[Perkembangan internet yang semakin pesat menyebabkan semakin mudahdiaksesnya internet oleh masyarakat, salah satunya yaitu permainan daring yangmerupakan hal yang cukup diminati remaja saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengetahui hubungan intensitas bermain permainan daring dengan kecerdasanemosional remaja usia 13-17 tahun. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalahanalitik-korelatif secara cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 60 siswaSMP Al-Khairiyah 1 dan SMA Al-Khairiyah Jakarta dengan teknik consecutivesampling. Uji statistik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu uji KorelasiPearson. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan negatif yang bermaknaantara intensitas bermain permainan daring dengan kecerdasan emosional (r= -0,33; p= 0.004). Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlu dikembangkannya suatuprogram untuk mengoptimalkan kecerdasan emosional remaja di sekolah maupunkomunitas, dengan harapan kegiatan bermain permainan daring dapatdiminimalkan.;The development of internet which is rapidly increasing, causing it more easilyaccessible by people, one of it is online game which is preferable by adolescentsat this time. The purpose of this study was to explore the relations between onlinegaming intensity and emotional intelligence of adolescents age-range 13-17. Thisstudy used correlative-analytical with cross sectional design approach. The sampleof this study were 60 students in Al-Khairiyah 1 Junior High School and Al-Khairiyah Senior High School, Jakarta through consecutive sampling. Statisticaltest which was used in this study was Pearson Correlation test. This study resultshowed that there was a significant negative relations between online gamingintensity and emotional intelligence (r= -0,33; p= 0.004). This study recommendsthat a program to optimize adolescents? emotional intelligence need to bedeveloped in school and community, with expectation that online gaming activitycan be minimized., The development of internet which is rapidly increasing, causing it more easilyaccessible by people, one of it is online game which is preferable by adolescentsat this time. The purpose of this study was to explore the relations between onlinegaming intensity and emotional intelligence of adolescents age-range 13-17. Thisstudy used correlative-analytical with cross sectional design approach. The sampleof this study were 60 students in Al-Khairiyah 1 Junior High School and Al-Khairiyah Senior High School, Jakarta through consecutive sampling. Statisticaltest which was used in this study was Pearson Correlation test. This study resultshowed that there was a significant negative relations between online gamingintensity and emotional intelligence (r= -0,33; p= 0.004). This study recommendsthat a program to optimize adolescents’ emotional intelligence need to bedeveloped in school and community, with expectation that online gaming activitycan be minimized.] |