[ABSTRAK Telah dikembangkan hardware pada sistem RF Tomografi menggunakan VCO(voltage controlled oscillator) MAX2750 sebagai komponen dasar transmitter danMAX2015 sebagai RPD (RF Power Detector). MAX2750 memiliki rangkaianfrekuensi tala (tuning frequency) pada internal VCO sehingga dapatmenghasilkan frekuensi yang dapat dikontrol oleh tegangan dari 2300 MHzhingga 2500MHz. Pada penelitian ini analisa hasil pengukuran pada RPD saatdiberikan attenuator atau objek pengukuran yang berbeda diantara transmitter danreceiver yang berbanding dengan pengukuran referensi atau hasil pengukurantanpa adanya objek. Rangkaian receiver terdiri atas MAX2015, ADC 16-Bit, danbeberapa komponen pasif lainnya, dimana MAX2015 merupakan logaritmik RFDetector yang dapat mendeteksi power pada frekuensi 0.1GHz hingga 3GHz.Dalam penelitian ini frekuensi yang dipancarkan oleh RF Transmitter berada padafrekuensi 2.3GHz hingga 2.5GHz, hal ini dilakukan berdasarkan referensi daribeberapa jurnal dan penelitian yang dapat dipercaya. Dari hasil penelitiandidapatkan bahwa Antenna memiliki puncak respon maksimum pada frekuensi2.4GHz, dimana objek yang digunakan adalah balok kayu, balok nilon, dan balokalumunium dengan panjang 60mm, lebar 40mm, dan tinggi 80mm. ABSTRACT Has been developed a hardware in the system RF Tomography using a transmitterVCO (voltage controlled oscillator) MAX2750as a basic component of transmitterand MAX2015 as a RPD (RF Power Detector). The MAX2750 has an integratedVCO with a fundamental output frequency ranging from 2300MHz to 2500MHzthat controlled by voltage. This research analyzed the measurement data for eachdifferent attenuator or object interest whichamong of transmitter and receiver thatcomparing with the reference data. Receiver circuit consists of MAX2015, ADC16-Bit, and some pasif component, MAX2015 is a logarithmic RF Detector whichdetect the power in frequency ranging 01.GHz to 3GHz. In this study thetransmission frequency ranging 2.3GHz to 2.5GHz, based on by using somejournals that have credibility as reference. Of the result showed that Antenna has amaximum respons on frequency 2.4GHz, and the attenuator are a wood cube, anylon cube, and alumunium cube with length 60mm, width 40mm, and height80mm, Has been developed a hardware in the system RF Tomography using a transmitterVCO (voltage controlled oscillator) MAX2750as a basic component of transmitterand MAX2015 as a RPD (RF Power Detector). The MAX2750 has an integratedVCO with a fundamental output frequency ranging from 2300MHz to 2500MHzthat controlled by voltage. This research analyzed the measurement data for eachdifferent attenuator or object interest whichamong of transmitter and receiver thatcomparing with the reference data. Receiver circuit consists of MAX2015, ADC16-Bit, and some pasif component, MAX2015 is a logarithmic RF Detector whichdetect the power in frequency ranging 01.GHz to 3GHz. In this study thetransmission frequency ranging 2.3GHz to 2.5GHz, based on by using somejournals that have credibility as reference. Of the result showed that Antenna has amaximum respons on frequency 2.4GHz, and the attenuator are a wood cube, anylon cube, and alumunium cube with length 60mm, width 40mm, and height80mm] |