[Skripsi ini membahas tentang pengaruh dari motivasi intrinsik (intrinsicmotivation), budaya inovatif organisasi (innovative culture) dan pengetahuan yangdiperoleh dari perguruan tinggi (acquired knowledge) terhadap transferpengetahuan mahasiswa magang (transfer knowledge). Tujuan dari penelitian iniadalah untuk menjelaskan dampak dari motivasi intrinsik, pengetahuan yangdidapat dan budaya inovatif organisasi terhadap transfer pengetahuan pada yangmelakukan program magang. Studi kasus yang dipilih adalah para mahasiswaFakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, karena pengetahuan yang didapat dariFakultas Teknik merupakan pengetahuan terapan dan Fakultas Teknik UniversitasIndonesia mewajibkan program magang pada semester genap. Analisis data padapenelitian ini menggunakan analisis Sturctural Equation Modelling (SEM) diprogram Lisrel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan yangdidapat di perguruan tinggi dan budaya inovatif organisasi memiliki hubunganyang signifikan terhadap transfer pengetahuan para mahasiswa yang melakukanmagang. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga memperlihatkan adanya pengaruhsignifikan antara motivasi intrinsik mahasiswa terhadap pengetahuan yangdidapat, dan budaya inovatif organisasi terhadap motivasi intrinsik mahasiswa.Untuk meningkatkan motivasi intrinsik dan transfer pengetahuan mahasiswa yangdapat meningkatkan performa kerja, maka perguruan tinggi diharapkan dapatmemicu transfer pengetahuan serta menciptakan suasana belajar yang menarik danmenyenangkan serta memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang bergunadan relevan bagi mahasiswa. Selain itu, perusahaan tempat mahasiswa magangdiharapkan dapat memberikan mahasiswa kesempatan untuk berinovasi sertamenumbuhkan budaya inovatif.;This paper discusses the influence of intrinsic motivation, innovativeorganizational culture and knowledge gained from college (acquired knowledge)to transfer knowledge of student interns. The purpose of this study was to describethe impact of intrinsic motivation, acquired knowledge and organizationalinnovative culture to transfer knowledge on conducting internship program. Theselected case studies are the students of the Faculty of Engineering, University ofIndonesia, because the knowledge gained from the Faculty of Engineering is anapplied science and Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia require anapprenticeship program in the second semester. Analysis of the data in this studyusing analysis Sturctural Equation Modeling (SEM) in lisrel program. Theseresults indicate that the knowledge gained in college and innovative organizationalculture has a significant relationship to knowledge transfer students who dointernships. In addition, this study also showed a significant effect betweenintrinsic motivation of students to knowledge gained, and the innovative culture ofthe organization to the intrinsic motivation of students. To increase studentsintrinsic motivation and knowledge transfer that can improve work performance,then the university is expected to trigger the transfer of knowledge and create anatmosphere of learning interesting and fun as well as providing knowledge andskills that are useful and relevant for students. In addition, the company where thestudent intern is expected to provide students an opportunity to innovate and fosteran innovative culture., This paper discusses the influence of intrinsic motivation, innovativeorganizational culture and knowledge gained from college (acquired knowledge)to transfer knowledge of student interns. The purpose of this study was to describethe impact of intrinsic motivation, acquired knowledge and organizationalinnovative culture to transfer knowledge on conducting internship program. Theselected case studies are the students of the Faculty of Engineering, University ofIndonesia, because the knowledge gained from the Faculty of Engineering is anapplied science and Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia require anapprenticeship program in the second semester. Analysis of the data in this studyusing analysis Sturctural Equation Modeling (SEM) in lisrel program. Theseresults indicate that the knowledge gained in college and innovative organizationalculture has a significant relationship to knowledge transfer students who dointernships. In addition, this study also showed a significant effect betweenintrinsic motivation of students to knowledge gained, and the innovative culture ofthe organization to the intrinsic motivation of students. To increase studentsintrinsic motivation and knowledge transfer that can improve work performance,then the university is expected to trigger the transfer of knowledge and create anatmosphere of learning interesting and fun as well as providing knowledge andskills that are useful and relevant for students. In addition, the company where thestudent intern is expected to provide students an opportunity to innovate and fosteran innovative culture.] |