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Perencanaan program NOBU Banking expo (sebagai upaya peningkatan corporate image Bank NOBU) = The planning of NOBU Banking expo s program (as an effort to increase Bank NOBU corporate image) / Namira Rahajeng Permatatika

Namira Rahajeng Permatatika; Tri Choesijanto Trisnohandoko, supervisor; Vida Aulia Budiany Parady, examiner; Hendriyani, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2014)


Profil Perusahaan
PT Bank National Nobu Tbk, yang seterusnya akan disebut sebagai Bank Nobu, adalah salah satu bank di industri perbankan Indonesia yang kini hadir dengan konsep dan tampilan yang baru sebagai wujud dari diperbaruinya visi dan misi. Dengan semangat untuk lebih mampu memberikan kontribusi riil pada perekonomian di tanah air, Bank Nobu berusaha menciptakan nilai tambah bagi masyarakat luas. Melalui langkah-langkah strategis yang dilakukan, Bank Nobu ingin mempertajam kompetensi tersebut khususnya dalam bidang commercial dan consumer banking dengan memilih segmentasi pasar pada usaha kecil dan menengah yang terbukti telah menjadi fondasi yang kuat dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Dengan integritas yang tinggi, Bank Nobu ingin memperkuat dan memperluas jaringan kemitraan melalui pelayanan yang prima dan pembukaan kantor cabang di berbagai lokasi strategis di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Kepercayaan dari nasabah dan mitra bisnis akan mampu membawa Bank Nobu pada posisi terhormat di dalam dunia perbankan khususnya dalam hal asset, pangsa pasar, dan keluasan jaringan, tidak hanya dalam perspektif lokal namun juga dari sudut pandang regional dan global.
Analisis Situasi
Memiliki sumber daya finansial yang cukup
Memiliki lokasi kantor cabang yang berada di pusat perbelanjaan sehingga bisa lebih dekat dengan masyarakat.
Bank Nobu belum pernah memiliki permasalahan finansial atau non-finansial, baik dengan nasabah maupun investor, sehingga Bank Nobu tidak memiliki image yang negatif dimata nasabah dan investor.
Memiliki spot iklan 30-60 detik di channel televisi Berita Satu (Holding Company Lippo Group).
Kurang dikenalnya image Bank Nobu sebagai bank yang terpercaya dan berkualitas, sehingga masyarakat tidak terlalu mengenal Bank Nobu.
Bank Nobu selama ini hanya melakukan pemasaran yang low-cost sehingga kurang mampu menarik minat calon nasabah baru untuk memilih Bank Nobu sebagai bank pilihannya.
Belum pernah menyelenggarakan event yang melibatkan khalayak sasaran sehingga nama Bank Nobu kurang dikenal oleh khalayak sasarannya.
Bank Nobu terlalu fokus pada pengembangan jaringan sehingga kegiatan publikasi dan prmosi yang dilakukan menjadi kurang maksimal.
Pengelolaan media sosial yang kurang intensif sehingga kurang adanya interaksi antara Bank Nobu dengan khalayak sasarannya.
Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari Edelman Trust Barometer 2014: Annual Global Study, menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat Indonesia terhadap Bank meningkat dari 82% pada 2009 menjadi 87% pada 2014. Dengan begitu, Bank Nobu memiliki kesempatan untuk meningkatkan image sebagai bank yang dapat dipercaya dengan baik oleh masyarakat
Adanya kompetitor, salah satunya Bank Bukopin, yang sudah lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat sehingga Bank Nobu kalah saing dengan bank kompetitor tersebut.
Media Sosial milik bank yang menjadi kompetitor dari Bank Nobu, salah satunya Bank Bukopin, lebih aktif dalam melakukan interaksi dengan khalayak sasarannya dibanding dengan Bank Nobu.
Pernyataan Masalah
Kurang dikenalnya image Bank Nobu sebagai bank yang terpercaya dan berkualitas, sehingga masih banyak khalayak sasarannya yang belum mengenali Bank Nobu.
Usulan Program
Program special event dengan tema Nobu Banking Expo, yang terdiri dari tiga kegiatan :
Talkshow Peran Aktif Perbankan dalam Mendorong Perkembangan Industri Bisnis Kreatif dalam Mewujudkan Ekonomi Berdikari
Amazing Banking Race
Youth Banking Competition
Tujuan Program
Membentuk citra dan mendapatkan publisitas terkait Bank Nobu dari media sebagai bank yang terpercaya dan berkualitas.
