[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas analisis kelengkapan rekam medis rawat inap RSKO Jakartatahun 2014. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian mixed method yaitu penelitian secarakuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif digunakan untunk mengetahui nilaikelengkapan rekam medis, dan penelitian kualitatif untuk menggali informasiterhadap input, proses, dan output. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilaikelengkapan rekam medis hanya 62,6% belum mencapai standard 100%. Padapenelitian kualitatif didapatkan hasil bahwa faktor input; sumber daya manusia,material, infrastruktur, dan prosedur, faktor proses; pengisian rekam medis danmonitoring evaluasi, dapat mempengaruhi kelengkapan rekam medis (faktoroutput). Rumah sakit harus membenahi faktor input dan proses agarneningkatkatkan nilai kelengkapan rekam medis sesuai standar sehingga dapatmeningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan di RSKO Jakarta. ABSTRACT This thesis describes completeness of inpatient medical records at RSKO Jakartahospital on 2014. This research used mixed methods, consists of quantitative andqualitative research. Quantitative research is used to determine the completenessvalue of medical records, and then qualitative research is used to get informationfrom the input, process, and output. The result showed that the completenessvalue of inpatient medical records only 62,6% and it didn?t reach the target of100 % standard. On qualitative research showed that input factors consisted ofhuman resources, materials, infrastructures, and procedures, Process factorsconsisted of medical records recording, monitoring and evaluation, are influencesby completeness of medical records (output factors). Hospital must improve inputfactors and process factors in order to increase the good completeness value, toimprove the quality of medical services at RSKO Jakarta.;This thesis describes completeness of inpatient medical records at RSKO Jakartahospital on 2014. This research used mixed methods, consists of quantitative andqualitative research. Quantitative research is used to determine the completenessvalue of medical records, and then qualitative research is used to get informationfrom the input, process, and output. The result showed that the completenessvalue of inpatient medical records only 62,6% and it didn?t reach the target of100 % standard. On qualitative research showed that input factors consisted ofhuman resources, materials, infrastructures, and procedures, Process factorsconsisted of medical records recording, monitoring and evaluation, are influencesby completeness of medical records (output factors). Hospital must improve inputfactors and process factors in order to increase the good completeness value, toimprove the quality of medical services at RSKO Jakarta., This thesis describes completeness of inpatient medical records at RSKO Jakartahospital on 2014. This research used mixed methods, consists of quantitative andqualitative research. Quantitative research is used to determine the completenessvalue of medical records, and then qualitative research is used to get informationfrom the input, process, and output. The result showed that the completenessvalue of inpatient medical records only 62,6% and it didn’t reach the target of100 % standard. On qualitative research showed that input factors consisted ofhuman resources, materials, infrastructures, and procedures, Process factorsconsisted of medical records recording, monitoring and evaluation, are influencesby completeness of medical records (output factors). Hospital must improve inputfactors and process factors in order to increase the good completeness value, toimprove the quality of medical services at RSKO Jakarta.] |