[ABSTRAK Pengembangan lapangan gas laut dalam memiliki tantangan teknis, terkait fasilitasproduksi dan teknologi untuk dapat memproduksikan migas pada kondisilingkungan yang ekstrem. Disamping itu, biaya yang diperlukan lebih besardibandingkan pengembangan lapangan laut dangkal. Dalam penelitian inidilakukan analisa secara teknis dan ekonomis terhadap pengembangan lapangangas laut dalam di Selat Makasar dengan metode subsea tieback, denganmemanfaatkan kapasitas tersedia dari floating production unit (FPU) yang sudahada. Analisa teknis meliputi penentuan ukuran pipa (flowline) optimal, yang dapatmemenuhi target deliverabilitas gas, memenuhi kriteria teknis lainnya, sertaanalisa flow assurance, khususnya mitigasi hidrat untuk menjaminkeberlangsungan aliran fluida dari sumur bawah laut hingga ke titik jual. Darianalisa teknis akan didapatkan beberapa konfigurasi ukuran pipa dan mitigasihidrat. Analisa ekonomi meliputi perhitungan biaya investasi untuk setiap opsiyang memenuhi kriteria teknis, kemudian dilanjutkan penghitungan parameterkeekonomian berdasarkan aturan Production Sharing Contract (PSC) yangberlaku di Indonesia. Dengan harga gas 6 US$/mmbtu, didapatkan nilaiGovernment Take (GT) 609 juta US$ dan Internal rate of Return (IRR) 15.13%.Sensitivitas analisis dilakukan dengan variasi harga jual gas dan mengubahbesaran kontraktor split untuk meningkatkan IRR sehingga dapat mencapai nilaiyang masih dapat diterima dari sisi Kontraktor. Untuk mendapatkan IRR yanglebih besar dari 20%, diperlukan kontraktor split sebesar 48%. Hasil analisakeekonomian dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam penentuan besaran kontraktorsplit untuk pengembangan lapangan gas laut dalam. ABSTRACT Deepwater gas field development has technical challenges, related to productionfacilities and technology that can be used for producing oil and gas in the extremeambient conditions. The required cost is also higher than shallow water. Thisresearch analyzed technical and economical aspect of deepwater gas fielddevelopment at Makasar Strait using subsea tieback method, which utilize theavailable capacity from existing Floating Production Unit (FPU). Technicalanalysis include selection the optimum flowline size, which meet the gasdeliverability and other criteria as well. It also cover the flow assurance analysis,particularly hydrate mitigation, to ensure the flow continuity of oil and gas fromsubsea well to the sales point. Economic analysis include the calculation ofinvestment cost on each option that meet the technical criteria above. Thencontinued with calculation of economic parameter based on applicable IndonesiaProduction Sharing Contract (PSC) scheme. With gas price of 6 US$/mmbtu, willgive Government Take (GT) of 609 million US$ and Internal rate of Return(IRR) 15.13%. Sensitivity analysis has been done by varrying the gas sale priceand changing the percentage of contractor split to increase the IRR to meet thevalue that still acceptable from Contractor side. Contractor split of 48% isrequired to achieve IRR higher than 20%. This economic analysis result couldbecome a consideration in defining the percentage of Contractor Split fordeepwater gas development.;Deepwater gas field development has technical challenges, related to productionfacilities and technology that can be used for producing oil and gas in the extremeambient conditions. The required cost is also higher than shallow water. Thisresearch analyzed technical and economical aspect of deepwater gas fielddevelopment at Makasar Strait using subsea tieback method, which utilize theavailable capacity from existing Floating Production Unit (FPU). Technicalanalysis include selection the optimum flowline size, which meet the gasdeliverability and other criteria as well. It also cover the flow assurance analysis,particularly hydrate mitigation, to ensure the flow continuity of oil and gas fromsubsea well to the sales point. Economic analysis include the calculation ofinvestment cost on each option that meet the technical criteria above. Thencontinued with calculation of economic parameter based on applicable IndonesiaProduction Sharing Contract (PSC) scheme. With gas price of 6 US$/mmbtu, willgive Government Take (GT) of 609 million US$ and Internal rate of Return(IRR) 15.13%. Sensitivity analysis has been done by varrying the gas sale priceand changing the percentage of contractor split to increase the IRR to meet thevalue that still acceptable from Contractor side. Contractor split of 48% isrequired to achieve IRR higher than 20%. This economic analysis result couldbecome a consideration in defining the percentage of Contractor Split fordeepwater gas development., Deepwater gas field development has technical challenges, related to productionfacilities and technology that can be used for producing oil and gas in the extremeambient conditions. The required cost is also higher than shallow water. Thisresearch analyzed technical and economical aspect of deepwater gas fielddevelopment at Makasar Strait using subsea tieback method, which utilize theavailable capacity from existing Floating Production Unit (FPU). Technicalanalysis include selection the optimum flowline size, which meet the gasdeliverability and other criteria as well. It also cover the flow assurance analysis,particularly hydrate mitigation, to ensure the flow continuity of oil and gas fromsubsea well to the sales point. Economic analysis include the calculation ofinvestment cost on each option that meet the technical criteria above. Thencontinued with calculation of economic parameter based on applicable IndonesiaProduction Sharing Contract (PSC) scheme. With gas price of 6 US$/mmbtu, willgive Government Take (GT) of 609 million US$ and Internal rate of Return(IRR) 15.13%. Sensitivity analysis has been done by varrying the gas sale priceand changing the percentage of contractor split to increase the IRR to meet thevalue that still acceptable from Contractor side. Contractor split of 48% isrequired to achieve IRR higher than 20%. This economic analysis result couldbecome a consideration in defining the percentage of Contractor Split fordeepwater gas development.] |