Kasus resistensi terhadap pengobatan malaria membutuhkan penemuan obat baru, salah satunya menggunakan ekstrak daun papaya (Carica papaya L.). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dosis paling efektif serta korelasi antara dosis dengan perubahan densitas parasit. Penelitian menggunakan desain eksprimental dengan pemberian tiga dosis ekstrak 9,75 mg; 15,50 mg; dan 21,25mg/20gBB kepada 25 mencit Swiss-webster. Data diolah menggunakan SPSS versi 16,00 dan dianalisis dengan uji Kruskall-Wallis yang dilanjutkan uji Post Hoc serta uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukan dosis kecil dan sedang berbeda bermakna (p<0,05) dengan kontrol negatif. Persentase penghambatan dosis kecil mencapai 99% dan ditemukan korelasi lemah antara dosis dengan densitas parasit. Dapat disimpulkan dosis 9,75 mg adalah yang paling efektif dengan terdapat korelasi antara peningkatan dosis dengan densitas parasit. Increasing resistance against malaria treatment requires the discovery of new drugs, one of which uses papaya leaf extracts (Carica papaya L.). This study aims to determine the most effective dose and dose correlation between drug concentration and parasite density. This research is using eksperimental design by administering three doses of 9.75 mg extract; 15.50 mg; and 21.25mg/20gBW to 25 Swiss-Webster mice which were divided into three groups. Data was processed using SPSS version 16.00 and analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Post Hoc test and Spearman correlation test. The results showed that small and medium dose group were significantly different (p <0.05) compared to negative control group. Percentage inhibition small doses reached 99% and found a very weak correlation between the dose and the parasite density. It can be concluded that dose of 9.75 mg /20gBW is most effective with a weak positive correlation between the increase in dose to the density of parasites. |