[ABTRAK Rebranding adalah sebuah strategi marketing yang lumrah dilakukan olehbanyak perusahaan, terutama saat ada situasi dimana sebuah perusahaan diakuisisioleh perusahaan lainya. Dalam situasi tersebut strategi rebranding menjadi sangatpenting untuk diterapkan demi mendapatkan kepercayaan konsumen untuk terusmenggunakan produk atau jasa yang ditawarkan. Dalam penelitian ini, dapatdilihat faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kepercayaan konsumendengan keinginan pembelian. Faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kepercayaanpada proses rebranding terlihat dari sikap skeptis dan resistensi terhadapperubahan yang membentuk brand attitude seseorang. Dalam penelitian ini,hubungan yang ditimbulkan antara sikap skeptis dan resistensi dapat dibuktikandan bersifat positif. Rasa keingintahuan menjadi faktor penting untukmempengaruhi tingkat resistensi. Pada penelitian ini terlihat hubungan yangsignifikan dan bersifat negatif antara rasa keingintahuan seseorang denganresistensi yang dimiliki. Pada akhirnya, resistensi akan mempengaruhi sikap yangdimiliki oleh seorang konsumen pada saat rebranding terjadi. Dari sikap yangdimiliki oleh seseorang tersebut, terbentuk tingkat keinginan pembelian yangtinggi pada sebuah merek. ABSTRACT Rebranding is a common marketing strategy undertaken by manycompanies, especially when there is a situation where a company acquired byother companies such as merger and acquisition. In such a situation, it becomesvery important for a rebranding strategy to be applied correctly in order to obtainthe trust of consumers to continue to use the product or service being offered anddevelop a favorable attitude towards brand. In this study, there are factors that willaffect the level of consumer trust and purchase intention. Factors that influencethe level of trust will be shown and driven by skepticism and resistance to changethat will shape a customers's brand attitude. In this study, the relationship arisingbetween skepticism and resistance can be proven positive. Curiosity becomes animportant factor to influence the level of resistance. The study shows, there is asignificant relationship between curiosity and resistance and the relationship isnegative. It means the more curiosity shown by the customer, the less resistancehe or she will have toward a brand that undergoes changes. In the end, resistancewill affect the attitude towards brand when undergoes rebranding process. Thisattitude will proved center reason why a customer use the service in the websiteand generates transaction in the future.;Rebranding is a common marketing strategy undertaken by manycompanies, especially when there is a situation where a company acquired byother companies such as merger and acquisition. In such a situation, it becomesvery important for a rebranding strategy to be applied correctly in order to obtainthe trust of consumers to continue to use the product or service being offered anddevelop a favorable attitude towards brand. In this study, there are factors that willaffect the level of consumer trust and purchase intention. Factors that influencethe level of trust will be shown and driven by skepticism and resistance to changethat will shape a customers's brand attitude. In this study, the relationship arisingbetween skepticism and resistance can be proven positive. Curiosity becomes animportant factor to influence the level of resistance. The study shows, there is asignificant relationship between curiosity and resistance and the relationship isnegative. It means the more curiosity shown by the customer, the less resistancehe or she will have toward a brand that undergoes changes. In the end, resistancewill affect the attitude towards brand when undergoes rebranding process. Thisattitude will proved center reason why a customer use the service in the websiteand generates transaction in the future., Rebranding is a common marketing strategy undertaken by manycompanies, especially when there is a situation where a company acquired byother companies such as merger and acquisition. In such a situation, it becomesvery important for a rebranding strategy to be applied correctly in order to obtainthe trust of consumers to continue to use the product or service being offered anddevelop a favorable attitude towards brand. In this study, there are factors that willaffect the level of consumer trust and purchase intention. Factors that influencethe level of trust will be shown and driven by skepticism and resistance to changethat will shape a customers's brand attitude. In this study, the relationship arisingbetween skepticism and resistance can be proven positive. Curiosity becomes animportant factor to influence the level of resistance. The study shows, there is asignificant relationship between curiosity and resistance and the relationship isnegative. It means the more curiosity shown by the customer, the less resistancehe or she will have toward a brand that undergoes changes. In the end, resistancewill affect the attitude towards brand when undergoes rebranding process. Thisattitude will proved center reason why a customer use the service in the websiteand generates transaction in the future.] |