Memberikan informasi dan mengedukasi khalayak sasaran mengenai Bank Nobu melalui kegiatan yang akan dilakukan
Khalayak Sasaran
Khalayak Sasaran Primer
Secara geografis
Masyarakat yang berdomisili di daerah Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, dan Tangerang
Secara demografis
- Laki-laki dan perempuan usia 21-45 tahun
- Sudah berkeluarga ataupun belum berkeluarga
- SES A dan B, dengan tingkat penegeluaran Rp 1.500.000,- sampai Rp 3.000.000,-
Secara Psikografis
Memiliki ketertarikan di bidang ekonomi dan perbankan
Memiliki ketertarikan di bidang industri bisnis ekonomi kreatif
Senang melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan baru yang menantang
Khalayak Sasaran Sekunder
Secara Geografis
Masyarakat yang berdomisili di daerah Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, dan Tangerang
Secara Demografis
- Laki-laki dan perempuan usia 17-20 tahun
- SES A dan B, dengan tingkat penegeluaran Rp 1.500.000,- sampai Rp 3.000.000,-
Secara Psikografis
Memiliki ketertarikan di bidang ekonomi dan perbankan
Memiliki ketertarikan di bidang industri bisnis ekonomi kreatif
Senang melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan baru yang menantang
Pesan Kunci
Best Quality Bank That You Can Trust.
Rp 218.850.000,-
Tahapan evaluasi yang digunakan adalah:
1. Tahap Input
2. Tahap Output
3. Tahap Outcomes
Setiap tahap memiliki tolak ukur dan instrumen masing-masing.

Company Profile
PT Bank National Nobu Tbk, which will be referred as Bank Nobu, is one of the banks in the Indonesian banking industry which now comes with a new display concept and as a manifestation of a renewed vision and mission. With a passion to be able to provide a real contribution to the economy in the country, Bank Nobu trying to create added value for society at large. Through strategic steps undertaken, the Bank Nobu want to sharpen the particular competence in the field of commercial and consumer banking by selecting market segmentation in small and medium enterprises which proved to be a strong foundation in the Indonesian economy. With high integrity, Bank Nobu want to strengthen and expand its network of partnerships with excellent service and the opening of branch offices in strategic locations throughout Indonesia. The trust of customers and business partners will be able to bring the Bank Nobu at a respectable position in the banking world, especially in terms of assets, market share, and breadth of the network, not only in the local perspective but also from the point of view of regional and global.
Situation Analysis
Having sufficient financial resources
It has a branch office location's in a shopping center so they can be closer to the community.
Bank Nobu has never had financial problems or non-financial, both with customers and investors, so that the Bank Nobu does not have a negative image in the eyes of customers and investors.
Has a 30-60 second ad spots on television channel News One (Holding Company Lippo Group).
Less familiar image as a bank Bank Nobu reliable and quality, so that people are not too familiar with Bank Nobu.
Bank Nobu had only perform a low-cost marketing making it less able to attract potential new customers to choose Nobu Bank as the bank of choice.
Never organize events involving the target audience so that the name of Bank Nobu less known by the target audience.
Bank Nobu too focused on the development of the network so that the publications and activities undertaken prmosi be less than the maximum.
Management of social media are less intensive, so the lack of interaction between the Bank Nobu with the target audience.
Based on the data obtained from the "Edelman Trust Barometer 2014: Annual Global Study", indicates that the level of public trust towards the Bank Indonesia increased from 82% in 2009 to 87% in 2014. Thus, the Bank Nobu has a chance to improve the bank's image as can be trusted by the public
The presence of competitors, one of them is Bank Bukopin, which is already known by the public so that the Bank Nobu less competitive with the bank's competitors.
Social Media-owned banks become competitors of the Bank Nobu, one of them is Bank Bukopin, more active in the interaction with the target audience than the Bank Nobu.
Problem Statement
Bank Nobu's less familiar image as a reliable and high quality bank, so there are still many target audience who do not recognize Bank Nobu
Special event's program with the theme of Nobu Banking Expo, which consists of three activities:
Talkshow ?Peran Aktif Perbankan dalam Mendorong Perkembangan Industri Bisnis Kreatif dalam Mewujudkan Ekonomi Berdikari?
Amazing Banking Race
Youth Banking Competition
Program?s Goal
Establish the image and get publicity related of Bank Nobu from media as a trusted and high quality bank.
Provide information and educate target audiences about Bank Nobu through the program.
