[ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Peran root surface conditioning terhadap keberadaan smear layer.Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan antara penggunaan root surface conditioning (minosiklin 2,1% dan EDTA 24%) terhadap keberadaan smear layer setelah penghalusan akar gigi. Metoda: Sepuluh gigi manusia yang dicabut akibat kelainan periodontal dan dilakukan penghalusan akar. Gigi dipotong pada daerahsepertiga servikal, dan 30 spesimen yang terbentuk dibagi dalam tiga kelompok.Hasil: Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan terhadap tingkat keberadaan smear layer antara kelompok minosiklin maupun EDTA (p=0,759). Terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara kelompok minosiklin dan EDTA dengan salin sebagai kontrol (p=0,00). Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan antara penggunaan root surface conditioning terhadap keberadaan smear layer. ABSTRACT Background: Role of root surface conditioning of the existence of smear layer.Objective: To analyze the smear layer on root surface conditioned withminocycline HCl 2,1% , EDTA gel 24%, after root planed.Materials and methods: Ten human teeth removed due to chronic periodontitis were collected and root planed. The teeth were sectioned on 1/3 cervikal, 30 specimens were divided into three groups. Results: No significant differences of smear layer between minocycline and EDTA (p=0,759). There was significant differences of minocycline and EDTA group compare to saline (p=0,00).Conclusion: There was relationship of root surface conditioning treatment with smear layer.;Background: Role of root surface conditioning of the existence of smear layer.Objective: To analyze the smear layer on root surface conditioned withminocycline HCl 2,1% , EDTA gel 24%, after root planed.Materials and methods: Ten human teeth removed due to chronic periodontitis were collected and root planed. The teeth were sectioned on 1/3 cervikal, 30 specimens were divided into three groups. Results: No significant differences of smear layer between minocycline and EDTA (p=0,759). There was significant differences of minocycline and EDTA group compare to saline (p=0,00).Conclusion: There was relationship of root surface conditioning treatment with smear layer., Background: Role of root surface conditioning of the existence of smear layer.Objective: To analyze the smear layer on root surface conditioned withminocycline HCl 2,1% , EDTA gel 24%, after root planed.Materials and methods: Ten human teeth removed due to chronic periodontitis were collected and root planed. The teeth were sectioned on 1/3 cervikal, 30 specimens were divided into three groups. Results: No significant differences of smear layer between minocycline and EDTA (p=0,759). There was significant differences of minocycline and EDTA group compare to saline (p=0,00).Conclusion: There was relationship of root surface conditioning treatment with smear layer.] |