[ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis isi kebijakan penempatan PNS pada jabatanstruktural, dan implementasinya di Kabupaten Muna dan Kota Kendari. Penelitian inimenggunakan pendekatan kualitatif karena dipandang sebagai pendekatan yang tepatuntuk menjawab permasalahan kompleksitas isi kebijakan dan implementasinya diKabupaten Muna dan Kota Kendari. Data dihimpun dari informan terkait melaluiwawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan telah terjadi inkonsistensi isi kebijakan dibeberapa level mulai dari policy level, maupun organizational level sampai padaoperational level, karena ketidaktegasan pembuat kebijakan (aktor kebijakan), danketidakjelasan isi kebijakan. Sistem merit belum dijadikan dasar dalam implementasikebijakan penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural di lingkup instansi pemerintahKabupaten Muna dan Kota Kendari, karena penentuan penetapan calon pejabatstruktural tidak dilakukan melalui mekanisme, tidak dilakukannya assesment (penilaian)kompetensi yang sebenarnya, penetapan penempatan pejabat struktuaral tidak didasarkanatas sistem merit, serta adanya indikasi spoils system, nepotisme dan patronage padapenentuan penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural di Kabupaten Muna. Sementara, diKota Kendari, selain spoils system dan nepotisme juga adanya indikasi akomodasiterhadap kepentingan etnisitas dalam penentuan penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural,adalah beberapa indikator memperkuat bahwa penempatan PNS pada jabatan strukturalmasih jauh dari prinsip-prinsip sistem merit. Praktik penentuan penempatan pejabatstruktural yang terjadi di lingkup instansi pemerintah Kabupaten Muna disampingdidasarkan atas kepentingan partai politik, kekuasaan bupati, juga tidak terlepas darikepentingan keluarga, pertemanan dan kekerabatan. Praktik penentuan penempatan PNSpada jabatan struktural di Kota Kendari disamping lebih banyak didasarkan padakepentingan akomodasi terhadap kepentingan etnisitas, juga tidak terlepas darikepentingan partai politik, keluarga, pertemanan, kekerabatan, dan kekuasaan walikota.Hal ini pulalah yang merupakan salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh tidak diterapkannyasistem merit dalam penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural di lingkup instansiPemerintah Kabupaten Muna dan Kota Kendari selama tahun 2008-2011.Implikasi teoritis penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pendekatan sistemmerit dalam penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural akan memperkuat sistempemerintahan daerah itu sendiri tidak bertentangan dengan azas demokrasi malah salingmelengkapi.; ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents of the policy on theplacement of civil servants structural position, and its implementation in Muna Districtand Kendari City. This study used a qualitative approach because the wilderness as theright approach to address the complexi ty of the content of the policy and itsimplementation in Muna District and Kendari City. Data were collected throughinterviews of informants related. The results show the contents of the policyinconsistency has occurred at several levels ranging from policy level, and organizationallevel to the operational level, because indecision policy makers (policy actor), and thevagueness of policy content. Merit System has not been used as a basis for policyimplementation civil servant placement on structural positions in the scope of governmentagencies Muna District and Kendari City, because the determination of the structuraldetermination of official candidates was not made by the mechanism, not doing theassessment (assessment) of actual competence, determination of placement is not basedstructural officials on the merit system, as well as indications Spoils system, nepotism andpatronage in determining the placement of civil servants in a structural position in Muna.Meanwhile, in the Kendari City, besides spoils system and nepotism are also indicationsof accommodation of the interests of ethnicity in determining the placement of thestructural position of civil servants, are some indicators that the placement of civilservants reinforce the structural position is far from the principles of the merit system.Practice determining the placement officer's structural scope Muna Regency besidesgovernment agencies based on the interests of a political party, the regent power can notbe separated from the interests of family, friendship and kinship. Civil Servant placementdetermination practices in structural positions in Kendari City besides more based on theinterests of property against the interests of ethnicity, can not be separated from theinterests of a political party, family, friendship and kinship, and the power of the mayor.This is precisely what is one of the factors that influence non-application of the meritsystem in the civil service placement on the scope of the structural positions ingovernment agencies Muna Regency and Kendari City during the years 2008-2011.The theoretical implication of this study indicate that the use of the approach inthe placement of the merit system in the civil servants in the structural position willstrengthen the local governance system itself is not contrary to the principle of democracyinstead, The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents of the policy on theplacement of civil servants structural position, and its implementation in Muna Districtand Kendari City. This study used a qualitative approach because the wilderness as theright approach to address the complexi ty of the content of the policy and itsimplementation in Muna District and Kendari City. Data were collected throughinterviews of informants related. The results show the contents of the policyinconsistency has occurred at several levels ranging from policy level, and organizationallevel to the operational level, because indecision policy makers (policy actor), and thevagueness of policy content. Merit System has not been used as a basis for policyimplementation civil servant placement on structural positions in the scope of governmentagencies Muna District and Kendari City, because the determination of the structuraldetermination of official candidates was not made by the mechanism, not doing theassessment (assessment) of actual competence, determination of placement is not basedstructural officials on the merit system, as well as indications Spoils system, nepotism andpatronage in determining the placement of civil servants in a structural position in Muna.Meanwhile, in the Kendari City, besides spoils system and nepotism are also indicationsof accommodation of the interests of ethnicity in determining the placement of thestructural position of civil servants, are some indicators that the placement of civilservants reinforce the structural position is far from the principles of the merit system.Practice determining the placement officer's structural scope Muna Regency besidesgovernment agencies based on the interests of a political party, the regent power can notbe separated from the interests of family, friendship and kinship. Civil Servant placementdetermination practices in structural positions in Kendari City besides more based on theinterests of property against the interests of ethnicity, can not be separated from theinterests of a political party, family, friendship and kinship, and the power of the mayor.This is precisely what is one of the factors that influence non-application of the meritsystem in the civil service placement on the scope of the structural positions ingovernment agencies Muna Regency and Kendari City during the years 2008-2011.The theoretical implication of this study indicate that the use of the approach inthe placement of the merit system in the civil servants in the structural position willstrengthen the local governance system itself is not contrary to the principle of democracyinstead] |