[ABSTRAK Kinerja merupakan implementasi dari rencana yang telah disusun. Penghargaanterhadap kinerja dapat bersifat finansial maupun non finansial. Tujuan penelitian iniadalah untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan penghargaan perawat dengan kinerja perawatpelaksana di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Bunda Aliyah Jakarta.Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectionalpada 55 orang perawat pelaksana yang bertugas di ruang rawat inap. Instrumenpenelitian menggunakan kuesioner penghargaan dan evaluasi kinerja perawatpelaksana. Uji statistik menggunakan t-test independent dan regresi linier. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara penghargaan perawat dengankinerja perawat pelaksana (p value = 0, 700, a = 0,05). Supervisi merupakan subvariabel penghargaan yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kinerja perawatpelaksana (p value = 0,001, a = 0,05). Hasil penelitian ini mengidentifikasi bahwapei11berian penghargaan non finansial dapat meningkatkan kinerja perawat disampingpemberian penghargaan finansial. Diharapkan rumah sakit meningkatkan pengetahuandan keterampilan tentang supervisi bagi kepala ruangan dan meningkatkanketerampilan perawat pelaksana melalui pendidikan berkelanjutan. ABSTRACT Job performance is a work performance in terms of quantity and quality expected from eachemployee. Reward system can be formed as fmancial or non-financial. The aim of this studywas to identifY the correlation between nursing reward system and nursing staff perfonnance inhospital ward in Bunda Aliyah Jakarta Hospital. This is descriptive study using crosssectional, and reward and performance instruments were used in recruiting 55 staff nurses whowere working in in-patient unit. The data was analyzed by independent t-test and linearregression. The result shows that there is no correlation between nursing reward system andnursing staff performance in hospital ward (p value = 0,70 a 0,05). Supervision is thedominant sub variable that correlate with nursing staffperfonnance (p value= 0,001 a 0,05).This study implied that non-financial reward would increase nursing staff performance.It is suggested that hospital administrators need to improve head nurse's knowledge andskills on supervision, and also improving staff nurse's skills through continuing nursingeducation.;Job performance is a work performance in terms of quantity and quality expected from eachemployee. Reward system can be formed as fmancial or non-financial. The aim of this studywas to identifY the correlation between nursing reward system and nursing staff perfonnance inhospital ward in Bunda Aliyah Jakarta Hospital. This is descriptive study using crosssectional, and reward and performance instruments were used in recruiting 55 staff nurses whowere working in in-patient unit. The data was analyzed by independent t-test and linearregression. The result shows that there is no correlation between nursing reward system andnursing staff performance in hospital ward (p value = 0,70 a 0,05). Supervision is thedominant sub variable that correlate with nursing staffperfonnance (p value= 0,001 a 0,05).This study implied that non-financial reward would increase nursing staff performance.It is suggested that hospital administrators need to improve head nurse's knowledge andskills on supervision, and also improving staff nurse's skills through continuing nursingeducation., Job performance is a work performance in terms of quantity and quality expected from eachemployee. Reward system can be formed as fmancial or non-financial. The aim of this studywas to identifY the correlation between nursing reward system and nursing staff perfonnance inhospital ward in Bunda Aliyah Jakarta Hospital. This is descriptive study using crosssectional, and reward and performance instruments were used in recruiting 55 staff nurses whowere working in in-patient unit. The data was analyzed by independent t-test and linearregression. The result shows that there is no correlation between nursing reward system andnursing staff performance in hospital ward (p value = 0,70 a 0,05). Supervision is thedominant sub variable that correlate with nursing staffperfonnance (p value= 0,001 a 0,05).This study implied that non-financial reward would increase nursing staff performance.It is suggested that hospital administrators need to improve head nurse's knowledge andskills on supervision, and also improving staff nurse's skills through continuing nursingeducation.] |