[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas penyederhanaan neraca keuangan yang sudahterstandarisasi khususnya pada neraca kekayaan-kewajiban dengan metoderevised balance sheet. Pada neraca kekayaan-kewajiban standar terdapat minimal32 (tiga puluh dua) variabel data keuangan, dengan menggunakan metode revisedbalance sheet, maka hanya 6 (enam) variabel data keuangan berjangka panjangyang digunakan dalam proses evaluasi kinerja keuangan, prediksi posisikeuangan, serta perancangan kebijakan dalam upaya meningkatkan pertumbuhankeuangan perusahaan.Proses penyederhanaan neraca keuangan serta penentuan kebijakan keuanganperusahaan menggunakan perangkat lunak Matlab. Pada Matlab terdapat mediatampilan GUI (graphic user interface) yang memudahkan dalam pemrosesansetiap data neraca keuangan. Evaluasi kinerja dan langkah kebijakan yangdiprioritaskan pada penelitian ini ditampilkan dalam beberapa feature, diantaranyaadalah penentuan laju pertumbuhan keuangan perusahaan, penilaian harga saham,evaluasi tindakan merger, simulasi laju pertumbuhan dengan penambahan modalpenyertaan saham, penentuan kelayakan investasi serta evaluasi biaya penelitiandan pengembangan perusahaanHasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini bahwa penggunaan alat analisakeuangan dalam bentuk program komputer dengan menggunakan metode revisedbalance sheet melalui perangkat lunak Matlab dapat beroperasi secara efektif danefisien.;ABSTRACT This study discusses the simplification of the financial statements that has beenstandardized especially on the balance sheet become simpler with the revisedbalance sheet method. At the balance sheet standard, there are at least 32 (thirtytwo) financial data variables, using the revised balance sheet method, only 6 (six)variable long-term financial data used in the process of evaluating the financialperformance, financial position prediction, and design policies in an effort toimprove the company's financial growth.The simplification of the balance sheet and financial policies determinationusingMatlab software. In Matlab media, there is GUI (graphic user interface) thatfacilitates the processing of any financial data in financial statements.Performance evaluation and priority policies measures in this study is shown inseveral features, including the determination the growth rate of corporate finance,stocks valuation, merger valuation, growth rate with additional equity, investmentcriteria acceptance, and research and development cost valuation.The results obtained in this study that the use of financial analysis tool in the formof a computer program using the revised balance;This study discusses the simplification of the financial statements that has beenstandardized especially on the balance sheet become simpler with the revisedbalance sheet method. At the balance sheet standard, there are at least 32 (thirtytwo) financial data variables, using the revised balance sheet method, only 6 (six)variable long-term financial data used in the process of evaluating the financialperformance, financial position prediction, and design policies in an effort toimprove the company's financial growth.The simplification of the balance sheet and financial policies determinationusingMatlab software. In Matlab media, there is GUI (graphic user interface) thatfacilitates the processing of any financial data in financial statements.Performance evaluation and priority policies measures in this study is shown inseveral features, including the determination the growth rate of corporate finance,stocks valuation, merger valuation, growth rate with additional equity, investmentcriteria acceptance, and research and development cost valuation.The results obtained in this study that the use of financial analysis tool in the formof a computer program using the revised balance, This study discusses the simplification of the financial statements that has beenstandardized especially on the balance sheet become simpler with the revisedbalance sheet method. At the balance sheet standard, there are at least 32 (thirtytwo) financial data variables, using the revised balance sheet method, only 6 (six)variable long-term financial data used in the process of evaluating the financialperformance, financial position prediction, and design policies in an effort toimprove the company's financial growth.The simplification of the balance sheet and financial policies determinationusingMatlab software. In Matlab media, there is GUI (graphic user interface) thatfacilitates the processing of any financial data in financial statements.Performance evaluation and priority policies measures in this study is shown inseveral features, including the determination the growth rate of corporate finance,stocks valuation, merger valuation, growth rate with additional equity, investmentcriteria acceptance, and research and development cost valuation.The results obtained in this study that the use of financial analysis tool in the formof a computer program using the revised balance] |