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Studi kasus kebijakan pertambangan mineral dan batuan Indonesia : analisis pemikiran resource nationalism (periode 2009-2014) = Case study of Indonesian mineral and ores mining policies : the analysis of resource nationalism (period of 2009-2014)

Ramandha Cipta Putra Fikri; Lumban Tobing, Fredy Buhama, supervisor; Edy Prasetyono, examiner; Aninda R. Tirtawinata, examiner; Keliat, Makmur, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2015)


Pertambangan mineral dan batuan merupakan salah satu sektor strategis dalam perekonomian dunia. Nilai guna yang tinggi serta diharuskannya suatu perusahaan tambang untuk menetap dalan jangka waktu yang lama di dalam wilayah suatu negara menjadikan sektor ini menjadi sangat strategis baik secara ekonomi maupun politik. Sektor pertambangan mineral dan batuan seperti layaknya pertambangan migas, umumnya masih dikuasai oleh MNCs dan perusahaan pertambangan dari negara maju, sementara sumber daya mineral dan batuan mayoritas berada pada negara berkembang yang miskin teknologi. Hal ini menciptakan suatu kondisi dimana negara berkembang sering merasa dirugikan dengan kondisi dimana mereka hanya dapat memproduksi barang tambang mentah dan diharuskan membeli kembali hasil olahan dari barang tambang mentah yang berasal dari negara mereka. Hal ini pula yang membuat banyak negara berkembang mengeluarkan kebijakan yang bercorak resource nationalism guna mengejar kepentingan ekonomi maupun kepentingan politik.
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara penghasil komoditas tambang mineral dan batuan yang cukup besar. Sedikitnya dua puluh komoditas tambang mineral dan batuan diproduksi oleh Indonesia. Namun sebagaimana negara berkembang lain, sektor pertambangan mineral dan Batuan Indonesia masih didominasi oleh MNCs dan perusahaan pertambangan Asing. Hal yang mengejutkan kemudian dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia dimana pada periode tahun 2009 hingga tahun 2014, pemerintah Indonesia mengeluarkan kebijakan yang bercorak resource nationalism. Pergeseran kebijakan ini menjadi suatu hal yang menarik dimana sebelumnya kebijakan di sektor tersebut cenderung bercorak liberalis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab dilakukannya pergeseran kebijakan di sektor pertambangan mineral dan batuan Indonesia menuju penerapan prinsip-prinsip resource nationalism pada periode tersebut.

Mineral and ores mining is one of the most strategic sectors in world economy. High value of usage and the obligation of the mining companies to stay in other country's sovereign territory for a long period of time makes this sector very strategic economically and politically. Mineral and ores mining just like oil and gas mining, is usually dominated by MNCs and mining companies from the developed countries, while the mineral and ores resources is often located in developing countries that are lacking in technology to exploit it. This creates condition where the developing countries often feels at disadvantages, because they can only produce the raw materials, and in return they have to purchase the processed products which originally made from the raw materials from their own countries. This also causes many developing countries create policies that are associated with resource nationalism to pursue economic ends and also political ends.
Indonesia is one of the biggest mineral and ores commodities producing countries. At least twenty kind of mineral and ores commodities are produced by Indonesia. However, just like many other developing countries, mineral and ores mining sector in Indonesia is still dominated by MNCs and foreign mining companies. In the period between 2009 and 2014, Indonesian government created some shocking policies in their mineral and ores mining sector that associated with resource nationalism. This political shift towards more resource nationalist policies is interesting to observe because previously mineral and ores mining policies in Indonesia is considered to be more liberal. This research aims to analyze what causes the shift on indonesian mineral and ores mining sector towards resource nationalism on that period;Mineral and ores mining is one of the most strategic sectors in world economy. High value of usage and the obligation of the mining companies to stay in other country's sovereign territory for a long period of time makes this sector very strategic economically and politically. Mineral and ores mining just like oil and gas mining, is usually dominated by MNCs and mining companies from the developed countries, while the mineral and ores resources is often located in developing countries that are lacking in technology to exploit it. This creates condition where the developing countries often feels at disadvantages, because they can only produce the raw materials, and in return they have to purchase the processed products which originally made from the raw materials from their own countries. This also causes many developing countries create policies that are associated with resource nationalism to pursue economic ends and also political ends.
Indonesia is one of the biggest mineral and ores commodities producing countries. At least twenty kind of mineral and ores commodities are produced by Indonesia. However, just like many other developing countries, mineral and ores mining sector in Indonesia is still dominated by MNCs and foreign mining companies. In the period between 2009 and 2014, Indonesian government created some shocking policies in their mineral and ores mining sector that associated with resource nationalism. This political shift towards more resource nationalist policies is interesting to observe because previously mineral and ores mining policies in Indonesia is considered to be more liberal. This research aims to analyze what causes the shift on indonesian mineral and ores mining sector towards resource nationalism on that period, Mineral and ores mining is one of the most strategic sectors in world economy. High value of usage and the obligation of the mining companies to stay in other country's sovereign territory for a long period of time makes this sector very strategic economically and politically. Mineral and ores mining just like oil and gas mining, is usually dominated by MNCs and mining companies from the developed countries, while the mineral and ores resources is often located in developing countries that are lacking in technology to exploit it. This creates condition where the developing countries often feels at disadvantages, because they can only produce the raw materials, and in return they have to purchase the processed products which originally made from the raw materials from their own countries. This also causes many developing countries create policies that are associated with resource nationalism to pursue economic ends and also political ends.
Indonesia is one of the biggest mineral and ores commodities producing countries. At least twenty kind of mineral and ores commodities are produced by Indonesia. However, just like many other developing countries, mineral and ores mining sector in Indonesia is still dominated by MNCs and foreign mining companies. In the period between 2009 and 2014, Indonesian government created some shocking policies in their mineral and ores mining sector that associated with resource nationalism. This political shift towards more resource nationalist policies is interesting to observe because previously mineral and ores mining policies in Indonesia is considered to be more liberal. This research aims to analyze what causes the shift on indonesian mineral and ores mining sector towards resource nationalism on that period]

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No. Panggil : T43491
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2015
Program Studi :
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : unmediated ; computer
Tipe Carrier : volume ; online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xix, 224 pages : illustration ; 28 cm. + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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