[ABSTRAK Dalam 1 tahun ikan arwana diperdagangkan ke luar negeri rata-rata dapatmencapai 30.000 ekor untuk semua varian. Angka-angka ekspor itu cukup besardan bertolak belakang dengan status perlindungan arwana dan statusnya dalamCITES. Idealnya, jika penangkaran arwana berhasil mengembangbiakan arwanadi luar habitatnya dan adanya kewajiban restoking hasil penangkaran makaseharusnya populasi arwana di alam naik. Akan tetapi, sampai saat ini belumada penelitian tentang hal ini. Perlu dikaji ulang status perlindungan dan CITESjenis arwana dengan cara melakukan inventarisasi populasi ikan arwana dihabitatnya dan di penangkaran. Penelitian dilakukan di Danau Empangau salahsatu habitat alami ikan arwana varian super red dengan ytujuan penelitian (1)Mengetahui status populasi ikan arwana varian super red di salah satu habitatalaminya (in-situ) yaitu di Danau Empangau ? Kalimantan Barat; (2) Mengetahuistatus populasi ikan arwana varian super red di luar habitat aslinya (ex-situ) yaitudi penangkaran arwana yang terdaftar resmi di Kementerian Kehutanan, (3)Mengetahui kontribusi keberhasilan konservasi ikan arwana secara ex-situterhadap populasi ikan arwana in-situ. Hasil inventarisasi ikan arwana di DanauEmpangau, , memberikan hasil perkiraan populasi sebanyak 18 ekor pada daerahpenelitian seluas 97,3 ha. Ikan arwana di Danau Empangau dikelola menggunakanhukum adat setempat agar dapat memanfaatkan ikan arwana secara lestari. ABSTRACT Arowana fish traded abroad average to reach 30,000 pieces for all the variants in ayear. Export figures were quite large and opposite to the status and protectionstatus within CITES. Ideally, if successful arowana captive breeding outside theirhabitat and the obligations of restocking from captive breeding, then the arowanapopulation should increase in the wild. However, until now there has been noresearch on this. Need to review the CITES status and protection of Arowanaspecies by conducting an inventory of arowana populations in their habitat and incaptive breeding. Research conducted on Empangau lake, one of the naturalhabitat of super red arowana with the aim of the study (1) Knowing the populationstatus of variant super red arowana in one of their natural habitat (in-situ) inEmpangau lake - West Kalimantan; (2) Knowing the population status of variantsuper red arowana outside their natural habitat (ex-situ) in captive breedingofficially registered at the Ministry of Forestry, (3) Knowing the contribution ofcaptive breeder to arowana populations in-situ. The result of inventory arowanain Empangau lake, gives the results of population estimates as many as 18 fishesin the study area 97.3 ha. Arowana in Empangau lake managed using the localcustomary law in order to take advantage of Arowana fish sustainability.;Arowana fish traded abroad average to reach 30,000 pieces for all the variants in ayear. Export figures were quite large and opposite to the status and protectionstatus within CITES. Ideally, if successful arowana captive breeding outside theirhabitat and the obligations of restocking from captive breeding, then the arowanapopulation should increase in the wild. However, until now there has been noresearch on this. Need to review the CITES status and protection of Arowanaspecies by conducting an inventory of arowana populations in their habitat and incaptive breeding. Research conducted on Empangau lake, one of the naturalhabitat of super red arowana with the aim of the study (1) Knowing the populationstatus of variant super red arowana in one of their natural habitat (in-situ) inEmpangau lake - West Kalimantan; (2) Knowing the population status of variantsuper red arowana outside their natural habitat (ex-situ) in captive breedingofficially registered at the Ministry of Forestry, (3) Knowing the contribution ofcaptive breeder to arowana populations in-situ. The result of inventory arowanain Empangau lake, gives the results of population estimates as many as 18 fishesin the study area 97.3 ha. Arowana in Empangau lake managed using the localcustomary law in order to take advantage of Arowana fish sustainability.;Arowana fish traded abroad average to reach 30,000 pieces for all the variants in ayear. Export figures were quite large and opposite to the status and protectionstatus within CITES. Ideally, if successful arowana captive breeding outside theirhabitat and the obligations of restocking from captive breeding, then the arowanapopulation should increase in the wild. However, until now there has been noresearch on this. Need to review the CITES status and protection of Arowanaspecies by conducting an inventory of arowana populations in their habitat and incaptive breeding. Research conducted on Empangau lake, one of the naturalhabitat of super red arowana with the aim of the study (1) Knowing the populationstatus of variant super red arowana in one of their natural habitat (in-situ) inEmpangau lake - West Kalimantan; (2) Knowing the population status of variantsuper red arowana outside their natural habitat (ex-situ) in captive breedingofficially registered at the Ministry of Forestry, (3) Knowing the contribution ofcaptive breeder to arowana populations in-situ. The result of inventory arowanain Empangau lake, gives the results of population estimates as many as 18 fishesin the study area 97.3 ha. Arowana in Empangau lake managed using the localcustomary law in order to take advantage of Arowana fish sustainability., Arowana fish traded abroad average to reach 30,000 pieces for all the variants in ayear. Export figures were quite large and opposite to the status and protectionstatus within CITES. Ideally, if successful arowana captive breeding outside theirhabitat and the obligations of restocking from captive breeding, then the arowanapopulation should increase in the wild. However, until now there has been noresearch on this. Need to review the CITES status and protection of Arowanaspecies by conducting an inventory of arowana populations in their habitat and incaptive breeding. Research conducted on Empangau lake, one of the naturalhabitat of super red arowana with the aim of the study (1) Knowing the populationstatus of variant super red arowana in one of their natural habitat (in-situ) inEmpangau lake - West Kalimantan; (2) Knowing the population status of variantsuper red arowana outside their natural habitat (ex-situ) in captive breedingofficially registered at the Ministry of Forestry, (3) Knowing the contribution ofcaptive breeder to arowana populations in-situ. The result of inventory arowanain Empangau lake, gives the results of population estimates as many as 18 fishesin the study area 97.3 ha. Arowana in Empangau lake managed using the localcustomary law in order to take advantage of Arowana fish sustainability.] |