[ABSTRAK Latar belakang (background): Saat ini, banyak sekali permasalahan kesehatan yangterjadi pada remaja, termasuk juga pada remaja yang berada di sekolah. Di Indonesia,terdapat sebuah program promosi kesehatan yang dilakukan pada tataran sekolah yaituUsaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS). Anak sekolah merupakan kelompok terorganisir yangberpotensi untuk mampu berdaya dalam hal kesehatan. Tujuan (Objective): Memberikangambaran mengenai pelaksanaan program UKS pada Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas(SLTA)di Provinsi DKI Jakarta dengan menggunakan pendekatan Balanced Scorecard.Metode (Method): Informasi yang didapatkan berasal dari studi kualitatif yang dilakukanpada sekolah dan Puskesmas di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Studi ini dilakukan pada bulan Juli-Oktober 2014. Informasi yang dianalisis dalam studi ini bersumber dari 17 wawancaramendalam yang dilakukan pada sekolah dan Puskesmas, melibatkan 4 (empat) wakilkepala sekolah, 4 (empat) guru Pembina UKS, 4 (empat) perwakilan siswa, 4 (empat)perwakilan Puskesmas, dan seorang perwakilan staf Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta.Hasil (result): Berdasarkan metode evaluasi Balanced Scorecard, pada keempat sekolahyang menjadi studi penelitian ini lebih banyak menjalankan ruang lingkup kuratif saja.Pada keempat Puskesmas diketahui lebih banyak menjalankan fungsi pelayanan kesehatandibandingkan dengan fungsi pendidikan kesehatan dan pembinaan lingkungan sehat.Beberapa faktor yang mendorong belum optimalnya pelaksanaan UKS di SLTAdiantaranya adalah masih kurangnya pelatihan dan forum belajar bagi guru, belummaksimalnya pelibatan siswa baik di sekolah maupun di Puskesmas, dan belummaksimalnya kerjasama yang dilakukan oleh Puskesmas. Kesimpulan (conclusion):Diperlukan sebuah upaya yang komprehensif untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebuttermasuk peninjauan kembali kebijakan dan pedoman yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaanUKS di sekolah, peningkatan keterampilan bagi para guru dan petugas kesehatan melaluipelatihan dan mengaktifkan forum komunikasi sebagai sarana belajar untukmengembangkan wawasan, melibatkan para orangtua siswa, dan pelibatan siswa dalammenjalankan proses perencanaan hingga evaluasi program UKS di sekolah. ABSTRACT Background: Nowadays, many health problems happened in adolescent, includingadolescent in school. In Indonesia, there is a program that conducted in school, namedUKS (Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah). In school, adolescent is the organized group that has tobe capable to empower in health. Objective: Explain about implementation of UKSprogram in Senior High School and equal in Province of DKI Jakarta with BalancedScorecard approaches. Method: information obtained from qualitative study conducted inSchool and health care center in Province of DKI Jakarta. Analyzed information in thisstudy sourced from 17 in-depth interviews, consist of 4 (four) vice school principle, 4(four) teachers, 4 (four) students, 4 (four) health care center staff, and representatives fromProvince Health Office. Result: Based on Balanced Scorecard method, in four schoolswhich become the subject of the research stated that are not yet implementedcomprehensive UKS program. Most of them implement only in curative and rehabilitativeefforts. Besides senior high school, the implement program is health care center. In fourhealth care center, most of them implement the program only in health services functioncompared with health education function. Inhibit factors which causes ineffective are lackof training and forum for teacher for encouraging their knowledge and skill that relatedwith UKS, lack of involving the student in school and health care center, and lack ofpartnership between health care center with other sectors like public sector, private sectors,or non-government organization. Conclusion: Required a comprehensive effort to solvethe problems. The governments have to review the policy and guidance related to UKSimplementation di school. Besides that, it is required to improve the organizing skill fromprogram officer (teacher and health care officer) so that they are capable to implementcomprehensive UKS program through training and communication forum as the learning,involve the parent of the student, and involve the students in planning until evaluationprocess in UKS program.;Background: Nowadays, many health problems happened in adolescent, includingadolescent in school. In Indonesia, there is a program that conducted in school, namedUKS (Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah). In school, adolescent is the organized group that has tobe capable to empower in health. Objective: Explain about implementation of UKSprogram in Senior High School and equal in Province of DKI Jakarta with BalancedScorecard approaches. Method: information obtained from qualitative study conducted inSchool and health care center in Province of DKI Jakarta. Analyzed information in thisstudy sourced from 17 in-depth interviews, consist of 4 (four) vice school principle, 4(four) teachers, 4 (four) students, 4 (four) health care center staff, and representatives fromProvince Health Office. Result: Based on Balanced Scorecard method, in four schoolswhich become the subject of the research stated that are not yet implementedcomprehensive UKS program. Most of them implement only in curative and rehabilitativeefforts. Besides senior high school, the implement program is health care center. In fourhealth care center, most of them implement the program only in health services functioncompared with health education function. Inhibit factors which causes ineffective are lackof training and forum for teacher for encouraging their knowledge and skill that relatedwith UKS, lack of involving the student in school and health care center, and lack ofpartnership between health care center with other sectors like public sector, private sectors,or non-government organization. Conclusion: Required a comprehensive effort to solvethe problems. The governments have to review the policy and guidance related to UKSimplementation di school. Besides that, it is required to improve the organizing skill fromprogram officer (teacher and health care officer) so that they are capable to implementcomprehensive UKS program through training and communication forum as the learning,involve the parent of the student, and involve the students in planning until evaluationprocess in UKS program., Background: Nowadays, many health problems happened in adolescent, includingadolescent in school. In Indonesia, there is a program that conducted in school, namedUKS (Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah). In school, adolescent is the organized group that has tobe capable to empower in health. Objective: Explain about implementation of UKSprogram in Senior High School and equal in Province of DKI Jakarta with BalancedScorecard approaches. Method: information obtained from qualitative study conducted inSchool and health care center in Province of DKI Jakarta. Analyzed information in thisstudy sourced from 17 in-depth interviews, consist of 4 (four) vice school principle, 4(four) teachers, 4 (four) students, 4 (four) health care center staff, and representatives fromProvince Health Office. Result: Based on Balanced Scorecard method, in four schoolswhich become the subject of the research stated that are not yet implementedcomprehensive UKS program. Most of them implement only in curative and rehabilitativeefforts. Besides senior high school, the implement program is health care center. In fourhealth care center, most of them implement the program only in health services functioncompared with health education function. Inhibit factors which causes ineffective are lackof training and forum for teacher for encouraging their knowledge and skill that relatedwith UKS, lack of involving the student in school and health care center, and lack ofpartnership between health care center with other sectors like public sector, private sectors,or non-government organization. Conclusion: Required a comprehensive effort to solvethe problems. The governments have to review the policy and guidance related to UKSimplementation di school. Besides that, it is required to improve the organizing skill fromprogram officer (teacher and health care officer) so that they are capable to implementcomprehensive UKS program through training and communication forum as the learning,involve the parent of the student, and involve the students in planning until evaluationprocess in UKS program.] |