[ABSTRAKbrSkripsi ini membahas tentang pengaruh citra perusahaan induk, citra perusahaancabang di negara lain, dan perceived consumer image dari majalah Cosmopolitanterhadap pemilihan produk yang dilakukan oleh konsumen. Di dalam variabelcitra perusahaan induk, citra perusahaan cabang di negara lain, dan perceivedconsumer image terdapat indikator-indikator yang berujung pada pemilihanproduk majalah Cosmopolitan oleh konsumen. Penelitian ini menghasilkankesimpulan bahwa citra perusahaan induk dan citra perusahaan cabang di negaralain tidak berpengaruh secara langsung dalam pemilihan produk yang dilakukanoleh konsumen, namun perceived consumer image merupakan faktor yangberpengaruh secara signifikan pada pemilihan produk oleh konsumen. Padapenelitian ini juga terdapat implikasi manajerial serta saran bagi penelitianselanjutnya.;This study discusses the influence of firm?s home business unit image, firm?sforeign business unit image, and perceived consumer image of Cosmopolitanmagazine for consumer?s product choices. In the firm?s home business unit image,firm?s foreign business unit image, and perceived consumer image variables,there are indicators that led to the consumer?s product choices on Cosmopolitanmagazine. This research resulted in the conclusion that the firm?s home businessunit image and firm?s foreign business unit image have no direct influence in theconsumer?s product choices, but perceived consumer image is a factor whichsignificantly influence the consumer?s product choices. In this study, there arealso managerial implications and suggestions for further research.;This study discusses the influence of firm?s home business unit image, firm?sforeign business unit image, and perceived consumer image of Cosmopolitanmagazine for consumer?s product choices. In the firm?s home business unit image,firm?s foreign business unit image, and perceived consumer image variables,there are indicators that led to the consumer?s product choices on Cosmopolitanmagazine. This research resulted in the conclusion that the firm?s home businessunit image and firm?s foreign business unit image have no direct influence in theconsumer?s product choices, but perceived consumer image is a factor whichsignificantly influence the consumer?s product choices. In this study, there arealso managerial implications and suggestions for further research., This study discusses the influence of firm’s home business unit image, firm’sforeign business unit image, and perceived consumer image of Cosmopolitanmagazine for consumer’s product choices. In the firm’s home business unit image,firm’s foreign business unit image, and perceived consumer image variables,there are indicators that led to the consumer’s product choices on Cosmopolitanmagazine. This research resulted in the conclusion that the firm’s home businessunit image and firm’s foreign business unit image have no direct influence in theconsumer’s product choices, but perceived consumer image is a factor whichsignificantly influence the consumer’s product choices. In this study, there arealso managerial implications and suggestions for further research.] |