[ABSTRAK Asuhan keperawatan bayi baru lahir yang berpusat pada keluarga (family-centered care/ FCC) telah diketahui manfaatnya terhadap ibu dan bayi, walaupun demikian belum semua rumah sakit menerapkan prinsip tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran pengalaman orang tua menerima asuhan keperawatan yang berpusat pada keluarga ketika bayinya dirawat di NICU. Desain penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap sembilan partisipan yang diambil melalui purposive sampling. Analisis data dengan metode Colaizzi menghasilkan empat tema, yaitu orangtua: berperan serta aktif dalam perawatan bayinya, mendapat informasi program pengobatan dan perkembangan kesehatan bayinya, mendapat dukungan, dan merasakan dimensi emosional. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi masukan pihak manajemen rumah sakit untuk lebih mengoptimalkan penerapan asuhan berpusat pada keluarga, khususnya dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan bonding attachment ibu lebih dekat dengan bayi melalui penambahan toleransi jam kunjungan ABSTRACT Family-centered care (FCC) nursing on the newborn baby has given benefits for mother and baby, however there has been no overall hospitals applying these principles. This study aims to get an overview of the parent?s experience in receiving FCC nursing when their baby was hospitalized in the NICU. A qualitative research design using a phenomenological approach of in-depth interviews was conducted in nine participants, taken by purposive sampling. The data was analyzed by Colaizzi method resulting four themes about parents: actively participating in their baby care, getting informed about the treatment programs and their baby's health development, getting support, and getting involved in emotional dimension. This research can be a sound base for FCC optimalization in hospital, with focus on fulfilling mother-baby bonding through longer visitation hour.;Family-centered care (FCC) nursing on the newborn baby has given benefits for mother and baby, however there has been no overall hospitals applying these principles. This study aims to get an overview of the parent?s experience in receiving FCC nursing when their baby was hospitalized in the NICU. A qualitative research design using a phenomenological approach of in-depth interviews was conducted in nine participants, taken by purposive sampling. The data was analyzed by Colaizzi method resulting four themes about parents: actively participating in their baby care, getting informed about the treatment programs and their baby's health development, getting support, and getting involved in emotional dimension. This research can be a sound base for FCC optimalization in hospital, with focus on fulfilling mother-baby bonding through longer visitation hour., Family-centered care (FCC) nursing on the newborn baby has given benefits formother and baby, however there has been no overall hospitals applying theseprinciples. This study aims to get an overview of the parent’s experience inreceiving FCC nursing when their baby was hospitalized in the NICU. Aqualitative research design using a phenomenological approach of in-depthinterviews was conducted in nine participants, taken by purposive sampling. Thedata was analyzed by Colaizzi method resulting four themes about parents:actively participating in their baby care, getting informed about the treatmentprograms and their baby's health development, getting support, and gettinginvolved in emotional dimension. This research can be a sound base for FCCoptimalization in hospital, with focus on fulfilling mother-baby bonding throughlonger visitation hour.] |