[ABSTRAK Pemanfaatan bahan bakar biodiesel di Indonesia sudah menjadi prioritas dalampengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan. Berbagai kendala yang dihadapidalam produksi seperti bahan baku dan kualitas produk serta pemanfaatannyamendapat dukungan dari berbagai institusi untuk dapat diatasi bersama. Salah satukendala pemanfaatan biodiesel adalah dimana bahan baku yang potensial untukdikembangkan di Indonesia yang termasuk non-edible oil memiliki kualitas burukuntuk parameter stabilitas oksidasi. Tanaman jarak pagar merupakan salah satucontoh bahan baku yang potensial namun memiliki nilai stabilitas oksidasi yang dibawah standar SNI. Usaha untuk meningkatkan stabilitas oksidasi tanaman jaraksudah dilakukan antara lain dengan penambahan antioksidan. Antioksidan yangselama ini digunakan adalah antioksidan sintetis seperti BHA, BHT, TBHQ danPG. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada pengembangan antioksidan alami yaitueugenol dan α-tocopherol untuk meningkatkan stabilitas oksidasi biodiesel daritanaman jarak pagar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahanantioksidan eugenol dapat meningkatkan stabilitas oksidasi dari biodiesel minyakjarak. Untuk meningkatkan nilai stabilitas oksidasi biodiesel dari 5.3 jam hinggamemenuhi SNI 7182-2012 yaitu 6 jam, diperlukan penambahan antioksidaneugenol minimal 1000 ppm. Penambahan antioksidan α-tocopherol padakonsentrasi 500 ? 3000 ppm menurunkan nilai stabilitas oksidasi biodiesel. ABSTRACT Utilization of biodiesel fuel in Indonesia has become a priority in the developmentof new and renewable energy. Various obstacles encountered in the production ofsuch raw materials and product quality as well as its utilization has the support ofvarious institutions to be addressed together. One obstacle is that the use ofbiodiesel feedstock potential to be developed in Indonesia, which includes nonedibleoil has poor quality for oxidation stability parameter. Jatropha is one ofpotential raw material but has a value of oxidation stability under the ISOstandard. Efforts to improve the oxidation stability of Jatropha has been done suchas by the addition of antioxidants. Antioxidant that has been used is syntheticantioxidants such as BHA, BHT, TBHQ and PG. This study focused on thedevelopment of natural antioxidants eugenol and α-tocopherol to improve theoxidation stability of biodiesel from jatropha. The results showed that the additionof eugenol antioxidants can increase the oxidation stability of jatropha biodiesel.To increase the value of the oxidation stability of biodiesel from 5.3 hours to meetthe SNI 7182-2012 which is 6 hours, required the addition of eugenol at least1000 ppm. The addition of the antioxidant α-tocopherol at a concentration of 500- 3000 ppm decrease the value of the oxidation stability of biodiesel., Utilization of biodiesel fuel in Indonesia has become a priority in the developmentof new and renewable energy. Various obstacles encountered in the production ofsuch raw materials and product quality as well as its utilization has the support ofvarious institutions to be addressed together. One obstacle is that the use ofbiodiesel feedstock potential to be developed in Indonesia, which includes nonedibleoil has poor quality for oxidation stability parameter. Jatropha is one ofpotential raw material but has a value of oxidation stability under the ISOstandard. Efforts to improve the oxidation stability of Jatropha has been done suchas by the addition of antioxidants. Antioxidant that has been used is syntheticantioxidants such as BHA, BHT, TBHQ and PG. This study focused on thedevelopment of natural antioxidants eugenol and α-tocopherol to improve theoxidation stability of biodiesel from jatropha. The results showed that the additionof eugenol antioxidants can increase the oxidation stability of jatropha biodiesel.To increase the value of the oxidation stability of biodiesel from 5.3 hours to meetthe SNI 7182-2012 which is 6 hours, required the addition of eugenol at least1000 ppm. The addition of the antioxidant α-tocopherol at a concentration of 500- 3000 ppm decrease the value of the oxidation stability of biodiesel.] |