Target Audience
Primary Target
People who live in the area of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Tangerang
- Men and women aged 21-45 years
- Already married or not married
- SES A and B, with the level of expenditure Rp 1.500.000, - up to Rp 3.000.000, -
- Have an interest in economics and banking
- Have an interest in the business industry creative economy
- Happy to undertake new activities that challenge
Secondary Target
People who live in the area of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Tangerang
Men and women aged 17-20 years
SES A and B, with the level of expenditure Rp 1.500.000, - up to Rp 3.000.000, -
Have an interest in economics and banking
Have an interest in the business industry creative economy
Happy to undertake new activities that challenge
Key Message
?Best Quality Bank That You Can Trust?.
Total Budget
Rp 218.850.000,-
Evaluation Methods
Stages of evaluation used is:
1. Input Phase
2. Output Phase
3. Outcomes Phase
Each stage has a yardstick and instruments respectively, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Company Profile
PT Bank National Nobu Tbk, which will be referred as Bank Nobu, is one of the banks in the Indonesian banking industry which now comes with a new display concept and as a manifestation of a renewed vision and mission. With a passion to be able to provide a real contribution to the economy in the country, Bank Nobu trying to create added value for society at large. Through strategic steps undertaken, the Bank Nobu want to sharpen the particular competence in the field of commercial and consumer banking by selecting market segmentation in small and medium enterprises which proved to be a strong foundation in the Indonesian economy. With high integrity, Bank Nobu want to strengthen and expand its network of partnerships with excellent service and the opening of branch offices in strategic locations throughout Indonesia. The trust of customers and business partners will be able to bring the Bank Nobu at a respectable position in the banking world, especially in terms of assets, market share, and breadth of the network, not only in the local perspective but also from the point of view of regional and global.
Situation Analysis
Having sufficient financial resources
It has a branch office location’s in a shopping center so they can be closer to the community.
Bank Nobu has never had financial problems or non-financial, both with customers and investors, so that the Bank Nobu does not have a negative image in the eyes of customers and investors.
Has a 30-60 second ad spots on television channel News One (Holding Company Lippo Group).
Less familiar image as a bank Bank Nobu reliable and quality, so that people are not too familiar with Bank Nobu.
Bank Nobu had only perform a low-cost marketing making it less able to attract potential new customers to choose Nobu Bank as the bank of choice.
Never organize events involving the target audience so that the name of Bank Nobu less known by the target audience.
Bank Nobu too focused on the development of the network so that the publications and activities undertaken prmosi be less than the maximum.
Management of social media are less intensive, so the lack of interaction between the Bank Nobu with the target audience.
Based on the data obtained from the "Edelman Trust Barometer 2014: Annual Global Study", indicates that the level of public trust towards the Bank Indonesia increased from 82% in 2009 to 87% in 2014. Thus, the Bank Nobu has a chance to improve the bank's image as can be trusted by the public
The presence of competitors, one of them is Bank Bukopin, which is already known by the public so that the Bank Nobu less competitive with the bank's competitors.
Social Media-owned banks become competitors of the Bank Nobu, one of them is Bank Bukopin, more active in the interaction with the target audience than the Bank Nobu.
Problem Statement
Bank Nobu’s less familiar image as a reliable and high quality bank, so there are still many target audience who do not recognize Bank Nobu
Special event’s program with the theme of Nobu Banking Expo, which consists of three activities:
Talkshow “Peran Aktif Perbankan dalam Mendorong Perkembangan Industri Bisnis Kreatif dalam Mewujudkan Ekonomi Berdikari”
Amazing Banking Race
Youth Banking Competition
Program’s Goal
Establish the image and get publicity related of Bank Nobu from media as a trusted and high quality bank.
Provide information and educate target audiences about Bank Nobu through the program.
Target Audience
Primary Target
People who live in the area of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Tangerang
- Men and women aged 21-45 years
- Already married or not married
- SES A and B, with the level of expenditure Rp 1.500.000, - up to Rp 3.000.000, -
- Have an interest in economics and banking
- Have an interest in the business industry creative economy
- Happy to undertake new activities that challenge
Secondary Target
People who live in the area of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Tangerang
Men and women aged 17-20 years
SES A and B, with the level of expenditure Rp 1.500.000, - up to Rp 3.000.000, -
Have an interest in economics and banking
Have an interest in the business industry creative economy
Happy to undertake new activities that challenge
Key Message
“Best Quality Bank That You Can Trust”.
Total Budget
Rp 218.850.000,-
Evaluation Methods
Stages of evaluation used is:
1. Input Phase
2. Output Phase
3. Outcomes Phase
Each stage has a yardstick and instruments respectively]

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No. Panggil : TA-pdf
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2014
Program Studi :
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xix, 50 pages : illustration ; 28 cm + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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