[ABSTRAK Teknologi taman vertikal (dinding hijau) merupakan suatu konsep penanamanvegetasi alami yang dibangun secara tegak lurus atau vertikal. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi potensi taman vertikal sebagaisuatu solusi keterbatasan ruang hijau dan pengendali kualitas udara di wilayahRuang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) terbatas pada wilayah gedung bertingkat tinggi.Penelitian ini juga bertujuan mengidentifikasi komponen biaya dan manfaat sertamengetahui pengetahuan, persepsi dan sikap masyarakat terhadap teknologi tamanvertikal ini. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode perbandingan berdasarkan kondisieksisting tutupan tanah berdasarkan hasil citra Landsat dan pengukuran kualitasudara, analisis biaya dan manfaat serta analisis frekuensi untuk kuesioner.Proporsi luas tutupan vegetasi pada wilayah penelitian sebesar 21,13%, tamanvertikal mampu menjadi RTH pengendali kualitas udara dengan menurunkankonsentrasi CO2 sebesar 4,85%, nilai B/C ratio sebesar 14,63 serta pengelolagedung memiliki tingkat persepsi terhadap manfaat teknologi taman vertikaldiatas 75,9%. ABSTRACT Vertical garden technology (green wall) is a concept of natural vegetationconstructed perpendicularly or vertically. This study aims to analyze and identifypotential vertical garden as a green solution to space limitations and control of airquality in the area of green open space (RTH) is limited to the area of high-risebuildings. This study also aims to identify the components of the costs andbenefits as well as knowing knowledge, perceptions and attitudes towards thisvertical garden technologies. The analysis was performed by the method ofcomparison based on the existing condition of land cover based on Landsatimagery and measurement of air quality, cost-benefit analysis and frequencyanalysis to the questionnaires. Proportion of vegetation covered in the study areaby 21,13%, vertical gardens could become RTH controlling air quality byreducing CO2 concentration of 4,89% , the value of B/C ratio of 14,63 andbuilding management have a certain level of perceptions of the benefits of verticalgarden technologies above 75,9%., Vertical garden technology (green wall) is a concept of natural vegetationconstructed perpendicularly or vertically. This study aims to analyze and identifypotential vertical garden as a green solution to space limitations and control of airquality in the area of green open space (RTH) is limited to the area of high-risebuildings. This study also aims to identify the components of the costs andbenefits as well as knowing knowledge, perceptions and attitudes towards thisvertical garden technologies. The analysis was performed by the method ofcomparison based on the existing condition of land cover based on Landsatimagery and measurement of air quality, cost-benefit analysis and frequencyanalysis to the questionnaires. Proportion of vegetation covered in the study areaby 21,13%, vertical gardens could become RTH controlling air quality byreducing CO2 concentration of 4,89% , the value of B/C ratio of 14,63 andbuilding management have a certain level of perceptions of the benefits of verticalgarden technologies above 75,9%.] |