[ABSTRAK Tingginya angka kecelakaan lalu lintas di Indonesia dalam 5 tahun terakhir terutamamelibatkan sepeda motor. Kecelakaan antara lain disebabkan oleh perilakupengendara sepeda motor yang berisiko tinggi untuk menimbulkan kecelakaan.Disertasi ini mengintegrasikan antara perspektif kognitif dan kognisi sosial untukmenjelaskan pengaruh script mengendara berisiko, persepsi jarak, dan persepsi risikoterhadap keputusan pengendara untuk melakukan tiga jenis perilaku mengendaraberisiko yang khas dilakukan di kota besar Indonesia, yaitu menyelip, menyiap, danmelawan arah, dalam situasi pro-risk dan anti-risk. Dua studi pertama (studi 1 danstudi 2) dilakukan untuk menggali situasi pro-risk (mendorong) dan anti-risk(menghambat) pengendara untuk menampilkan perilaku menyelip, menyiap danmelawan arah dan mengembangkan instrumen penelitian. Pada studi 3 dilakukanpenelitian eksperimental dengan desain within subject terhadap 231 pengendara lakilakiberusia 20-35 tahun di wilayah Jabodetabek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanadanya pengaruh tidak langsung dari script mengendara berisiko melalui persepsirisiko terhadap keputusan untuk menyelip dan menyiap dalam situasi pro-risk dananti-risk. Untuk keputusan pengendara melawan arah pada situasi pro-riskdipengaruhi secara langsung oleh persepsi risiko dan script mengendara berisiko,sedangkan pada situasi anti-risk faktor yang berpengaruh hanya persepsi risiko. Darihasil penelitian ini, sejumlah kegiatan pelatihan dan pemberian informasi diperlukanuntuk membentuk script mengendara aman dan mengembangkan keterampilanmempersepsi risiko secara akurat.; ABSTRACT In the past 5 years, the high rate of traffic accidents in Indonesia mostly involvedmotorcyclists, many of whom often perform risky riding behaviors. This dissertationis intended to integrate cognitive and social cognitive perspectives in explaining theinfluence of risky riding script, distance perception, and risk perception on riders’decision to perform three typical risky riding behaviors on Indonesian urban roads,namely lane splitting, dangerous overtaking, and riding in opposite direction at proriskand anti-risk situations. Two preliminary studies were conducted to explore thepro-risk and anti-risk situations related to lane splitting, dangerous overtaking, andriding in opposite direction, as well as to aid in the development of researchinstruments. A within-subjects experiment involving the manipulation of 2 trafficsituations (pro-risk x anti-risk) and 3 types of risky riding behavior (lane splitting,dangerous overtaking, riding in opposite direction) was then conducted on 231 maleriders aged 20-35 years in Jabodetabek area. The results show that risk perceptionhas an indirect effect of risky riding script on riders’ decision to perform lanesplitting and dangerous overtaking at pro-risk and anti-risk situations. On the otherhand, the decision to perform riding in opposite direction at pro-risk situation wasdirectly influenced by risk perception and risky riding script, but there was only adirect effect of risk perception at anti-risk situation. Based on the results, it can beinferred that further training and provision of information are necessary to help, In the past 5 years, the high rate of traffic accidents in Indonesia mostly involvedmotorcyclists, many of whom often perform risky riding behaviors. This dissertationis intended to integrate cognitive and social cognitive perspectives in explaining theinfluence of risky riding script, distance perception, and risk perception on riders’decision to perform three typical risky riding behaviors on Indonesian urban roads,namely lane splitting, dangerous overtaking, and riding in opposite direction at proriskand anti-risk situations. Two preliminary studies were conducted to explore thepro-risk and anti-risk situations related to lane splitting, dangerous overtaking, andriding in opposite direction, as well as to aid in the development of researchinstruments. A within-subjects experiment involving the manipulation of 2 trafficsituations (pro-risk x anti-risk) and 3 types of risky riding behavior (lane splitting,dangerous overtaking, riding in opposite direction) was then conducted on 231 maleriders aged 20-35 years in Jabodetabek area. The results show that risk perceptionhas an indirect effect of risky riding script on riders’ decision to perform lanesplitting and dangerous overtaking at pro-risk and anti-risk situations. On the otherhand, the decision to perform riding in opposite direction at pro-risk situation wasdirectly influenced by risk perception and risky riding script, but there was only adirect effect of risk perception at anti-risk situation. Based on the results, it can beinferred that further training and provision of information are necessary to help] |