[ABSTRAK Studi ini mengkaji keberadaan Kota Ternate. Dikenal sebagai wilayah pada satusisi memiliki kekuatan adat tradisi melalui struktur Kesultanan Ternate, dan padasisi lain, menjadi kota modern dengan struktur birokrasi pemerintahan. Tautandua kekuasaan ini, kadang melahirkan pertentangan dan konfliktual (dualisme),kadang juga hadir hubungan timbal balik (dualitas), saling menguntungkan.Analisis atas kota dengan dua kuasa ini, menggunakan metode kualitatif denganpendekatan eksplanasi.Hasil studi lapangan menjelaskan, struktur kekuasaan tradisional melalui SultanTernate memiliki dominasi atas masyarakat adat (balakusu se kano-kano), namunjuga memegang kekuasaan secara politik maupun pemerintahan melalui agen(Wakil Walikota Ternate, Arifin Djafar). Sementara pada struktur pemerintahanKota Ternate, sejak Era Walikota Syamsir Andili mengusung tema kulturalmelalui visi-misi, yakni “Ternate Menuju Masyarakat Madani” dan Era WalikotaBurhan Abdurrrahman, hal yang sama juga dilakukan dengan mengusung visimisi “Bahari Berkesan”. Namun, baik Syamsir Andili maupun BurhanAbdurrahman, sama-sama tidak dapat mengatur keberadaan ruang kota denganbaik. Pasar dan terminal justru menjadi ajang kepentingan ekonomi antar SKPD.Secara sosiologis, studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa pada kekuasaan tradisionalmaupun modern, tarikan kepentingan struktural begitu menguat yangmemengaruhi dan mendominasi kultural (struktur mendominasikultur/strukturisasi kultur), melalui tindakan sosial aktor dengan praktik-praktiksosial yang rekursif (berulang-ulang). Sementara peran warga kota melaluiprosesual masih belum mampu menegosiasikan dua kekuatan ini. Karena itu,pembangunan sosial perkotaan, harus lebih diarahkan untuk kepentingan publik,dan bukan kepentingan ekonomi politik semata, sehingga integrasi sosial KotaTernate di masa mendatang dapat tercipta.[]; ABSTRACT This study examine the existence of Ternate City that known as the region on theone hand has the power custom through the structure of the Sultanate of Ternate,and on the other hand, into a modern city with the structure of governmentbureaucracy. The relation of two powers, sometimes spawned opposition andconflictual (dualism), sometimes also present the mutual relations (duality),mutually beneficial. The analysis of city with the two powers, by usingqualitative method and explanation approach.The result of the field study explain, traditional power structure through theSultanate of Ternate has dominand over indigenous peoples (balakusu se kanokano),but also hold political power and government by an agent (Deputy Mayorof Ternate, Arifin Djafar), while the governance structure of Ternate, since theera of Mayor Syamsir Andili with his cultural theme or his vision-mission,namely "Ternate Menuju Masyarakat Madani". The era of Mayor BurhanAbdurrrahman, the same things also is done by his vision and mission of "BahariBerkesan". However, both Syamsir Andili and Burhan Abdurrahman can not setup the town well. The station and market became the economic area interestbetween the SKPD (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah).Sociologically, this study conclude that between traditional and modern power,there is a pull so strongly in structural interest that influence and dominate thecultural (structure dominated culture/strukturisasi kultur), through social actionactor with the social practices recursively (perulangan). The role of the townspeople a processual still not able to negotiate this two forces. Therefore, the urbansocial development, should be directed to the public interest, and not for theeconomic and political interest, so that the social integration of Ternate City inthe future can be created.[], This study examine the existence of Ternate City that known as the region on theone hand has the power custom through the structure of the Sultanate of Ternate,and on the other hand, into a modern city with the structure of governmentbureaucracy. The relation of two powers, sometimes spawned opposition andconflictual (dualism), sometimes also present the mutual relations (duality),mutually beneficial. The analysis of city with the two powers, by usingqualitative method and explanation approach.The result of the field study explain, traditional power structure through theSultanate of Ternate has dominand over indigenous peoples (balakusu se kanokano),but also hold political power and government by an agent (Deputy Mayorof Ternate, Arifin Djafar), while the governance structure of Ternate, since theera of Mayor Syamsir Andili with his cultural theme or his vision-mission,namely "Ternate Menuju Masyarakat Madani". The era of Mayor BurhanAbdurrrahman, the same things also is done by his vision and mission of "BahariBerkesan". However, both Syamsir Andili and Burhan Abdurrahman can not setup the town well. The station and market became the economic area interestbetween the SKPD (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah).Sociologically, this study conclude that between traditional and modern power,there is a pull so strongly in structural interest that influence and dominate thecultural (structure dominated culture/strukturisasi kultur), through social actionactor with the social practices recursively (perulangan). The role of the townspeople a processual still not able to negotiate this two forces. Therefore, the urbansocial development, should be directed to the public interest, and not for theeconomic and political interest, so that the social integration of Ternate City inthe future can be created.[]] |