economics of production of old oil wells in eachcooperatives and enterprises as well as the economic exploitation of the old wellin general. The results showed that not all cooperatives and enterprises generateenough profit to return the investments made. Assuming oil selling price of Rp4,160,-/L, the minimum oil production per well who can provide benefits is equalto ± 2 bbl/day, while using the assumption of oil selling price of Rp 3.698,-/ L, theminimum oil production per well who can provide benefits is equal to ± 3.5bbl/day . Benefits for the community concession old well is work opportunitiesand businesses as well as increased revenue. In producing old oil wells isrecommended to use the bucket method, because the method can create jobs andbusiness in accordance with the spirit in which the management of old oil wellsthat empower local communities.] |