[ABSTRAKbrPenyakit jantung koroner (PJK) tercatat sebagai penyebab kematian utama diIndonesia. Tingginya angka kematian di Indonesia akibat PJK mencapai 26% darikeseluruhan jumlah kematian akibat penyakit. Penyakit jantung koroner (PJK)merupakan salah satu bagian dari kelompok penyakit kardiovaskuler, yaitu suatukeadaan dimana otot jantung kekurangan suplai oksigen akibat penyumbatan padaarteri koroner jantung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi dangambaran kejadian PJK pada penduduk usia 15-64 tahun di Provinsi SulawesiUtara. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis lanjut dari Riskesdas 2013 yangmenggunakan desain studi cross-sectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah pendudukdi Provinsi Sulawesi Utara yang berusia 15-64 tahun yang memiliki data variabelpenelitian lengkap. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi PJK diSulawesi Utara adalah sebesar 1,9%. Prevalensi PJK tertinggi ditemukan padapenduduk usia 55-64 tahun (3,2%), perempuan (2,2%), tinggal di perdesaan(2,2%), berpendidikan rendah (2,2%), bekerja sebagai petani (2,3%), berstatuskawin (2,2%), mantan perokok (4,7%), kurang aktivitas fisik (2,4%), jarangmengonsumsi buah dan sayur (2%), tidak pernah mengonsumsi makanan berisiko(25%), mengalami gangguan mental emosional (11,6%), hipertensi (5,7%),hipertensi stage 2 (3,7%), DM (7,1%), obesitas (2,5%), dan obesitas sentral(2,5%).;Coronary heart disease (CHD) was recorded as the leading cause of death inIndonesia. The high number of deaths in Indonesia from CHD reached 26% of thetotal number of deaths caused by diseases. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is partof a group of cardiovascular disease, is a condition which the heart muscle isdeprived of oxygen supply due to blockage in the coronary arteries. This studyaims to estimate the prevalance and to describe the CHD cases due to its riskfactor in population of 15-64 years old in North Sulawesi. This study is asecondary data analysis of Riskesdas 2013, which uses cross-sectional survey asstudy design. The participants were member of population of 15-64 years oldin North Sulawesi who had complete variable data needed. The result showed1,9% of participants were proved to have a CHD. CHD prevalance washigher among participant aged 55-64 years old (3,2%), women (2,2%), live inrural area (2,2%), low education level (2,2%), work as a farmer (2,3%), married(2,2%), former smoker (4,7%), physical inactivity (2,4%), lack of fruits andvegetables intake (2%), never consume risk foods (25%), having mentalemotional disorder (11,6%), hypertension (5,7%), stage 2 hypertension (3,7%),diabetes mellitus (7,1%), obesity (2,5%), and central obesity (2,5%).;Coronary heart disease (CHD) was recorded as the leading cause of death inIndonesia. The high number of deaths in Indonesia from CHD reached 26% of thetotal number of deaths caused by diseases. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is partof a group of cardiovascular disease, is a condition which the heart muscle isdeprived of oxygen supply due to blockage in the coronary arteries. This studyaims to estimate the prevalance and to describe the CHD cases due to its riskfactor in population of 15-64 years old in North Sulawesi. This study is asecondary data analysis of Riskesdas 2013, which uses cross-sectional survey asstudy design. The participants were member of population of 15-64 years oldin North Sulawesi who had complete variable data needed. The result showed1,9% of participants were proved to have a CHD. CHD prevalance washigher among participant aged 55-64 years old (3,2%), women (2,2%), live inrural area (2,2%), low education level (2,2%), work as a farmer (2,3%), married(2,2%), former smoker (4,7%), physical inactivity (2,4%), lack of fruits andvegetables intake (2%), never consume risk foods (25%), having mentalemotional disorder (11,6%), hypertension (5,7%), stage 2 hypertension (3,7%),diabetes mellitus (7,1%), obesity (2,5%), and central obesity (2,5%).;Coronary heart disease (CHD) was recorded as the leading cause of death inIndonesia. The high number of deaths in Indonesia from CHD reached 26% of thetotal number of deaths caused by diseases. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is partof a group of cardiovascular disease, is a condition which the heart muscle isdeprived of oxygen supply due to blockage in the coronary arteries. This studyaims to estimate the prevalance and to describe the CHD cases due to its riskfactor in population of 15-64 years old in North Sulawesi. This study is asecondary data analysis of Riskesdas 2013, which uses cross-sectional survey asstudy design. The participants were member of population of 15-64 years oldin North Sulawesi who had complete variable data needed. The result showed1,9% of participants were proved to have a CHD. CHD prevalance washigher among participant aged 55-64 years old (3,2%), women (2,2%), live inrural area (2,2%), low education level (2,2%), work as a farmer (2,3%), married(2,2%), former smoker (4,7%), physical inactivity (2,4%), lack of fruits andvegetables intake (2%), never consume risk foods (25%), having mentalemotional disorder (11,6%), hypertension (5,7%), stage 2 hypertension (3,7%),diabetes mellitus (7,1%), obesity (2,5%), and central obesity (2,5%)., Coronary heart disease (CHD) was recorded as the leading cause of death inIndonesia. The high number of deaths in Indonesia from CHD reached 26% of thetotal number of deaths caused by diseases. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is partof a group of cardiovascular disease, is a condition which the heart muscle isdeprived of oxygen supply due to blockage in the coronary arteries. This studyaims to estimate the prevalance and to describe the CHD cases due to its riskfactor in population of 15-64 years old in North Sulawesi. This study is asecondary data analysis of Riskesdas 2013, which uses cross-sectional survey asstudy design. The participants were member of population of 15-64 years oldin North Sulawesi who had complete variable data needed. The result showed1,9% of participants were proved to have a CHD. CHD prevalance washigher among participant aged 55-64 years old (3,2%), women (2,2%), live inrural area (2,2%), low education level (2,2%), work as a farmer (2,3%), married(2,2%), former smoker (4,7%), physical inactivity (2,4%), lack of fruits andvegetables intake (2%), never consume risk foods (25%), having mentalemotional disorder (11,6%), hypertension (5,7%), stage 2 hypertension (3,7%),diabetes mellitus (7,1%), obesity (2,5%), and central obesity (2,5%).] |