[Penurunan penjualan secara global pada tahun ini oleh McDonald?s selakusalah satu pemimpin pasar dalam industri restoran cepat saji, serta adanya prediksibahwa jumlah gerai restoran cepat saji di Indonesia akan terus meningkat hingga9.100 gerai di tahun 2017, mengindikasikan bahwa kompetisi dalam industrirestoran cepat saji kian memanas. Sekarang, kepuasan bukanlah satu-satunyaparameter untuk mengukur kesetiaan seorang konsumen terhadap sebuah restorancepat saji. Adalah kejenuhan konsumen, suatu faktor penting yang sampai saat inibelum mendapatkan banyak perhatian dari restoran cepat saji yang ada.Kejenuhan konsumen ini lah yang nantinya akan mendorong seorang konsumenuntuk mencari alternatif lain dan berpindah dari suatu merek tertentu. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh frekuensi kunjungan, tingkat stimulasioptimal, dan kontrol diri terhadap tingkat kejenuhan konsumen pada restorancepat saji. Sampel penelitian ini adalah orang-orang yang berkunjung ke sebuahrestoran cepat saji yang sama dalam periode waktu dua dan enam minggu. Datadiolah dengan metode Uji Chow dan Uji ANOVA Satu Arah. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa frekuensi kunjungan tidak berpengaruh secara positifterhadap tingkat kejenuhan konsumen, begitu juga dengan periode kunjungan.Selain itu, hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkatstimulasi optimal dan kontrol diri seseorang, maka akan semakin jenuh pula iaterhadap suatu restoran cepat saji.;The decrease of global sales value which was faced by McDonald?s as oneof the market leaders in fast food restaurant industry, and the prediction that fastfood outlets will keep growing to 9.100 outlets in 2017, indicates that competitionin fast food restaurants industry have become tougher than before. Nowadays,satisfaction is not merely the measurement for consumer brand loyalty towards afast food restaurant. Consumer satiation is an important factor that hasn?t gotsufficient attention from the existing fast food restaurants. Consumer satiation is afactor that would lure a consumer to seek for alternatives, and switch to anotherbrand. This research intends to analyze the effect of frequency of visit, optimalstimulation level, and self control towards consumer satiation level in fast foodrestaurants. The research sample includes people who visited the same fast foodrestaurant in either two weeks or six weeks. The data is processed with Chow Testmethod and One-Way ANOVA method. The result shows that frequency of visitdoesn?t have a positive effect towards consumer satiation level, nor period ofvisit. Further, the result also shows that the higher optimal stimulation level andself control an individual has, the higher consumer satiation s/he experiences., The decrease of global sales value which was faced by McDonald’s as oneof the market leaders in fast food restaurant industry, and the prediction that fastfood outlets will keep growing to 9.100 outlets in 2017, indicates that competitionin fast food restaurants industry have become tougher than before. Nowadays,satisfaction is not merely the measurement for consumer brand loyalty towards afast food restaurant. Consumer satiation is an important factor that hasn’t gotsufficient attention from the existing fast food restaurants. Consumer satiation is afactor that would lure a consumer to seek for alternatives, and switch to anotherbrand. This research intends to analyze the effect of frequency of visit, optimalstimulation level, and self control towards consumer satiation level in fast foodrestaurants. The research sample includes people who visited the same fast foodrestaurant in either two weeks or six weeks. The data is processed with Chow Testmethod and One-Way ANOVA method. The result shows that frequency of visitdoesn’t have a positive effect towards consumer satiation level, nor period ofvisit. Further, the result also shows that the higher optimal stimulation level andself control an individual has, the higher consumer satiation s/he experiences.] |