[ABSTRAK Saat ini operator CDMA sedang mengalami tekanan, karena kalah bersaing darisegi tarif, keterbatasan handset, dan coverage dibandingkan dengan operatorberbasis teknologi Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM). Denganmarket share sebesar 15 % dari total pelanggan seluler, seluruh operator CDMAtidak ada yang membukukan keuntungan berdasarkan laporan keuangannya padabeberapa tahun terakhir. Smartfren mengedepankan keunggulan bersaingnya padalayanan data, dan tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis strategi bisnisSmartfren dengan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, dan Treats)dan memilih strategi yang menjadi prioritas perusahaan untuk kelangsungan hidupaktivitas bisnisnya. Hasil analisis menghasilkan strategi yang harus dilakukanperusahaan, yaitu penetrasi pasar dan pengembangan produk serta mengadopsiteknologi LTE untuk meningkatkan daya saing layanan mobile broadbandSmartfren. ABSTRACT Currently CDMA operators are under pressure, because it can not compete interms of rates, the handset limitations, and coverage compared to the technologybasedprovider of Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM). With amarket share of 15% of total mobile subscribers, all CDMA operators no bookprofits based on its financial statements in recent years. Smartfren promotingcompetitive advantage in data services, and the purpose of this study is to analyzethe business strategy Smartfren with SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness,Opportunity, and Treats) and choose a strategy that became the company'spriorities for the survival of their business activities. The results of the analysisproduces strategy should the firm, ie market penetration and product developmentas well as adopt LTE technology to enhance the competitiveness of mobilebroadband services Smartfren., Currently CDMA operators are under pressure, because it can not compete interms of rates, the handset limitations, and coverage compared to the technologybasedprovider of Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM). With amarket share of 15% of total mobile subscribers, all CDMA operators no bookprofits based on its financial statements in recent years. Smartfren promotingcompetitive advantage in data services, and the purpose of this study is to analyzethe business strategy Smartfren with SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness,Opportunity, and Treats) and choose a strategy that became the company'spriorities for the survival of their business activities. The results of the analysisproduces strategy should the firm, ie market penetration and product developmentas well as adopt LTE technology to enhance the competitiveness of mobilebroadband services Smartfren.] |