[ABSTRAK Industri televisi di Indonesia semakin berkembang pesat. Saat ini adasekitar lebih dari 200 stasiun televisi yang tersebar di berbagai propinsi. Semakinsesaknya pasar membuat persaingan di industri ini semakin ketat sehinggadiharapkan setiap stasiun televisi memiliki positioning yang jelas di benakkhalayak untuk dapat bertahan. Namun tidak selamanya proses positioning dapatberjalan sesuai harapan, ada kalanya sebuah perusahaan mengalami kesalahandalam positioning yang disebabkan oleh beberapa hal. Pada penelitian ini, Jak tv,sebagai salah satu stasiun televisi lokal di Jakarta, mengalami confusedpositioning akibat terlalu banyaknya informasi yang diberikan kepada khalayakdan bahkan salah satu informasi kesehatan menimbulkan image yang berbeda bagikhalayak. Kondisi ini menjadi salah satu alasan Jak tv melakukan repositioninguntuk membangun image menjadi televisi informasi. Metodologi dalam penelitianini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan paradigma post-positivis. Teknikpengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap 3 oranginforman yaitu Direktur Utama Jak tv, Direktur Pemberitaan NCA, dan mantanManajer R & D Jak tv, selain itu juga dilakukan observasi partisipatori danpenelusuran dokumen terkait tema penelitian. Penelitian ini bersifat evaluasiuntuk menganalisis strategi repositioning yang dilakukan Jak tv yang mengalamiconfused positioning untuk membangun image sebagai televisi informasi. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi repositioning yang dilakukan yaitupenyesuaian kembali STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning), perubahanmanajerial di bidang SDM, perbaikan alat dan teknologi serta perubahan danperbaikan program tayangan. Dalam rangka meraih posisi yang baru, Jak tv terusmelakukan komunikasi dengan khalayak yakni penonton dan pemasang iklan,dengan memanfaatkan media promosi on air dan off air termasuk memanfaatkanunit jaringan dalam grup Mahaka Media dan Artha Graha Network ABSTRACT The television industry in Indonesia is growing fast. Nowaday, there aremore than 200 tv stations in Indonesia. Regarding that, each station must has agood and clear positioning for the audience to win the competition. However, thepositioning process can not always going well, some of them had positioning gap,which is caused by many factors. This research took Jak tv, one of the local tvstation in Jakarta, as a case study which had confused positioning. There were toomany various information for Jak tv audiences, e.g one of the health informationhad made misperception of Jak tv image for the audience. Then the repositioningwas made to build image of Jak tv as the information television. This researchusing a qualitative approach and a post-positivism paradigm. The researcher didan in-depth interview to the 3 resources: the CEO, the NCA Directors and ex R &D Manager of Jak tv. In order to be more accurate and comprehensive data, theresearcher also did participatory observation and documents study. This is anevaluation research to analyse the repositioning strategi of Jak tv which hadconfused positioning to build image as the information television. The resultshowed that Jak tv had made some repositioning strategies include readjustmentof the STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning), the managerial transformationof the human resources, renew the broadcasting equipments and technologies, andchange over of the on air look and the content of broadcast programs. Jak tvalways share with the audience and the advertiser of the new positioning. Jak tv,as unit part of two groups, the Mahaka Media and the Artha Graha Network, usedmedia promotion both on air and off air to inform their new positioning;The television industry in Indonesia is growing fast. Nowaday, there aremore than 200 tv stations in Indonesia. Regarding that, each station must has agood and clear positioning for the audience to win the competition. However, thepositioning process can not always going well, some of them had positioning gap,which is caused by many factors. This research took Jak tv, one of the local tvstation in Jakarta, as a case study which had confused positioning. There were toomany various information for Jak tv audiences, e.g one of the health informationhad made misperception of Jak tv image for the audience. Then the repositioningwas made to build image of Jak tv as the information television. This researchusing a qualitative approach and a post-positivism paradigm. The researcher didan in-depth interview to the 3 resources: the CEO, the NCA Directors and ex R &D Manager of Jak tv. In order to be more accurate and comprehensive data, theresearcher also did participatory observation and documents study. This is anevaluation research to analyse the repositioning strategi of Jak tv which hadconfused positioning to build image as the information television. The resultshowed that Jak tv had made some repositioning strategies include readjustmentof the STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning), the managerial transformationof the human resources, renew the broadcasting equipments and technologies, andchange over of the on air look and the content of broadcast programs. Jak tvalways share with the audience and the advertiser of the new positioning. Jak tv,as unit part of two groups, the Mahaka Media and the Artha Graha Network, usedmedia promotion both on air and off air to inform their new positioning, The television industry in Indonesia is growing fast. Nowaday, there aremore than 200 tv stations in Indonesia. Regarding that, each station must has agood and clear positioning for the audience to win the competition. However, thepositioning process can not always going well, some of them had positioning gap,which is caused by many factors. This research took Jak tv, one of the local tvstation in Jakarta, as a case study which had confused positioning. There were toomany various information for Jak tv audiences, e.g one of the health informationhad made misperception of Jak tv image for the audience. Then the repositioningwas made to build image of Jak tv as the information television. This researchusing a qualitative approach and a post-positivism paradigm. The researcher didan in-depth interview to the 3 resources: the CEO, the NCA Directors and ex R &D Manager of Jak tv. In order to be more accurate and comprehensive data, theresearcher also did participatory observation and documents study. This is anevaluation research to analyse the repositioning strategi of Jak tv which hadconfused positioning to build image as the information television. The resultshowed that Jak tv had made some repositioning strategies include readjustmentof the STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning), the managerial transformationof the human resources, renew the broadcasting equipments and technologies, andchange over of the on air look and the content of broadcast programs. Jak tvalways share with the audience and the advertiser of the new positioning. Jak tv,as unit part of two groups, the Mahaka Media and the Artha Graha Network, usedmedia promotion both on air and off air to inform their new positioning] |