It is well known that the extensive emission of greenhouse gases(GHG) such asCO2 gas and freon gas during a long period up to the present society after the industri-al revolution in the 18th century is a fundamental reason causing the global warmingand the climate change on our globe as reported in a lot of references”. In such a cir-cumstance, the average temperature during an entire year at the surface of the globehas been elevated about ldeg.C comparing the corresponding temperature at the in-dustrial revolution. Thus, mitigation or reduction of the global warming is one of themost important subject to keep the continuous development of human beings.On the other hand, drying up of energy resources as fossil fuels is another seriousproblem to realize the sustainable development of our industrial society and our dailylives. Nuclear power would be a clean energy, since the fossil fuel is not used and CO2gas is not emitted during the generation of the power. |