[ABSTRAK Berkendara dengan aman merupakan kebutuhan yang mutlak dipenuhi olehsiapapun yang menggunakan sarana transportasi kendaraan sepeda motor untukmeminimalisir kecelakaan, pelanggaran lalu lintas, dan kerugian ? kerugianlainnya. Terdapat beberapa agen sosial yang mendukung maupun melakukanprogram aman berkendara, yang salah satunya adalah klub motor. Namun,sayangnya tidak semua klub motor dapat konsisten dalam mempraktikkanberkendara dengan aman. Meskipun demikian, terdapat salah satu klub motor,yaitu Depok Tiger Club atau DETIC yang secara konsisten menempatkan aspekaman berkendara sebagai prioritas dan budaya organisasi mereka. Penelitian inimembahas dinamika budaya aman berkendara DETIC, dengan melihat peran danrelasi sosial yang dimiliki DETIC dalam menciptakan budaya amanberkendaranya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, denganmenjadikan DETIC sebagai studi kasus untuk melihat budaya aman berkendaraklub motor, serta menggunakan teknik wawancara face to face dan informal groupopinion. Berdasarkan data temuan, DETIC memiliki peran sebagai agensosialisasi budaya aman berkendara, baik secara internal ( di dalam organisasimereka ) dan eksternal ( di luar organisasi mereka ). Munculnya peran DETICsebagai agen sosialisasi budaya aman berkendara, karena DETIC memasukkanbudaya aman berkendara di dalam AD / ART mereka, serta memiliki relasi sosialyang strategis dalam mendukung budaya aman berkendara mereka. DETICmemiliki relasi sosial yang strategis seperti dengan pemerintah kota Depok,kepolisian kota Depok, beberapa perkumpulan motor dan perusahaan diIndonesia, dan masyarakat umum yang muncul dari social responsibilityorganisasi mereka. ABSTRACT Safety riding is important needs by anyone that should be have who usemotorycle as their transportation, to minimze accidents, traffic infractions, andother losses. There are several social agencies that support and conducting safetyriding programs, one of which is a motorcyle club. However, unfortunately not allmotorcyle clubs can be consistent in practicing safety riding. Nevertheless, thereis one motorcyle club, namely Depok Tiger Club or DETIC who put safety ridingas their priority and organizational culture consistently. This research discussesthe dynamics of safety riding culture in DETIC, by looking at their roles andsocial relations that are owned DETIC in creating their safety riding culture. Thisresearch used qualitative method by DETIC as a case study to see the safety ridingculture in motorcyle club, as well as using face to face interview and informangroup opinioin techniques. Based on data findings, DETIC has a role as an agentof socialization in safety riding culture, both internally ( within their organization) and extenally ( outside their organization ). Th emergence of DETIC role asagent of socialization in safety riding culture, because DETIC put safety ridingculture in their AD / ART or their rules organization, as well as have strategicsocial relations to support of their safety riding culture. DETIC have socialrelations such as with Depok government, Depok police institution, severalmotorcyle clubs and companies in Indonesia, and the society generally from theirsocial responsibility organization.;Safety riding is important needs by anyone that should be have who usemotorycle as their transportation, to minimze accidents, traffic infractions, andother losses. There are several social agencies that support and conducting safetyriding programs, one of which is a motorcyle club. However, unfortunately not allmotorcyle clubs can be consistent in practicing safety riding. Nevertheless, thereis one motorcyle club, namely Depok Tiger Club or DETIC who put safety ridingas their priority and organizational culture consistently. This research discussesthe dynamics of safety riding culture in DETIC, by looking at their roles andsocial relations that are owned DETIC in creating their safety riding culture. Thisresearch used qualitative method by DETIC as a case study to see the safety ridingculture in motorcyle club, as well as using face to face interview and informangroup opinioin techniques. Based on data findings, DETIC has a role as an agentof socialization in safety riding culture, both internally ( within their organization) and extenally ( outside their organization ). Th emergence of DETIC role asagent of socialization in safety riding culture, because DETIC put safety ridingculture in their AD / ART or their rules organization, as well as have strategicsocial relations to support of their safety riding culture. DETIC have socialrelations such as with Depok government, Depok police institution, severalmotorcyle clubs and companies in Indonesia, and the society generally from theirsocial responsibility organization.;Safety riding is important needs by anyone that should be have who usemotorycle as their transportation, to minimze accidents, traffic infractions, andother losses. There are several social agencies that support and conducting safetyriding programs, one of which is a motorcyle club. However, unfortunately not allmotorcyle clubs can be consistent in practicing safety riding. Nevertheless, thereis one motorcyle club, namely Depok Tiger Club or DETIC who put safety ridingas their priority and organizational culture consistently. This research discussesthe dynamics of safety riding culture in DETIC, by looking at their roles andsocial relations that are owned DETIC in creating their safety riding culture. Thisresearch used qualitative method by DETIC as a case study to see the safety ridingculture in motorcyle club, as well as using face to face interview and informangroup opinioin techniques. Based on data findings, DETIC has a role as an agentof socialization in safety riding culture, both internally ( within their organization) and extenally ( outside their organization ). Th emergence of DETIC role asagent of socialization in safety riding culture, because DETIC put safety ridingculture in their AD / ART or their rules organization, as well as have strategicsocial relations to support of their safety riding culture. DETIC have socialrelations such as with Depok government, Depok police institution, severalmotorcyle clubs and companies in Indonesia, and the society generally from theirsocial responsibility organization., Safety riding is important needs by anyone that should be have who usemotorycle as their transportation, to minimze accidents, traffic infractions, andother losses. There are several social agencies that support and conducting safetyriding programs, one of which is a motorcyle club. However, unfortunately not allmotorcyle clubs can be consistent in practicing safety riding. Nevertheless, thereis one motorcyle club, namely Depok Tiger Club or DETIC who put safety ridingas their priority and organizational culture consistently. This research discussesthe dynamics of safety riding culture in DETIC, by looking at their roles andsocial relations that are owned DETIC in creating their safety riding culture. Thisresearch used qualitative method by DETIC as a case study to see the safety ridingculture in motorcyle club, as well as using face to face interview and informangroup opinioin techniques. Based on data findings, DETIC has a role as an agentof socialization in safety riding culture, both internally ( within their organization) and extenally ( outside their organization ). Th emergence of DETIC role asagent of socialization in safety riding culture, because DETIC put safety ridingculture in their AD / ART or their rules organization, as well as have strategicsocial relations to support of their safety riding culture. DETIC have socialrelations such as with Depok government, Depok police institution, severalmotorcyle clubs and companies in Indonesia, and the society generally from theirsocial responsibility organization.] |