[Pertumbuhan konsumen kelas menengah atas menimbulkan tren gaya hidupbaru di Jakarta, yaitu konsumsi restoran kelas menengah atas khususnya pada tiperestoran casual-dining. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan antaravariabel-variabel Service Qualities yaitu Physical Environment Quality, InteractionalQuality, dan Outcome Quality, serta pengaruhnya terhadap variabel ConsumerUtilitarian Attitudes Toward Brands, Consumer Hedonic Attitides Toward Brands,dan Brand Preference dari konsumen restoran casual-dining. Penelitian inimenggunakan sampel konsumen berusia 18-33 tahun yang pernah mengunjungirestoran casual-dining di Jakarta dalam kurun waktu 6 (enam) bulan terakhir denganmetode non-probability sampling. Data hasil penelitian dioleh menggunakan metodeStructural Equation Modeling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PhysicalEnvironment Quality, Interactional Quality, dan Outcome Quality salingberhubungan dan memiliki pengaruh positif satu sama lain. Kemudian, InteractionalQuality dan Outcome Quality memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Utilitarian Attitudedan Hedonic Attitude. Pada akhirnya, Utilitarian Attitude dan Hedonic Attitudeterbukti memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Brand Preference.;he growth of middle-class consumers creates new lifestyle trend in Jakarta.The new lifestyle trend is consumption of upper-middle class restaurants, specificallycasual-dining restaurants. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationshipbetween the variables of Service Qualities, which are Physical Environment Quality,Interactional Quality, and Outcome Quality, as well as their effects on ConsumerUtilitarian Attitudes Toward Brands, Hedonic Attitudes Toward Brands, and BrandPreference in casual-dining restaurants. This research uses sample of young adultconsumers from 18-33 age group who have visited casual-dining restaurant inJakarta in the last 6 (six) months using non-probability sampling method. The datacollected then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling method. The result of thisresearch shows that Physical Environment Quality, Interactional Quality, andOutcome Quality are interrelated and have positive effects on each other.Interactional Quality and Outcome Quality positively affect Utilitarian Attitude andHedonic Attitude. Finally, Utilitarian Attitude and Hedonic Attitude positively affectBrand Preference.;he growth of middle-class consumers creates new lifestyle trend in Jakarta.The new lifestyle trend is consumption of upper-middle class restaurants, specificallycasual-dining restaurants. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationshipbetween the variables of Service Qualities, which are Physical Environment Quality,Interactional Quality, and Outcome Quality, as well as their effects on ConsumerUtilitarian Attitudes Toward Brands, Hedonic Attitudes Toward Brands, and BrandPreference in casual-dining restaurants. This research uses sample of young adultconsumers from 18-33 age group who have visited casual-dining restaurant inJakarta in the last 6 (six) months using non-probability sampling method. The datacollected then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling method. The result of thisresearch shows that Physical Environment Quality, Interactional Quality, andOutcome Quality are interrelated and have positive effects on each other.Interactional Quality and Outcome Quality positively affect Utilitarian Attitude andHedonic Attitude. Finally, Utilitarian Attitude and Hedonic Attitude positively affectBrand Preference., he growth of middle-class consumers creates new lifestyle trend in Jakarta.The new lifestyle trend is consumption of upper-middle class restaurants, specificallycasual-dining restaurants. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationshipbetween the variables of Service Qualities, which are Physical Environment Quality,Interactional Quality, and Outcome Quality, as well as their effects on ConsumerUtilitarian Attitudes Toward Brands, Hedonic Attitudes Toward Brands, and BrandPreference in casual-dining restaurants. This research uses sample of young adultconsumers from 18-33 age group who have visited casual-dining restaurant inJakarta in the last 6 (six) months using non-probability sampling method. The datacollected then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling method. The result of thisresearch shows that Physical Environment Quality, Interactional Quality, andOutcome Quality are interrelated and have positive effects on each other.Interactional Quality and Outcome Quality positively affect Utilitarian Attitude andHedonic Attitude. Finally, Utilitarian Attitude and Hedonic Attitude positively affectBrand Preference.] |