[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang faktor-faktor yangdapat menghambat perkembangan industri pengolahan kakao Indonesia.Penelitian ini, khususnya, ditujukan untuk menganalisa perkembangan industripengolahan kakao di Indonesia setelah penerapan bea keluar terhadap ekspor bijikakao (bahan baku bagi produk-produk olahan kakao); bagaimana respon dariindustri tersebut dan bagaimana distribusi harga diantara para pelaku dalam rantainilai kakao-coklat di Indonesia.Pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif digunakan dalam analisa penelitian ini.Analisa kualitatif digunakan untuk melihat secara deskriptif pola ekspor kakaoIndonesia, sebagai gambaran dari perkembangan industri pengolahan kakaoIndonesia. Selain itu, metode kualitatif juga digunakan untuk menganalisa rantainilai dari Kakao-Coklat di Indonesia. Analisa deskriptif juga dilakukan terhadaptrend harga biji kakao untuk melihat pembagian harga dan resiko antar pelakudalam rantai nilai kakao Indonesia akibat penerapan bea keluar ekspor biji kakaodan perubahan harga dunia biji kakao. Analisa kuantitatif dilakukan untuk melihatapakah penerapan bea keluar tersebut mempengaruhi perkembangan industripengolahan kakao Indonesia, melalui penawaran ekspor dari produk-produkolahan kakao Indonesia.Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa pasokan biji kakao yang tidak cukup untukpasar domestik, hambatan berupa bea masuk oleh negara-negara EU, danpermasalahan transportasi adalah permasalahan utama yang dapat menghambatperkembangan industri pengolahan kakao Indonesia. Dapat disimpulkan jugabahwa penerapan bea keluar untuk ekspor biji kakao adalah regulasi yang sangatefektif untuk menurunkan ketergantungan terhadap ekspor bahan baku padaekspor produk kakao Indonesia dan mendorong pengolahan domestik kakaodengan peningkatan ekspor produk-produk olahan kakao. Selain itu, penerapanbea keluar dan fluktuasi harga dunia untuk biji kakao dipandang menguntungkanpemerintah dan industri pengolahan kakao, tapi menyebabkan kerugian bagieksporter biji kakao dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap petani. Namun, suatumekanisme penetapan harga yang lebih baik antara petani dan industri sertaefektifitas dari keberadaan asosiasi atau organisasi petani dapat menjadi solusiuntuk membuat petani memperoleh keuntungan dari penerapan bea keluartersebut ABSTRACT This paper aims to answer a question regarding factors that can hinder thedevelopment of Indonesian cocoa processing industry. Specifically, the paper isintended to analyze the development of cocoa processing industries in Indonesiadue to the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans (raw material for cocoaprocessing products); how they respond and how the price distribution amongstakeholders.Qualitative and quantitative methods are applied in the analysis of this paper. Thequalitative analysis is used to see descriptively the pattern of the Indonesian cocoaexports, as the picture of the development of Indonesian cocoa processingindustry, and analyze the Indonesian cocoa-chocolate value chain, specifically theprocessing of cocoa in domestic market. Descriptive analysis is also done for thetrend of cocoa beans price to see the share of price and risk between stakeholdersin Indonesian cocoa value chain due to the imposition of export tax on cocoabeans and the changes in the world price of cocoa beans. Quantitative analysis isdone to see whether the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans affects thedevelopment of Indonesian cocoa processing industries, through export supply ofthe Indonesian cocoa products.Result of the analysis shows that insufficient supply of cocoa beans for domesticmarket, barriers in the form of import duty by the EU countries, and transportationproblems are the major problems that could hinder the development of Indonesiancocoa processing industry. The analysis also concludes that the introduction ofexport tax on cocoa beans is an effective regulation to decrease the dependence onthe export of raw material of cocoa exports and encourage the domesticprocessing of cocoa beans by increase the export of cocoa processing products. Inaddition, the imposition of the tax and fluctuation on the world price of cocoabeans is evaluated to be benefited for the government and the processors, butcauses loss on the exporters of cocoa beans and gives no effect to the farmers.However, a better price mechanism between the farmers and the processors andthe presence of an effective farmer?s association or organization could be asolution to make the farmers gain benefit of the export tax imposition.;This paper aims to answer a question regarding factors that can hinder thedevelopment of Indonesian cocoa processing industry. Specifically, the paper isintended to analyze the development of cocoa processing industries in Indonesiadue to the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans (raw material for cocoaprocessing products); how they respond and how the price distribution amongstakeholders.Qualitative and quantitative methods are applied in the analysis of this paper. Thequalitative analysis is used to see descriptively the pattern of the Indonesian cocoaexports, as the picture of the development of Indonesian cocoa processingindustry, and analyze the Indonesian cocoa-chocolate value chain, specifically theprocessing of cocoa in domestic market. Descriptive analysis is also done for thetrend of cocoa beans price to see the share of price and risk between stakeholdersin Indonesian cocoa value chain due to the imposition of export tax on cocoabeans and the changes in the world price of cocoa beans. Quantitative analysis isdone to see whether the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans affects thedevelopment of Indonesian cocoa processing industries, through export supply ofthe Indonesian cocoa products.Result of the analysis shows that insufficient supply of cocoa beans for domesticmarket, barriers in the form of import duty by the EU countries, and transportationproblems are the major problems that could hinder the development of Indonesiancocoa processing industry. The analysis also concludes that the introduction ofexport tax on cocoa beans is an effective regulation to decrease the dependence onthe export of raw material of cocoa exports and encourage the domesticprocessing of cocoa beans by increase the export of cocoa processing products. Inaddition, the imposition of the tax and fluctuation on the world price of cocoabeans is evaluated to be benefited for the government and the processors, butcauses loss on the exporters of cocoa beans and gives no effect to the farmers.However, a better price mechanism between the farmers and the processors andthe presence of an effective farmer?s association or organization could be asolution