ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor City Branding KotaJakarta berdasarkan persepsi dari Mahasiswa UI anggota Paguyuban Daerah.Apakah City Branding dibentuk oleh faktor-faktor; the presence, the place, thepotential, the pulse, the people, dan the pre-requisites. Penelitian inimenggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif, analisis multivariat, dan analisisfaktor sebagai pengukur hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwaresponden memiliki persepsi setuju pada faktor the presence, the potential, thepulse sudah baik, persepsi netral pada faktor the people dan the pre-requisitessudah baik, dan persepsi tidak setuju pada faktor the place sudah baik. Faktor thepotential merupakan faktor yang menonjol pembentuk city branding Kota Jakarta.City branding dibentuk oleh faktor-faktor seperti The Presence (Letak Kota,Budaya, dan Kunjungan), The Place (Tata Kota, Kualitas Udara, dan CuacaMalam Hari), The Potential (Tempat Tinggal, Tingkat Ekonomi, Potensi Bisnis),The Pulse (Destinasi Wisata, Gaya hidup masyarakat, Bangunan bersejarah danmonumen), The People (Perilaku Hangat, Komunitas dengan budaya asal, Temandekat), dan The Pre-requisites (Apartemen terjangkau, Tansportasi nyaman,Penginapan baik). ABSTRACT This research aims to determine the factors City Branding of Jakarta basedon the perception of the UI Student members of the Regional Association. Is CityBranding shaped by factors; the presence, the place, the potential, the pulse, thepeople, and the pre-requisites. This study used quantitative research methods,multivariate analysis, and factor analysis as a measurement of research results.The results showed that the respondents have agreed on the perception of thepresence of factors, the potential, the pulse are good, neutral perception of thefactors the people and the pre-requisites are good, and perception do not agree ona factor of the place is good. The potential factor is the prominent factor formingJakarta city branding. City branding is shaped by factors such as The Presence(Location of City, Culture, and visits), The Place (City Planning, Air Quality andWeather at Night), The Potential (Residency, Level Economy, BusinessPotential), The Pulse (Tourists destination, Lifestyle of citizen, Historic buildingsand monuments), The People (Warm behavior, Community with the culture oforigin, Best friends), and The Pre-requisites (Affordable apartments, Convenienttransportation, Lodging). |