[ABSTRAK Permasalahan sampah semakin sulit untuk ditangani karena peningkatanjumlah sampah tidak sejalan dengan peningkatan pengelolaan persampahan yangmemadai. Salah satu cara mengatasi masalah pengelolaan sampah adalahmelalui pendirian Bank Sampah yang merupakan kegiatan bersifat socialengineering, menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam pengolahan sampahsecara bijak serta membangun kewirausahaan masyarakat. Membangun danmengembangkan bank sampah tidaklah mudah, banyak hambatan dan kendaladalam membangun dan mengembangkan bank sampah. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengkaji pengaruh dari karakter kewirausahaan pengurus atau pengelolabank sampah terhadap perkembangan dan keberlanjutan bank sampah yang dilihatdari banyaknya masyarakat yang bergabung menjadi nasabah bank sampah.Penelitian dilakukan di Kota Depok, dimana data penelitian didapat melaluipenyebaran angket/kuesioner dengan jumlah responden dan sampel bank sampahsebanyak sembilan puluh. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis regresilinear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa enam karakterkewirausahaan pengurus bank sampah yang diteliti yakni kepemimpinan, percayadiri, mampu melihat peluang, berani mengambil resiko, fleksibel dan mampuberadaptasi, dan mandiri berpengaruh positif terhadap perkembangan dankeberlanjutan bank sampah. Karakter percaya diri, kepemimpinan dan mampumemanfaatkan peluang dari pengurus bank sampah memiliki pengaruh yangsignifikan terhadap peningkatan jumlah nasabah bank sampah.; ABSTRACT Solid waste problem is getting difficult to handle because of the increased amountof solid waste is not in line with the increase of adequate solid waste management.One way to overcome the problem of solid waste management is through theestablishment of a Waste Bank which is a social engineering activity, whichteaches people to sort the solid waste as well as raising public awareness on solidwaste management wisely. A lot of obstacles and constraints in building anddeveloping the waste bank. This study aimed to assess the influence of theenterpreneurship character of the board or management of the waste bank towardsdevelopment and sustainability waste bank. The study was conducted in Depok.The research data obtained through a questionnaire with renponden and sample ofwaste banks surveyed as much as 90. Data analysis using multiple regressionmethod. The results showed that six entrepreneurship characters of waste bankofficials who investigated such as leadership, confident, able to see theopportunities, willing to take risks, flexible and able to adapt, and independenthave positive effect on waste bank development and sustainability. Characterconfident, leadership and able to see the opportunities has a significant influenceincreasing costumer waste bank., Solid waste problem is getting difficult to handle because of the increased amountof solid waste is not in line with the increase of adequate solid waste management.One way to overcome the problem of solid waste management is through theestablishment of a Waste Bank which is a social engineering activity, whichteaches people to sort the solid waste as well as raising public awareness on solidwaste management wisely. A lot of obstacles and constraints in building anddeveloping the waste bank. This study aimed to assess the influence of theenterpreneurship character of the board or management of the waste bank towardsdevelopment and sustainability waste bank. The study was conducted in Depok.The research data obtained through a questionnaire with renponden and sample ofwaste banks surveyed as much as 90. Data analysis using multiple regressionmethod. The results showed that six entrepreneurship characters of waste bankofficials who investigated such as leadership, confident, able to see theopportunities, willing to take risks, flexible and able to adapt, and independenthave positive effect on waste bank development and sustainability. Characterconfident, leadership and able to see the opportunities has a significant influenceincreasing costumer waste bank.] |