to make the farmers gain benefit of the export tax imposition;This paper aims to answer a question regarding factors that can hinder thedevelopment of Indonesian cocoa processing industry. Specifically, the paper isintended to analyze the development of cocoa processing industries in Indonesiadue to the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans (raw material for cocoaprocessing products); how they respond and how the price distribution amongstakeholders.Qualitative and quantitative methods are applied in the analysis of this paper. Thequalitative analysis is used to see descriptively the pattern of the Indonesian cocoaexports, as the picture of the development of Indonesian cocoa processingindustry, and analyze the Indonesian cocoa-chocolate value chain, specifically theprocessing of cocoa in domestic market. Descriptive analysis is also done for thetrend of cocoa beans price to see the share of price and risk between stakeholdersin Indonesian cocoa value chain due to the imposition of export tax on cocoabeans and the changes in the world price of cocoa beans. Quantitative analysis isdone to see whether the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans affects thedevelopment of Indonesian cocoa processing industries, through export supply ofthe Indonesian cocoa products.Result of the analysis shows that insufficient supply of cocoa beans for domesticmarket, barriers in the form of import duty by the EU countries, and transportationproblems are the major problems that could hinder the development of Indonesiancocoa processing industry. The analysis also concludes that the introduction ofexport tax on cocoa beans is an effective regulation to decrease the dependence onthe export of raw material of cocoa exports and encourage the domesticprocessing of cocoa beans by increase the export of cocoa processing products. Inaddition, the imposition of the tax and fluctuation on the world price of cocoabeans is evaluated to be benefited for the government and the processors, butcauses loss on the exporters of cocoa beans and gives no effect to the farmers.However, a better price mechanism between the farmers and the processors andthe presence of an effective farmer?s association or organization could be asolution to make the farmers gain benefit of the export tax imposition;This paper aims to answer a question regarding factors that can hinder thedevelopment of Indonesian cocoa processing industry. Specifically, the paper isintended to analyze the development of cocoa processing industries in Indonesiadue to the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans (raw material for cocoaprocessing products); how they respond and how the price distribution amongstakeholders.Qualitative and quantitative methods are applied in the analysis of this paper. Thequalitative analysis is used to see descriptively the pattern of the Indonesian cocoaexports, as the picture of the development of Indonesian cocoa processingindustry, and analyze the Indonesian cocoa-chocolate value chain, specifically theprocessing of cocoa in domestic market. Descriptive analysis is also done for thetrend of cocoa beans price to see the share of price and risk between stakeholdersin Indonesian cocoa value chain due to the imposition of export tax on cocoabeans and the changes in the world price of cocoa beans. Quantitative analysis isdone to see whether the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans affects thedevelopment of Indonesian cocoa processing industries, through export supply ofthe Indonesian cocoa products.Result of the analysis shows that insufficient supply of cocoa beans for domesticmarket, barriers in the form of import duty by the EU countries, and transportationproblems are the major problems that could hinder the development of Indonesiancocoa processing industry. The analysis also concludes that the introduction ofexport tax on cocoa beans is an effective regulation to decrease the dependence onthe export of raw material of cocoa exports and encourage the domesticprocessing of cocoa beans by increase the export of cocoa processing products. Inaddition, the imposition of the tax and fluctuation on the world price of cocoabeans is evaluated to be benefited for the government and the processors, butcauses loss on the exporters of cocoa beans and gives no effect to the farmers.However, a better price mechanism between the farmers and the processors andthe presence of an effective farmer’s association or organization could be asolution to make the farmers gain benefit of the export tax imposition, This paper aims to answer a question regarding factors that can hinder thedevelopment of Indonesian cocoa processing industry. Specifically, the paper isintended to analyze the development of cocoa processing industries in Indonesiadue to the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans (raw material for cocoaprocessing products); how they respond and how the price distribution amongstakeholders.Qualitative and quantitative methods are applied in the analysis of this paper. Thequalitative analysis is used to see descriptively the pattern of the Indonesian cocoaexports, as the picture of the development of Indonesian cocoa processingindustry, and analyze the Indonesian cocoa-chocolate value chain, specifically theprocessing of cocoa in domestic market. Descriptive analysis is also done for thetrend of cocoa beans price to see the share of price and risk between stakeholdersin Indonesian cocoa value chain due to the imposition of export tax on cocoabeans and the changes in the world price of cocoa beans. Quantitative analysis isdone to see whether the imposition of export tax on cocoa beans affects thedevelopment of Indonesian cocoa processing industries, through export supply ofthe Indonesian cocoa products.Result of the analysis shows that insufficient supply of cocoa beans for domesticmarket, barriers in the form of import duty by the EU countries, and transportationproblems are the major problems that could hinder the development of Indonesiancocoa processing industry. The analysis also concludes that the introduction ofexport tax on cocoa beans is an effective regulation to decrease the dependence onthe export of raw material of cocoa exports and encourage the domesticprocessing of cocoa beans by increase the export of cocoa processing products. Inaddition, the imposition of the tax and fluctuation on the world price of cocoabeans is evaluated to be benefited for the government and the processors, butcauses loss on the exporters of cocoa beans and gives no effect to the farmers.However, a better price mechanism between the farmers and the processors andthe presence of an effective farmer’s association or organization could be asolution to make the farmers gain benefit of the export tax imposition] |