[Skripsi ini menjelaskan tentang dugaan praktek monopoli dan/atau persainganusaha tidak sehat yang dilakukan oleh PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk dengan PTJasa Marga (Persero) Tbk dengan cara melakukan pengadaan barang dan jasa atasalat pemindai kartu nir sentuh pada gardu tol otomatis, alat On Board Unit, secaraeksklusif. Kerja sama ini dianggap membatasi pilihan konsumen dan menciptakanbarrier to entry terhadap pelaku usaha lain. Terhadap permasalahan tersebut,dilakukan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptifanalitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh keduapelaku usaha tersebut lepas dari ketentuan larangan perjanjian eksklusif mengenaipenyelenggaraan uang elektronik dalam rangka penyediaan layanan umum padaPeraturan Bank Indonesia No. 16/8/PBI/2014 tentang Uang Elektronik, sertamelanggar larangan perjanjian tertutup (perjanjian pengikatan barang) danpenguasaan pasar dalam UU Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan PraktekMonopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat.;This thesis describes the anti competition practices commited by PT Bank Mandiri(Persero), Tbk dengan PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk, by holding goods andservices procurement on automatic toll gate?s portable smart card reader, OnBoard Unit, exclusively. This cooperation considered as a consumers choiceslimitation, also creating a barrier to entry to other sellers. Hence, these issuesunderlie a qualitative research using descriptive analytical approach. The researchresulting a conclusion that the activities between these two enterprises hasn?tviolated in exclusive dealing prohibition on public services electronic moneyapplication in Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 16/8/PBI/2014 about ElectronicMoney, also violated in exclusive dealing prohibition (tying agreement) andmarket share prohibition prohibition on Law No. 5 / 1999 about Monopolizationand Unfair Competition Prohibition.;This thesis describes the anti competition practices commited by PT Bank Mandiri(Persero), Tbk dengan PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk, by holding goods andservices procurement on automatic toll gate?s portable smart card reader, OnBoard Unit, exclusively. This cooperation considered as a consumers choiceslimitation, also creating a barrier to entry to other sellers. Hence, these issuesunderlie a qualitative research using descriptive analytical approach. The researchresulting a conclusion that the activities between these two enterprises hasn?tviolated in exclusive dealing prohibition on public services electronic moneyapplication in Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 16/8/PBI/2014 about ElectronicMoney, also violated in exclusive dealing prohibition (tying agreement) andmarket share prohibition prohibition on Law No. 5 / 1999 about Monopolizationand Unfair Competition Prohibition., This thesis describes the anti competition practices commited by PT Bank Mandiri(Persero), Tbk dengan PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk, by holding goods andservices procurement on automatic toll gate’s portable smart card reader, OnBoard Unit, exclusively. This cooperation considered as a consumers choiceslimitation, also creating a barrier to entry to other sellers. Hence, these issuesunderlie a qualitative research using descriptive analytical approach. The researchresulting a conclusion that the activities between these two enterprises hasn’tviolated in exclusive dealing prohibition on public services electronic moneyapplication in Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 16/8/PBI/2014 about ElectronicMoney, also violated in exclusive dealing prohibition (tying agreement) andmarket share prohibition prohibition on Law No. 5 / 1999 about Monopolizationand Unfair Competition Prohibition.] |