[ABSTRAK Penelitian yang meneliti mengenai strategi memperkuat ketahanan pangandi wilayah kepulauan belum banyak dilakukan. Padahal sebagian besar kawasanIndonesia adalah wilayah kepulauan. Ketahanan pangan bagi Kabupaten Simeuluesangat penting untuk dilakukan pengkajian mengingat Kabupaten Simeuluemerupakan daerah kepulauan terluar di Indonesia. Masalah Ketahanan panganterkait erat dengan masalah sosial ekonomi, politik dan budaya yang lebih besar,sehingga terus dilakukan pengkajian secara bersama dengan pengambil keputusandi berbagai bidang lainya. Permasalahan ketersediaan pangan memerlukanpenanganan yang serius dan terencana.Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah dijabarkan di atas makapermasalahan utama penelitian ini adalah bagaimana persepsi ketahanan panganpenduduk di Kabupaten Simeulue yang berbentuk kepulauan dan strategiketahanan pangan yang dapat digunakan pemerintah Kabupaten Simeulue untukmenunjang ketahanan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsipenduduk terhadap ketahanan pangan dan gambaran umum ketahanan panganKabupaten Simeulue dan mengetahui strategi apa yang di gunakan PemerintahKabupaten Simeulue untuk menunjang Ketahanan Pangan.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan skala linkert dengansampel berjumlah 100 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakanadalah simple random sampling. Sedangkan analisis SWOT dan penentuanstrategi menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan in depth interview pejabat daerahdi Kabupaten Simeulue. Triangulasi data dilakukan melalui hasil survey persepsi,hasil statistik dari Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Simeulue, dan hasil in-deptinterview.Penduduk Simeulue yang menjadi responden memiliki persepsi bahwadalam aspek ketersedian pangan,hasil produksi padi di Simeulue tidak mencukupikebutuhan penduduk. Hal tersebut berimplikasi pada tergantungnya KabupatenSimeulue terhadap hasil produksi padi di Sumatera daratan untuk memenuhikebutuhan penduduk.permasalahan mengenai aspek keterjangkauan panganterletak pada masalah transportasi. Sebagian penduduk Simeulue berpersepsibahwa sulit menjangkau pangan karena masalah transportasi. Penduduk jugakesulitan membeli bahan pangan jika harga naik akibat masalah transportasi.Kondisi sarana prasarana secara umum belum mendukung kinerja subsistemdistribusi pangan Simeulue. Dalam hal konsumsi pangan, penduduk berpandanganbahwa diversifikasi atau keragaman pangan masih kurang. Hal tersebut dapatdilihat dari pilihan makan dari responden. Sebagian responden tidak selalumemilih asupan protein. Sumber karbohidrat utama adalah beras.Strategi pembangunan ketahanan pangan Kabupaten Simeulue adalahdengan memaksimalkan kekuatan untuk menanggulangi ancaman yang mungkintimbul, yaitu: a) melaksanakan diversifikasi, revitalisasi pertanian perikanan,kehutanan dengan potensi sumberdaya lahan yang ada dalam rangka pengentasankemiskinan; b) mewujudkan koordinasi, advokasi dan sosialisasi ketahananpangan dalam rangka mengatasi masalah penduduk, kemiskinan, harga saranaproduksi, masalah gizi dan kesehatan. Rekomendasi kebijakan opersionalketahanan pangan adalah: a) pengembangan transportasi laut, b) pengembangan sumber daya manusia, c) pengembangan sarana prasarana pertanian, d)pengembangan teknologi pengolahan pangan, e) kompetensi aparatur daerah, f)pengembangan lumbung pangan dan cadangan pangan. ABSTRACT The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islandshas not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeuluefood security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outerislands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economicissues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointlywith the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issuesrequire a serious and well-planned.Based on the background that has been described above, the mainproblem of this research is how the perception of the population food security inthe form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used tosupport the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine theperceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food securitySimeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government ofSimeulue District Food Security.The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitativemethods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of datais done through a perception survey results, statistical results from StatisticsSimeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of foodavailability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. Thishas implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainlandto meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect liesin transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficultto reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buyingfood when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditionsare generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystemperformance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view thatdiversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from thedining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choosethe intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversificationstrategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resourcepotential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem ofpopulation, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operationalfood security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marinetransportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agricultureinfrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) thecompetence of local officials, f) development barns;The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islandshas not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeuluefood security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outerislands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economicissues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointlywith the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issuesrequire a serious and well-planned.Based on the background that has been described above, the mainproblem of this research is how the perception of the population food security inthe form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used tosupport the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine theperceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food securitySimeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government ofSimeulue District Food Security.The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitativemethods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of datais done through a perception survey results, statistical results from StatisticsSimeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of foodavailability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. Thishas implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainlandto meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect liesin transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficultto reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buyingfood when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditionsare generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystemperformance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view thatdiversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from thedining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choosethe intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversificationstrategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resourcepotential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem ofpopulation, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operationalfood security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marinetransportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agricultureinfrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) thecompetence of local officials, f) development barns;The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islandshas not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeuluefood security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outerislands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economicissues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointlywith the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issuesrequire a serious and well-planned.Based on the background that has been described above, the mainproblem of this research is how the perception of the population food security inthe form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used tosupport the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine theperceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food securitySimeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government ofSimeulue District Food Security.The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitativemethods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of datais done through a perception survey results, statistical results from StatisticsSimeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of foodavailability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. Thishas implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainlandto meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect liesin transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficultto reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buyingfood when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditionsare generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystemperformance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view thatdiversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from thedining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choosethe intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversificationstrategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resourcepotential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem ofpopulation, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operationalfood security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marinetransportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agricultureinfrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) thecompetence of local officials, f) development barns, The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islandshas not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeuluefood security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outerislands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economicissues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointlywith the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issuesrequire a serious and well-planned.Based on the background that has been described above, the mainproblem of this research is how the perception of the population food security inthe form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used tosupport the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine theperceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food securitySimeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government ofSimeulue District Food Security.The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitativemethods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of datais done through a perception survey results, statistical results from StatisticsSimeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of foodavailability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. Thishas implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainlandto meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect liesin transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficultto reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buyingfood when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditionsare generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystemperformance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view thatdiversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from thedining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choosethe intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversificationstrategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resourcepotential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem ofpopulation, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operationalfood security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marinetransportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agricultureinfrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) thecompetence of local officials, f) development barns] |