[ABSTRAK Seiring meningkatnya persaingan bisnis di dalam industri rumah sakit,organisasi rumah sakit dituntut untuk terus meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitifdi masa depan yang ditentukan oleh sumber-sumber pengetahuan organisasi.Dimengelola pengetahuan yang dimiliki individu di dalam organisasi, dapatdipengaruhi oleh tiga hal, yaitu individual factor, social exchange danorganizational factor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruhindividual factor, social exchange, organizational factor, knowledge sharing,innovation capability dan performance. Unit analisis penelitian ini adalah,manajer tingkat menengah organisasi Rumah Sakit Kelas C di Depok.Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer, melalui pembagian kuesioner danteknik statistik yangdigunakan adalah SEM dengan metode PLS. Hasil penelitianini menunjukkan bahwa organizational factor lebih berpengaruh terhadapknowledge sharing dibanding individual factor dan social exchange padaorganisasi Rumah Sakit Kelas C di Depok. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa organisasirumah sakit telah dapat melakukan pengelolaan pengetahuan di dalam organisasidengan baik sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan inovasi organisasi danmeningkatkan kinerja.; ABSTRACT The increasing competition in the hospital industry, hospital organizationsare required to continuously improve competitive advantage in the future isdetermined by the knowledge resources of the organization. In managing theknowledge of the individual in the organization, can be affected by three things,namely individual factors, social exchange and organizational factors. Thepurpose of this study was to analyze the influence of individual factors, socialexchange, organizational factors, knowledge sharing, innovation capability andperformance. The unit of analysis of this research is, middle level managersorganizations Hospital Grade C in Depok.This study uses primary data, through the distribution of questionnaires andstatistical techniques used are SEM with PLS method. The results of this studyindicate that organizational factors affect the knowledge sharing is more than theindividual and social factors on organizational exchange Hospital Grade C inDepok. This suggests that the organization of the hospital has been able to manageknowledge in the organization so well that can improve organizational innovationcapability and improve performance.;The increasing competition in the hospital industry, hospital organizationsare required to continuously improve competitive advantage in the future isdetermined by the knowledge resources of the organization. In managing theknowledge of the individual in the organization, can be affected by three things,namely individual factors, social exchange and organizational factors. Thepurpose of this study was to analyze the influence of individual factors, socialexchange, organizational factors, knowledge sharing, innovation capability andperformance. The unit of analysis of this research is, middle level managersorganizations Hospital Grade C in Depok.This study uses primary data, through the distribution of questionnaires andstatistical techniques used are SEM with PLS method. The results of this studyindicate that organizational factors affect the knowledge sharing is more than theindividual and social factors on organizational exchange Hospital Grade C inDepok. This suggests that the organization of the hospital has been able to manageknowledge in the organization so well that can improve organizational innovationcapability and improve performance.;The increasing competition in the hospital industry, hospital organizationsare required to continuously improve competitive advantage in the future isdetermined by the knowledge resources of the organization. In managing theknowledge of the individual in the organization, can be affected by three things,namely individual factors, social exchange and organizational factors. Thepurpose of this study was to analyze the influence of individual factors, socialexchange, organizational factors, knowledge sharing, innovation capability andperformance. The unit of analysis of this research is, middle level managersorganizations Hospital Grade C in Depok.This study uses primary data, through the distribution of questionnaires andstatistical techniques used are SEM with PLS method. The results of this studyindicate that organizational factors affect the knowledge sharing is more than theindividual and social factors on organizational exchange Hospital Grade C inDepok. This suggests that the organization of the hospital has been able to manageknowledge in the organization so well that can improve organizational innovationcapability and improve performance., The increasing competition in the hospital industry, hospital organizationsare required to continuously improve competitive advantage in the future isdetermined by the knowledge resources of the organization. In managing theknowledge of the individual in the organization, can be affected by three things,namely individual factors, social exchange and organizational factors. Thepurpose of this study was to analyze the influence of individual factors, socialexchange, organizational factors, knowledge sharing, innovation capability andperformance. The unit of analysis of this research is, middle level managersorganizations Hospital Grade C in Depok.This study uses primary data, through the distribution of questionnaires andstatistical techniques used are SEM with PLS method. The results of this studyindicate that organizational factors affect the knowledge sharing is more than theindividual and social factors on organizational exchange Hospital Grade C inDepok. This suggests that the organization of the hospital has been able to manageknowledge in the organization so well that can improve organizational innovationcapability and improve performance.] |